The human condition
free interpretation of a work of V. Kush
surrealist painting has always been a passion of mine, artists such as Dali and Magritte I've always been fascinated with the way they to transpose into painting the vision dreams of reality. Not least are the new generation of the surrealist movement, in fact, there are legions of young artists who evoke wonder and also a bit 'of embarrassment in the world sometimes ruthless art, where it can make its way' to become tremendously difficult if behind it there's no "protection" of some forward-looking gallery.
An artist who did not need all of this is undoubtedly Vladimir Kush, Russian by birth but American by adoption, which surprised the art world with his paintings more and more 'perfect launching a message always very deep.
And it was a work of Kush to trigger in me the creation of this define jewelry box that is restrictive, because it was not created for a specific purpose, but as an art object as an end in itself, namely the visual representation of Condition Umana.O least as I imagined.
I started the work by choosing a medium that would be paid well to what I had in mind, that is a progression of surfaces with different images, but with a logic that would combine.
The choice fell on a round box in terracotta red, raw material and humble at the same time alive, I love to work on and finish in the most 'different ways. The chosen image, then, lends itself perfectly to the shape ....
I painted the entire surface mimicking the feather di noce (faux finish), con le sfumature e i nodi che caratterizzano questa particolare qualità di legno pregiato e posizionato l’immagine di Kush che raffigura la visione onirica di un nido di calabroni al cui interno s’intravedono dei piccoli esseri umani su una spiaggia , circondati minacciosamente dai nidi degli insetti. Io vi ho visto la natura che si ribella all’uomo che con i suoi comportamenti irresponsabili, ha inferto delle ferite profonde e insanabili al mondo che lo circonda…..
All’interno della scatola ho dipinto a mano con gli acrilici senza disegno preparatorio, ma dividendo gli spazi, quello che s’intravede dal trompe l’oeil on the cover: the last resort to which humanity finds itself because of their mistakes and horrors inflicted on nature with the choice to move forward into the unknown, represented by the ocean, or to return to where they started, scale review the misconduct and try to remedy them ... but you have to hurry because the threat looms of hornets (the nests ...).
Inside the cover I made an assembly of parts of images mixed with paint, creating a trompe l'oeil in reverse, ie a view from the inside of the box, and then the 'Opening the nest view from the beach, with insects ready to enter ... ..
The technical difficulties have always been those encountered when preparing to take an object in Certification (May 2009), the birth of the idea in my head that slowly takes shape and we do not sleep at night ... the choice of support more 'suitable, creating paintings (with my own personal technique) faux finish and shape and perfect finish that gave the whole box look of china ... all nine months of work, the genesis of a creature I am particularly fond of ....
So I completed a work that at first glance may seem difficult to comprensione, ma che adeguatamente osservato fa chiarezza sul messaggio in esso racchiuso: diamoci tutti una regolata! Rispettiamo l’ambiente e le sue creature.. un giorno potremmo non avere piu’ una “scala” da risalire a ritroso per rimediare a tutti i nostri errori ed orrori commessi…