“Il 12 giugno, alle 5 del mattino, dei contadini scorsero un globo enorme che pareva avvolto da fiamme. In principio pensarono che potesse essere ‘una mongolfiera in fiamme’, ma la grande velocià e un sibilo che usciva da questa massa li lasciarono perplessi. Il globo rallentò, ebbe delle oscillazioni, then fell on the crest of a hill, uprooting plants. The heat was so intense that it gave off the herbs and shrubs were almost immediately caught fire. The farmers were able to confine the fire, which could be extended across the area. In the evening, the ball was still an extraordinary thing happened tiepdida and not to say incredible, I witnessed two mayors, a doctor and three other authorities which confirm my relationship, not to mention the dozens of farmers present. The ball, which could include a coach, after all that flying was still intact; aroused so much curiosity that people came from everywhere to see it. Then, suddenly, it opened like a door, and here is the interesting came out a person like us, but oddly dressed (wearing a dress that clings to the body), and seeing the crowd, he muttered something incomprehensible and sat safely in the woods. The farmers instinctively shrank back, afraid, and that was saved because, shortly after, the ball broke out silently, throwing parts all over the world who consume up to fall into dust. Searches were undertaken to find the mysterious man, but these seemed to have dissolved, unless it has disappeared from one dimension to another because it was not until then been discovered the slightest trace. Is this a coming from another world with the strange vehicle? I am not a scientist, is an idea that came suddenly ... "
So far the report. The author Perrin that put this case in his book lets you know also that the report itself was immediately sent to the Academy of Sciences of France and was greeted with sarcasm by scientists who absolutely denied the possibility that a Living on Earth, they could get viewed the report as the product of an overactive imagination, fueled by word of imaginative peasants did not even know what they had seen. These learned people would not even bother to go to the site to ascertain visually the crater produced by the ball; However, this hole was visible for years.
source: UFO Center Taranto