Dozens of calls have reported the incident to the centers of firefighters and police and in the preparation of the Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno.
The Air Force has ruled out the possibility of a plane crash. Stay at the moment the hypothesis of a meteorite, or a satellite falling on the ground and exploded on contact with the atmosphere.
Un oggetto luminoso non meglio identificato sarebbe stato visto cadere da alcuni cittadini non lontano dal comune di Conversano, a una quarantina di chilometri da Bari.
La segnalazione รจ stata fatta verso le 20.30 con diverse telefonate al 112 e alla centrale operativa dei vigili del fuoco: chi chiamava faceva riferimento a un «oggetto luminoso» caduto dal cielo.
Anche la prefettura di Bari conferma che ci sono state queste segnalazioni. Da prime verifiche sui radar dell’Aeronautica militare pare tuttavia che non sia comparsa alcuna anomalia o presenza di velivoli in volo.
«Non ci sono elementi per poter classificare questo oggetto», ha detto in proposito Colonel Antonio Basin, provincial commander of the police confirming that it was aware of this sighting in Conversano.
"Now - added - we are doing cross-checks the data held with other institutions. We are also trying to classify this object. "
Un oggetto luminoso non meglio identificato sarebbe stato visto cadere da alcuni cittadini non lontano dal comune di Conversano, a una quarantina di chilometri da Bari.
La segnalazione รจ stata fatta verso le 20.30 con diverse telefonate al 112 e alla centrale operativa dei vigili del fuoco: chi chiamava faceva riferimento a un «oggetto luminoso» caduto dal cielo.
Anche la prefettura di Bari conferma che ci sono state queste segnalazioni. Da prime verifiche sui radar dell’Aeronautica militare pare tuttavia che non sia comparsa alcuna anomalia o presenza di velivoli in volo.
«Non ci sono elementi per poter classificare questo oggetto», ha detto in proposito Colonel Antonio Basin, provincial commander of the police confirming that it was aware of this sighting in Conversano.
"Now - added - we are doing cross-checks the data held with other institutions. We are also trying to classify this object. "
also see in Cisternino
Strange, strange sighting in the sky even in Cisternino. "It was a great ball, bright, color is between blue and green and yellow left a trail." Speak for themselves, Anna Sandra Bonilla Agrusti who were stationed in Rome at the height of street number 12. "It was moving horizontally, and it all happened very quickly, about over five, six seconds, and were 20 and 15 ". Similar sightings occurred years ago.
Five years ago a teacher had seen a "ball" light very similar to that on Friday and, at that time there was talk of alien. Other sightings had occurred but it has often been reticent to make statements to the press because it quickly becomes the object of mockery. Immediately after the sighting, on the same route of the ball of light, it's been a flight altitude was the same.
When the voice began to spread across the country others have claimed to have seen the strange flying object. Surely in the coming days we will know if it was a meteorite or other celestial fragment in the fall.
Strange, strange sighting in the sky even in Cisternino. "It was a great ball, bright, color is between blue and green and yellow left a trail." Speak for themselves, Anna Sandra Bonilla Agrusti who were stationed in Rome at the height of street number 12. "It was moving horizontally, and it all happened very quickly, about over five, six seconds, and were 20 and 15 ". Similar sightings occurred years ago.
Five years ago a teacher had seen a "ball" light very similar to that on Friday and, at that time there was talk of alien. Other sightings had occurred but it has often been reticent to make statements to the press because it quickly becomes the object of mockery. Immediately after the sighting, on the same route of the ball of light, it's been a flight altitude was the same.
When the voice began to spread across the country others have claimed to have seen the strange flying object. Surely in the coming days we will know if it was a meteorite or other celestial fragment in the fall.
source: UFO Center Taranto