Nell'ufologia alcune storie hanno dell'incredibile, non tanto per il soggetto che lo è per sua natura, quanto per i risvolti umani a volte veramente fuori dall ordinario. C'è chi darebbe qualunque cosa per avvistare il suo primo ufo, per poter "credere dopo aver visto" e c'è chi invece gli UFO se li vede sorvolare il tetto di casa praticamente tutti i giorni, tanto che ormai "ci ha fatto l'abitudine". E' proprio questo ciò che accade da more than 13 years in the Ukrainian town of Varvarovka (in the region's largest city Dnipropetrovsk). Obviously the last period
sightings have intensified so much so that local residents to contact a ufologist to investigate more thoroughly the phenomenon.
So armed with all the necessary equipment, including the indispensable camera, came the researchers, led by Vladislav Kanuka, ufologist long-standing and experience in the area.
The team did not have to wait long to film an incredible event. An unidentified flying object, circular, bright, pink color, made a slow path in the sky, curving up to land near un bosco vicino. Gli ufologi sbalorti dopo aver filmato l'evento, sono saltati sulle tre vetture a disposizione intenzionati ad trasformare l'avvistamento in un incontro ravvicinato del terzo tipo.
A quanto pare però questo desiderio non era reciproco e giunti nei pressi della zona, i motori di tutti e tre i veicoli hanno iniziato a malfunzionare fino a fermarsi del tutto lasciando le vetture impantanate nel fango e costringendo gli ufologi a rimandare la visita al giorno successivo.
La mattinata the following day, however, arrived on the alleged landing site and have not found anything unusual to their great disappointment.
remains, however, to remember the experience unforgettable and subject for further study and future visits, movie unequivocal.
For residents of Varvarovka, UFOs are now part of the surrounding environment such as birds and plants have learned to live with watching these events with more benevolent eye, perhaps because after so many years none of them caused them damages of any kind.
Source: Terni in Rete
Monday, March 30, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Can Darvocet Be Used With Oxycodone
Raised by a beam of light
from an article edited by Tiziano Morresi

On 13 September 1948, is the eve of the anniversary of the Holy Cross; Oristano is festively decorated for the occasion, and the tower of the medieval central square of the lights were placed. At about 19, although the sun has just set, there are still excellent lighting conditions, as is typical of the rest in Sardinia, even in this time of year when the young-Madau-in retreat at the local diocesan seminary, waiting to make the first promises of the Franciscan order, that the votes, leaving the college, and reciting the Rosary, press forward in the garden of the convent, taking the direct path to the west [see Drawing 1], one of three paths by which time it was crossed. Here he first encounters the dog warden, an old animal, half-blind monk who takes to follow until the end of the driveway, coincident point of the garden, left, with the northern corner of the building the monastery, and bounded just beyond the boundary wall beyond which runs the then Provincial Road Cagliari Sassari, now replaced by the freeway. Pause for a moment, playing the first part of the Hail Mary, looking towards the sky, still clear and cloudless, he sees the west, a cabinet, at first mistaken for a bird, as nearly point-down dive in its direction, becoming bigger and bigger ...
"Within seconds I saw a car is absolutely silent and strange shape that I had never seen, and I had never heard before talk (during the period of retreat or novitiate seminarians were required to observe the total isolation from the outside world, so far from radio, newspapers etc ... Ed). At first it did not glided parallel to the ground, but rather obliquely, so that it reached the height of ' building seminar, I could see the outline clear: it was a flying saucer silver bell-shaped. [see drawings 2 and 3] The dome seemed to be clear plastic, dato che notai distintamente all’interno la presenza di due uomini, bianchi, di aspetto giovanile. Il disco si fermò poco al di sopra di un albero, un Eucaliptus, disponendosi parallelamente al suolo: contemporaneamente si udirono delle gride convulse e disorientate di gente, provenienti dalla piazza del paese, la cui torre era stata illuminata per la festa, e dal vicino distretto militare: "E’ andata via la luce!", andavano a più riprese ripetendo.Le figure uscirono quindi all’esterno dell’oggetto, che era sospeso a poche decine di metri di distanza da me, ponendosi in piedi sulla sua piattaforma: erano uomini piuttosto alti, 1.90 o forse due metri, bellissimi, dal portamento nobile, e vestivano una specie di tuta argentea; incuriosito, feci loro un cenno di saluto, agitando il braccio, ed essi mi risposero sorridendo, invitandomi gestualmente così mi parve, ad avvicinarmi al loro disco: intendendo volessero portarmi via con loro, rifiutai. Ripeterono il loro invito più d’una volta, ma io non lo accolsi, conscio del fatto che il seguirli avrebbe significato per me l’impossibilità di divenire frate francescano. Quasi constatando il mio atteggiamento, le figure rientrarono nella loro macchina, la quale si dispose in assetto obliquo, mostrando la propria parte inferiore [vedi disegno 4]:fu in quel momento che notai la presenza di un’apertura circolare scura, al centro, e di una specie di struttura "a cingolo", o "cinghia" metallica, posta lungo la circonferenza esterna, che prese a muoversi, girando dapprima a scatti netti ed intermittenti, con un suono secco, simile a quello prodotto da una catena su di un ingranaggio- e poi sempre più velocemente.Di colpo il rumore cessò ed il disco dispostosi nel proprio primitivo assetto orizzontale, prese ad emettere a ‘raffica’, in rapida successione dall’apertura sottostante, degli stranissimi fasci di luce, di diverso colore, indipendenti l’uno dall’altro Si trattava di luce a settori, o ‘blocchi’, [vedi disegno 5] il cui aspetto cromatico cominciava dal viola, sfumava nel blu/celestino, quindi nel verde, nel giallo, nell’arancione, nel rosso e per ultimo nell'incolore: I had the impression that each 'pushed' the one below, for an uninterrupted pace. Among the various 'blocks', each of which culminated in a kind of division / bottleneck, which gave a whole a 'sausage' there was a transition zone achromatic. The disk suddenly disappeared from my sight and I began to incorporate the distinct feel of an electronic sound: uu-uu/uu-uu-but not manifested by hearing, but at the top of Brain: I felt slightly light, waving a cloth hanging by a thread! I saw what was happening at that moment to the object in cane.Forse that moment was upon me, in fact, however, did not see it anymore. Since then, the sound in question was converted into tactile sensation and felt something like the 'finger-elettriche' that I was' poking around' in the brain, focusing particularly on the left lobe: initially it was comparable to a tickle, and there was a period during which I was, I believe, as no conscience, than what happened here because I had at the time you proposed to be subjected to regressive hypnosis. I awoke with a feeling of pain: the 'searching' was going on and I felt increasingly sick. It was at this point that I began to scare me, thinking I wanted to catch e portare via…Reagii allora ‘esclamando’ –nella mente: ‘No, non voglio!’, e con la mia coscienza di frate mi misi a pregare, ed invocai: ‘Madre mia, aiutami. Non voglio!’. Fu allora che sentii la voce di una donna, che rivolta a ‘qualcuno’, diceva, sia pur con poca convinzione: ‘Ma lasciatelo; lasciatelo stare’.La risposta a queste parole, fu data da un suono indistinto ed incomprensibile di ‘voci’ estremamente ‘accelerate’, che potrei paragonare a quello comunemente prodotto dal nastro di un registratore fatto procedere alla massima velocità. Lo scambio ‘verbale’ si protrasse per alcuni istanti, mentre io seguitavo to beg 'Mother, help me': it was, however, I want to clarify again, the 'voices' and sounds not coming from outside themselves, but that I heard inside me. At a certain point echoed again the same female voice, which commanded a clear and forceful: 'Stop it, leave it!'. The 'ransacked' brain ceased abruptly, and I had the feeling of 'get', shortly afterwards confirmed by my beat high heels to the ground, as when happens when you come down from a high step. It was then that I opened my eyes and voltatomi left, I saw the dog, still suspended in mid 'air, face up, legs in the' fetal ', tail tucked between them: I saw him fall slowly to the ground, got eight inches from the ground, the animal had a fall at the improvvisa.Per saw that the point on which we were 'dropped' is about a dozen yards from the trail the west, where initially we were: We are now in fact the central path of the garden. At that precise moment, just when I regained consciousness, I heard the soldiers of the military district around shouting, 'And' round the light ', similar proclamations heard coming from the town square, who greeted the switch on the lights on the tower, while the nearby State Cagliari, Sassari, beyond the wall of the convent, the cars will get moving again: why they were not able to stop saying it. In the meantime had now become dark, and I riavviai home: in the meantime, I had the distinct feeling that the left side of the head, at the prefrontal and parietal area I had been a seam, this impression lasted a few seconds and then vanished . Met my companions were preparing songs and ceremonies for the feast of the day, and tried to inform them of what had happened to me, but the attempt was futile, because, as soon as I sketched out a description of the strange object I had seen, they dried for my intrusion, I fell silent almost insulting. Since then I was silent for a long time, in conviction that the experience that I had experienced that day, would hardly have been made known. "
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
B.o.b Punching Bag Face
Whale near Corinto
E 'happened on February 3 around 8:00 am, near the isthmus of Corinth which connects the Peloponnese peninsula of Greece. One of the witnesses interviewed by the Greek magazine "Express", which brought to the fore the fact of the Hellenic spotlight, Mr. Patapios Palaiologou, a worker of 42 years, told in great detail all phases of 'sighting. While accompanying her daughter to school by car, during a sunny day with a completely cloudless sky, Mr. Palaiologou noticed something strange in the heaven: "I saw a huge object stationed in the sky above the hill opposite our local area. It seemed that nothing of what I had seen until then. I mentioned to my daughter who is puzzled as me and we dropped out of the car to observe it better. It was about 400 meters high and will have been off nearly 300 feet in diameter. It looked like the planet Saturn, with only a metallic color and a red ring around everything. " It seems that the UFO remained suspended in air for about 10 seconds until the circle began to vibrate at an enormous speed, followed by the lighting of a great glow on one side of the aircraft, which disappeared after a few seconds. "I'm confused. - Continues testimony - Da una parte sono felice di aver assistito ad una cosa così insolita, dall'altra so che nessuno mi crederà mai". A quanto pare però la sua paura è infondata dato che l'ufficio di polizia locale ha ricevuto diverse segnalazioni analoghe, raccolte anche la settimana precedente, sempre nella stessa zona in occasione di un altro avvistamento.

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