Whale near Corinto
E 'happened on February 3 around 8:00 am, near the isthmus of Corinth which connects the Peloponnese peninsula of Greece. One of the witnesses interviewed by the Greek magazine "Express", which brought to the fore the fact of the Hellenic spotlight, Mr. Patapios Palaiologou, a worker of 42 years, told in great detail all phases of 'sighting. While accompanying her daughter to school by car, during a sunny day with a completely cloudless sky, Mr. Palaiologou noticed something strange in the heaven: "I saw a huge object stationed in the sky above the hill opposite our local area. It seemed that nothing of what I had seen until then. I mentioned to my daughter who is puzzled as me and we dropped out of the car to observe it better. It was about 400 meters high and will have been off nearly 300 feet in diameter. It looked like the planet Saturn, with only a metallic color and a red ring around everything. " It seems that the UFO remained suspended in air for about 10 seconds until the circle began to vibrate at an enormous speed, followed by the lighting of a great glow on one side of the aircraft, which disappeared after a few seconds. "I'm confused. - Continues testimony - Da una parte sono felice di aver assistito ad una cosa così insolita, dall'altra so che nessuno mi crederà mai". A quanto pare però la sua paura è infondata dato che l'ufficio di polizia locale ha ricevuto diverse segnalazioni analoghe, raccolte anche la settimana precedente, sempre nella stessa zona in occasione di un altro avvistamento.
fonte: www.terninrete.it
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