Thinking that a plane had landed in the forest, they asked permission to investigate. Three agents circulated shortly after he had spotted a strange object in the forest brightly. It was metallic in appearance and triangular in shape, about three meters wide and two high. Illuminated the entire forest with a white light.
"The object had a pulsing light at the top and under a row of blue lights, "Halt told in his signed report. hovers in the air or is supported on the species of legs. When the officers approached him, it maneuvered through the trees and disappeared. At this point the animals from a nearby farm seemed crazy. The object was briefly sighted approximately an hour later at the gate service.
"The next day," the report continued to Halt, "where the object had been sighted were observed in four centimeters deep depressions in the ground and the diameter of seventeen. The next night the area was checked for traces of radioactivity. The counter shows milliröntgen 0.1 beta / gamma, with peaks in the three depressions. More Later that night, was seen through the trees a red light like a sun. He moved and throbbed. At one point seemed to emanate bright particles, and then broke up into five separate white objects and then disappeared. Immediately after, three objects were noticed in the sky like stars, two north and one south, and all of about ten degrees from the horizontal. They moved rapidly in sharp angular movements and emitting red light, green and blue. "
When asked Rendlesham Forest incident, the British Minister of Defense denied knowing about. Later, a copy of the deposition signed by Lieutenant Colonel was obtained from the United States under the law for libertà d'informazione, unitamente a una registrazione della viva voce di Halt che rievocava l'episodio.
Lord Hill-Norton,membro della commissione ufologica nominata dalla Casa dei Lord, dichiarò che se il rapporto del tenente colonnello Halt fosse stato accurato c'era la totale evidenza che lo spazio aereo ed il territorio britannico erano stati violati ed erano perciò vulnerabili; se, invece, il rapporto fosse stato archiviato, le conseguenze di quella luce avrebbero potuto essere assai gravi in termini militari. Purtroppo, la posizione finale assunta dal Ministry of Defence sull'incidente fu che il rapporto, dopo essere stato attentamente esaminato, aveva portato alla conclusione sconcertante che non c'erano interessi legati alla difesa and there was not evidence of something that was introduced in British airspace. Indeed, the report added that just because of the visibility brought about by the phenomenon was reported in total contrast with an entrance hidden in the UK.
The note went on to assert that the government's UFO sightings were attributable to the interest of the MOD topic because people have always seen things in the sky and then difficult to explain, but in many cases, the lights are on for prospective meteor fragments of satellites, to unusual cloud formations or light aircraft. In this case, however, no one is able to give an explanation of what
source: The book of amazing facts but true - Charles Berlitz, CUF