Sweden opens its archives on UFO Light Ball
The official opening to the public of the boundless store Norrköping during an exhibition in Svezia.Oltre 18,000 UFO UFO cases in Sweden, and thousands of sightings, reports and reports collected in Denmark and the rest of Northern Europe, as well as micro film americani.E cases' that the spoils of the "largest repository of the world", as defined by the group Sweden UFO Research, Via Ljura in Norrköping and will see its official opening to the public Saturday, May 9 at 14:30, during a conference presentation by Håkan Blomqvist at the UFO festival held in Norrköping just on weekends. Archives for UFO Research (AFU) was founded in Sweden in 1973 and now consist of about 600 meters of shelves containing books, magazines, official reports, photos, videos and testimony of each of the archive and history sorta.La the catalog of the material is available on the official website: www.afu.infoDurante the event on Saturday in Norrköping, will be shown several videos of UFOs on a giant screen and explained to photos will go public in slideshow. Will there be merchandise of all kinds, from books to the presentation of the archive adesivi.Oltre dell'AFU, Clas Svahn president of the UFO Sweden from 13.00 to 14.00 will be discussing the phenomenon ufo.L 'opening hours of the exhibition is from 12.00 to 17.00 and entry costs 50 crowns (about 4.70 €).
source: Terni in Rete
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