During the second half of the '80s and the '90s, the experts have witnessed a significant increase in the number of cases of alleged "abduction" in all social strata and all age groups, that increase has gone hand in hand with an increased interest by the media against of this issue.
As a result of this widespread awareness, the phenomenon has been widely disseminated through multiple media channels: television, with documentaries on the subject, movies and serials, the press, with books and magazines, on talk shows where guests share experiences of abduction in front of millions of telespettatori.Di shot of a topic that until now was known by a small group of dedicated scholars and jumped to the headlines and took an unsuspected popularity, so much so that, to date, very few have never heard of alien abductions. "This realization, if one part had the merit to come out of hiding this problem and to motivate a small part of the public, it has also triggered a dangerous mechanism that causes the subject very well informed on the subject and particularly suggestible and easily influenced, perhaps with some pre-existing structural and functional abnormality in certain brain areas, end up confusing fantasies for real memories and subconscious desires and self-convinced that they actually lived this experience tipo.In this sense, the abduction, as a new neuropsychiatric syndrome but also a significant social and sociological phenomenon of the '90s and 2000.A support of this hypothesis, there is a whole series of studies conducted by multidisciplinary research unit consisting of psychologists, psychiatrists and neurophysiologists , studies that can be found in the literature and show that, for the case studies can be called into question an explanation conventional based on objective factors that lead back most of the alleged abduction false ricordi.Nei early 90s, MA Persinger conducted an interesting study in the Laboratory of Neuroscience Compottamentale Laurentian University of Sudbury, Ontario (Canada), during which underwent a series of six neuropsychological findings in adults who had suddenly recalled memories of sexual abuse or pre-school visits / alien abduction. Interestingly, these experiences emerge when hypnosis was used in a context of sexual abuse or New Age religion and how they were followed by a reduction in anxiety. The subjects showed a significant increase in capacity of abstraction and imagination of childhood complex partial epileptic-like signs and neuropsychological data showed anomalies suggestionabilità.I tempotali fronto-right, although the profiles of the MMPI (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory: Inventory of Minnesota multiphasic personality, psycho-diagnostic test is very similar to that is given to students called to arms during the visit of leverage) is within the norma.I results support the hypothesis that enhanced imagination, due to instability of the temporal lobe in specific contexts, facilitate the creation of false memories were further strengthened when there is also anxiety reduction. In another study by Persinger and TL Dittburner, Department of Psychology, Laurentian University, twenty young women psychologically well-structured play was made an ambiguous story about a young boy who had experienced fear, smelled a strange odor, experienced an overwhelming feeling during the night and reported skin lesions in the morning. After making the HIP (Hypnotic Induction Pro file: Hypnotic Induction Profile), women were, asked to assess the rate of prevalence of childhood sexual abuse or alien abduction in the general population. There were significantly positive correlations between the assessments of the prevalence by persons, the extent of amnesia and indices abnormalities of the cerebral hemisphere destro.È still under debate the relationship between the observations, the formation of the so-called FMS (False Memory Syndrome: False Memory Syndrome) and the development of hallucinations psicotiche.Presso Carleton University, for Ottawa (Ontario, Canada), Spanos NP, CA Burgess Burgess and MF showed how certain individuals, sometimes Fantastichini whole, complex scenarios and then define these experiences as memories of real events, rather than consider the product of a fertile imagination. This study examined three such events: the experiences of past lives, contact with alien creatures and kidnapping by them and memories of abuse satanic type rituals apparently suffered during childhood. It was shown that, in each of the three cases, the discovery of imaginative events are frequently associated with hypnotic procedures and structured interviews, during which the subject is decided and repeatedly asked questions relating to the experiences that you believe he actually lived, questions inevitably end up legitimizing these experiences as "real memories." The results from this study support the hypothesis that the evocation of memories is organized in terms of current expectations and beliefs. An interesting study published in the prestigious journal Lancet shows how much power the media have in influencing some subjects particularly imaginative and suggestible. People tend to get most of their information outside of their professional and family, specifically the print media, radio and televisione.L 'author of this study, T. Radford, wondered if the public really believed unlikely to stories by the media, such as that suggests, for example, the possibility that there is a correlation between the pathogenic virus of HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus: virus' Human immunodeficiency) and AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome: Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome). Radford pointed out how the same individuals who are not willing to believe the latter and other urban legends, as deemed unlikely, they were, to varying degrees, inclined to believe the other stories in question, in general, equally implausible, such as unidentified flying objects (UFO: Unidentified Flying Objects), astrology, metempsychosis (reincarnation) and abduction alieni.Presso the School of Psychology, University of Ottawa, AL. Patry and LG. Pelletier took into consideration the beliefs, attitudes and experiences related to sightings of unidentified flying objects and kidnappings alieni.I two researchers began to develop a test for the beliefs about the UFO phenomena and administered to a sample of 398 Canadian students. The results derived from the time the scale di valutazione delle credenze paranormali mostrarono che la maggioranza dei soggetti credeva negli U.F.O., nonostante la maggior parte di essi non ne avesse mai visto uno mentre solo una piccola parte credeva ai rapimenti alieni.Gli autori giunsero alla conclusione che le credenze negli U.F.O. originassero da forze sociali piuttosto che da esperienze personali.Ricercatori del Dipartimento di Psicologia ddl'Università di Harvard, a Cambridge (Massachusetts, U.S.A.), studiarono i meccanismi psicologici responsabili della creazione della "falsa memoria" in soggetti che riferivano di avere recuperato ricordi di eventi traumatici, eventi che, probabilmente, non si sono mai verificati, quali, ad esempio, rapimenti ad opera di creature aliene provenienti dallo space profondo.Il recover false memories was investigated in three groups: the first group of subjects reported to have recovered memories of alien abduction, the second group included those who believed that he was abducted by aliens, but without having any recollection of this experience, while the third numbered subjects who denied having been abducted by creatures extraterrestri.I study results showed that subjects in the first group were more likely than control subjects to recall false ricordi.I researchers also noted that the degree hypnotic suggestibility, the symptom constellation associated with depressive and schizotypal features are significant markers predictive of recall of false memories.
In agreement with the findings from the studies described above, however, I believe that most of the abduction is subjective, that result from the creative mind of highly suggestible, by virtue of neuropsychological mechanisms that lead to the recall of false memories that the subjects themselves do not are able to discriminate from the real ones. The first, in fact, could be the result of processing the second unconscious, fantasies and repressed desires, but may also be produced as a result of one or more post-traumatic stress disorder, the causes must be sought in the experiences of the past entities to be interesting to note that, in some cases, in subjects in which the investigation focused on the recovery of false memories of alien abductions, have been observed morphological and structural abnormalities of specific areas cerebrali.Gran part of the alleged abductees, therefore, could suffer a new form of neuropsychiatric syndrome, the result of the times we live in and arising from the complex interplay of factors, neuropsychiatric, and type of environmental / cultural.
(nb for the sake of simplification I thought it appropriate to cut a piece of the article where the author claimed the abduction case of the remaining land held vere.Per read the whole article: http://pdfmenot.com/store_local / 2558ce7ed7d75693e24f1483b9c947a8.pdf )
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