Have you ever heard of "cargo cults"? What exactly is meant by this term? The cargo cults arise when a given culture, technologically advanced, comes into contact with another farther back: it's very strange experience at the time lived by Christopher Columbus, who landed on an island in the Bahamas says on the book by the board meeting of his crew with the natives of the place: "They welcomed us if we were revered as gods descended from heaven." Like Columbus, Sir Francis Drake was also mistaken for supernatural entity from the native Indians settled in the area of \u200b\u200bthe San Francisco: "We tried to explain to them that we were not the of - remember the clerk of the board - but to no avail. "Captain James Cook landed in Tahiti, it was believed the god Rongo, men returned to after his time, according to legend, left the island on board a ship nuvola.Il similar to a French captain Jean Ribault, erected in Florida, in 1565, a column with the emblem of your country and some years later, the column became the center of religious worship of the natives of the place, that adorned it with garlands and placed in front of you gifts sacrificali.Tali cults persist even in our century. In the twenties, the naturalist James Hurley found that not only him but also to its own seaplane, the natives of New Guinea, used to sacrifice a pig every night: they believed the plane in 1943 divina.Quando an entity other white men penetrated for the first time in the Plateau east of New Guinea, the natives saw that handle long bamboo poles, equipped with wireless data from plant fibers and topped with pseudo microphones wood: They later learned that the natives did not want to imitate the other behavior of American soldiers, seen at a nearby air base and whose "grandi uccelli metallici" essi attendevano doni.Da questa speranza riposta nei doni, cioè nelle merci (inglese "cargo"), deriva la denominazione di tali culti religiosi.Il caso più curioso ebbe luogo in una piccola isola dei mari del Sud, Tinna, dove negli anni Venti visse per un breve tempo un soldato americano, John Frum. Ancora oggi l'intera vita religiosa del posto è incentrata sulla sua figura: egli viene considerato una divinità della quale si attende il ritorno dalla "Terra Promessa", ossia dall'America, carica di ricchi doni per le popolazioni. Un paio di monete e di banconote di John Frum sono custodite come reliquie, ed in suo onore è stato costruito un piccolo tempio di bamboo; infine gli isolani portano tatuate sull'avambraccio the letters "USA" and the chieftain of the period, after which John Frum would have appeared in a dream, has now revered as "the great prophet." Interestingly, the mysterious technical means "foreigners" were described through the concepts borrowed from its lexicon, so a plane was represented as "big bird" or "thunder bird", a locomotive, a "knight of fire", the telephone cable "wire singers." Among the Apache, even today, the car components are defined by concepts of human anatomy: the headlights are the "eyes", the engine is "the gut" and so on.
Se si confrontano ora questi culti cargo con le religioni a noi note, riscontriamo inevitabilmente alcuni elementi comuni sorprendenti. Le leggende, tramandate oralmente, relative agli dei scesi dal cielo su carri di fuoco per punire o per ricompensare gli uomini o per esigere da loro dei servigi, esistono presso tutti i popoli del mondo. Gli "dei" del "nuovo mondo" e quelli del XX° secolo, che determinarono la nascita dei culti cargo nei mari del Sud o in qualsiasi altro posto, sono a noi noti. Ma chi furono invece questi altri dei responsabili millenni orsono, della nascita di identici culti e religioni dell'intero pianeta? I KAJAPPOS
In Amazzonia vive la tribù dei Kajappos. Da tempi remoti essa venera un dio dal nome Bep Kororoti, di cui si racconta arrivò e visse in mezzo agli indigeni, per poi fare ritorno al cielo. Bep Kororoti, avrebbe indossato uno strano abito che lo ricopriva da capo a piedi e in mano teneva uno strumento da cui scaturivano dei fulmini. Infine egli avrebbe impartito agli uomini le tecniche fondamentali dell'agricoltura e dell'allevamento, nonché nuovi stratagemmi per la caccia, per ripartire infine fra fuoco e fiamme, scomparendo nel firmamento. Ancora oggi i Kajappos celebrano una volta l'anno una grande festa, in ricordo di questo loro dio, nel corso della quale un sacerdote si immedesima nel ruolo di Bep Kororoti, indossando un bizzarro indumento di paglia. Tutto questo non ricorda forse da vicino il worship celebrated in the present century in honor of John Frum, on the island of tinnitus? The only difference is the latter that the legend of Kajappos refers to events that occurred over 25,000 years ago.
the Dogon and Sirius B

is striking to note that the Sumerian civilization allocated in today's Iraq, worship a curious figure, which they called Oannes. Even Oannes would be dropped from the sky aboard a "huge shimmering pearl," to bring knowledge to mankind. Please note in this connection an extremely interesting: the Sumerian civilization, in fact the oldest in the world, developed suddenly, almost overnight.
would like to dwell on another example, in my view extremely useful for finding traces of extraterrestrial in the past. In 580 BC, lived in a ghetto of Babylon, the biblical prophet Ezekiel, a Jewish member of the tribe there deported a few years earlier. Ezekiel in the year 584, still young, during his wanderings in the desert, living an extraordinary adventure: "A celestial chariot" rests on the ground in front of his eyes, on top of it he sees a figure that a little later began to speak to him. In the biblical text reads: "In the thirtieth year, on the fifth day of the month, while I was among the Exiles on the banks of the river Kebar, the heavens opened and I saw then stand a mighty wind from the north, accompanied by a great cloud and a large mass of fire: a dazzling glow around her, amid the mass of fire seemed to catch a glimpse of copper. "Ezekiel then describes four bodies, which in his eyes had the likeness of animals, each of which he sees four wings . Since these bodies are released several times and had flashes of something like human hands placed on their "legs". These "legs" were straight and had the "walk" rounded shone as bright copper. The strange figures, he said, also had the wheels: "As I saw the pictures, I noticed that each of them showed a wheel. The wheels have the look of turquoise, all four were identical and were presented as if they were inside the other, they could move in all directions and move in, not turned around. " It is also an interesting description of what was on top of these winged figures, provided with metal legs and wheels, "Above the heads of the figures could be seen a starry sky, like a crystal, when the figures were moving, I could hear the sound of the beat of their wings that resembled the roar of large masses water, as the voice dell'Onnipossente: a noise similar to a marching regiment. And above, placed on their heads, you could see a kind of throne, as bright as a sapphire, on which sat a being like a man: his figure gave off a very bright, similar to the rainbow after the storm, I felt is the presence of the glory of the Lord, then I fell to the ground and someone began to address the following words: "Arise, son of man that I can talk to." As I heard this voice, life returned to me. "Let us now put ourselves in the situation which he lived Ezekiel, a priest of the Israelites, suddenly an extraordinary encounter with a" heavenly chariot, " which recognizes structures that he calls the "wings", "metal legs," "wheels", a central body and finally a place to be on top, sitting on a throne, which is targeted verbally. There is nothing strange if the young prophet, faced with such a show falls prey to a shock to the experience, several days after it writes: "I gathered the exiles who lived along the river Kebar in Tel Abib. I stayed with them for seven days, completely shocked. "

The following in the book of Ezekiel is a detailed description of numerous pages on a strange structure provided with outer walls, atriums, courtyards, interior doors, stairs, rooms and the entire temple. Of this building there have been repeated attempts to reconstruct the past, but they failed due to the inaccuracy of the data provided by Ezekiel on the overall size and the perimeter and the lack of information about the height of the structures. Therefore, the theologians were so far satisfied the version officially known, according to which Ezekiel would not have faced a real temple, but the vision of the future temple in Jerusalem. That these conclusions are at least hasty and simplistic, è stato sinora ampiamente dimostrato.
L'ingegnere di Francoforte Hans Herbert Beier, dopo un lavoro decennale, ha
presentato una propria interpretazione della struttura del tempio. "Questa è la struttura complessiva del tempio, descritta da Ezechiele; ci sono le mura esterne, gli atri, le porte di accesso e l'edificio principale". Diversamente dai precedenti tentativi, Beier giunse alla determinazione che il lato superiore di tale edificio dovesse essere aperto, come in un'antica arena. Nel 43° capitolo Ezechiele scrive: «Vidi la Gloria del Signore di Israele arrivare; il suo rumore era simile a grandi masse d'acqua, it rested very gently on the Earth of the Lord. And I saw the glory of the Lord filled his house. "The central area of \u200b\u200bthe temple will be the spacecraft of Ezekiel, an extremely interesting because it reveals that what Ezekiel calls" the glory of the Lord ", ie the plane whose motion produces a loud noise and light that shines in an aura, "enter" to land on top of the temple. This must have been the scene which he witnessed. Consider also that the internal measures of his time corresponds exactly to the model space ship at the time established by Blumrich, certainly did not casuale.Beier assumed that this structure, whatever the place of its location, would serve come base logistica per le operazioni che un tempo gli extraterrestri conducevano sul nostro pianeta. Ciò non implica che costoro avessero di persona costruito il tempio, presumibilmente ne utilizzavano una preesistente struttura, adibita al culto, per i loro interessi. Questo, agli occhi delle popolazioni del posto, deve essere stato un evento di incredibile portata: gli "dei" erano di persona scesi dal cielo per prendere possesso del tempio che essi avevano edificato.

Una cosa è certa: il tempio di cui Ezechiele parla non è affatto riconduci bile ad una semplice "visione", ma ad un qualcosa di realmente esistito: le misure da lui riferite sono esatte, risultano tra consistent and reflect on the whole a great building built in some region of our planet around the year 580 BC But the question that arises is: Where is this property now? Certainly not in Israel, not in Jerusalem and perhaps even the Middle East, as in this case it would have already been discovered. The church today may look like a collection of crumbling ruins, but perhaps not entirely destroyed. The type of building that can be seen from the reconstruction of Beier suggests a complex site somewhere in South or Central America. Such a discovery would undoubtedly have dramatic implications. And if the temple was actually used by aliens as a logistics base, it is possible that its area of \u200b\u200blocation still to be found the remains of the shelters of the ship, namely the remains of extraterrestrial technology. Thus the search for Ezekiel's temple will become one of the most extraordinary and important tasks for the future paleoastronautica.
A further example of cargo cult regards New Guinea, in 1929 and is related to an event described many years later by a native. "I was a child - he said - my father I had brought with him a hunting trip and that was when we met the first white men. I was completely shocked and began to cry: the man was suddenly appeared before me. Never in my life had I seen such a being. Where he could have come? From the sky or the river? We were literally confused. "Indigenous Another recalled:" In our village, word spread that they had killed of lightning and we thought that white men were those resulting from lightning sky. Others said that they were "the ancestors back from the dead." When some time after the first plane landed in the region, it was total chaos. An elderly woman reported that while the "big bird" was landing, all the natives were thrown to the ground, their faces covered and who subsequently fled, hiding in the woods, some were hugging each other, yelling with fear: "We were all in panic, because we did not understand what was going on." New Guinea, after 1928 years before Cristo.Babilonia 584 Cristo.I parallels are all too apparent, because they can be dismissed as mere " coincidences ".