October 21, 1963, we are in the province of Tucuman in Argentina. In their ranch in Santa Teresa, 3 km from Trancas, Moreno's family finishes dinner.
The farm was not connected to the mains, but took the electric current from a private installation. That day, the generator stopped without warning early in the afternoon. As they had more power, the dinner was held by candlelight and we moved in the various rooms in the same way, and so we decided to go to bed early. The house contains eight main rooms, home to six people that night: Teresa and Antonio Moreno, their three daughters and a young girl of 15 years of service Dora Martina Guzman. Moreno
I'm not really the villagers, but the landowners, whose cultural level is well above average. Around
at 20.00h, Yolie of Moreno Valley that was still up to feed her child, feels a sudden, the girl service, Dora Marta Guzman, hit the door of her room, crying. She was afraid, could not explain the lights going in and out from the walls of the house. Yolie not pay much attention to this observation. But some minutes later, Martin returned Dora, more frightened than before: the lights were still unknown outside the house. And he understood the cause. Hence his fear. He explained that every time I left the house, lit up the whole court of the farm for a few seconds. He could not be a storm, also there were some clouds in the sky and did not feel noise of thunder at the end Yolie and her sister, Yolanda, 21 years old the first and the second 30 years, got up and left the house person to realize what was happening. At first glance, they could not see anything. But, as it ventured beyond the house, going towards the railway line, they saw two very bright objects in the form of discs, apparently connected together by a fluorescent tube.
Yolie describes the object as something that looked like a small train, brightly lit. A number of silhouettes, human-looking shadows and that the sisters have been about forty, stirred within this sort of pipe connecting the two seemingly "flying saucers". The silhouettes were undoubtedly something human, and young women thought it was a derailment occurred on the line, or undermining the insurgency. The two sisters decided to go anyway to see more closely. If that does not go back home to find the hottest clothes, Dora and Martin took the opportunity to take his Colt 38, (married to a military career) that he used to keep on hand when she was alone at home with his younger sisters.
Yolie went on the first floor to wake the other sister, Argentina, the lesser of Moreno and asked him to take care of the child. When Argentina understood what the sisters prepare to make, informed them of the dangers of sabotage and guerrilla warfare. But curiosity, did not prevent her to accompany his sisters to the door. And then I let out a terrible cry, surprised by the presence of these strange machines around the house, and running to avoid it, he tripped on a pile of bricks that were in court. Yolie, Yolanda Dora and Martin continued their attempt to get close to the railway. By the time they were going to spend the southern part of the house, they saw a greenish light, right before them, near the main entrance of the farm. They took the headlights of the truck of one of several employees of the company. He then rushed to open the main gate.
But then the sisters live Moreno one of the most incredible and strange encounters of the third type, the entire history of ufology.
While advancing towards the gate, Yolie dirisse the beam of light from his pocket
toward the light, toward that greenish glow. At that precise moment, an object having the shape of a disc with a dome, which appeared as sospeso tra il cielo e la terra...
Questo oggetto, largo 9 m, sembrava avere 6 grandi finestre. Apparentemente metallico, sembrava fatto da una serie di pannelli fissati tra loro, bordo contro bordo, in scomparti. La cupola era ugualmente metallica, più scura, e non aveva scomparti. L'oggetto si bilanciava dolcemente avanti e indietro. Improvvisamente, una banda multicolore si mise a girare all'interno delle finestre (oblò) ed una nebbia biancastra cominciò ad espandersi tutto attorno all'oggetto, con un rumore sordo leggero. I testimoni si resero così conto che c'era come un odore di zolfo. Ciò durò una trentina di secondi, dopo di che, senza preavviso alcuno, un soffio bruciante uscì dall'oggetto, colpendo Dora Martin and two sisters, projecting it violently to the ground. At the same time, other 3 disks lit up along the railroad: making a total of six "flying objects". A few moments later, the parents of young girls watched the object, the one closest to home, looking out a window facing the street railway.
Yolie Moreno in the various interviews given was called "mother-ship."
As the shadows inside the unit seemed to come and go faster and faster, they saw the disc surrounded by white smoke, until, that only they could see a glow orange. A tube of light emerged from the summit of the object and the probed walls of the house. At one point, another light went out. The double light pipes continued their exploration: three were from other items were placed on the railroad and that was immediately spotted by witnesses.
These lights were directed particularly towards the hen house, and tractors, and another explored the neighbor's house. The ends of these lamps is "solid" advancing slowly, as if they were to avoid obstacles in their path, in the direction of the farm. A few minutes were enough to "light tubes" to cover the distance (180 m) from the railroad to the house.
The tubes were perfectly cylindrical and made about 9 m in diameter. Do not project any shadow. Driven by a lively curiosity and a pulse imstintivo, Yolie Moreno dared move her arm inside of the beam. He felt a strong sensation of heat. However, the light did not undergo any change during this brief experience, as if it passed through the arm. Fortunately, this heat had no effect on the skin. At this point Yolie thinking that this "thing that does not light and shadow through solid objects" not of this world, terrified rushed inside the house. Only the girl
service, Dora Marta Guzman was seriously burned on the face, legs and arms. It was the first and second degree burns.
Meanwhile, the temperature had risen quickly from 16 ° that were there before to 40 degrees. The air was saturated with an odor like sulfur and burned, and Moreno felt like pinching the skin. The mother meanwhile was praying Yolie fear. Yolanda Argentina and instead begged their father not to leave.
The house was lit up like daylight. No one could explain the origin of this light. None of the witnesses was able to observe whether this was due to the "flying objects". The light had a powerful effect on animals. I had three wild dogs that Moreno observed that, under the influence of light, the animals fell into lethargy. Then, when the rays are a bit away 'by the dogs, they looked back to life. Anche le galline erano profondamente addormentate. I Moreno dichiararono inoltre che ad un certo punto il “vascello-madre” ,quello più vicino alla casa, dirisse il suo raggio di luce in direzione di Trancas. Nel giro di una decina di minuti, il lungo tubo di luce raggiunse la città, situata a tre chilometri di distanza. Poco dopo la luce tubolare rientrò nell’oggetto emettitore.
In seguito, e in un modo sorprendente, il tubo di luce fece un giro su sé stesso, e si dirisse nuovamente verso la casa. Infine, si ritirò lentamente, e, improvvsamente, scomparì completamente.
Finalmente, i 6 oggetti si alzarono in volo e mantenendosi ad una altitudine bassa, si dirissero verso est, verso la catena di Sierra mountains of Medina. Since the beginning of the sighting took about 40 to 50 minutes. But 30 minutes after the complete disappearance of objects, the sky was still carrying a light orange. Once Moren
or leave the state of exhaustion due to shock, ventured into the garden. The cloud produced by the object that was closest to home, still floating in the air. It was very thick and expanded still a strong smell of sulfur.
The cloud dispersed after only 4 hours. A journalist who paid a visit to the family the next day said that the heat and the smell of sulfur could still be heard inside the house. The places where objects were arrested, Moreno discovered a cone Perfect 1 m high: it was made from a stack of small white balls of 1 cm in diameter. The next day, they found the same small balls on the rails, just where were the "flying objects". These little balls disintegrated easily with a simple push. They were then analyzed in the laboratory, the Institute for Chemical Research, University of Tucuman. You could see that they contained 96.47% of the calcium carbonate and 3.51% potassium carbonate.
An investigation was quickly launched by the police. It was discovered that José Acosta, and his whole family had seen this same lighting on the railroad, and had seen Francisco Tropiano 6 discs fly away into the sky at around 22:15, the time at which Moreno had seen their "guests" to retire.
more inexplicable: a tractor parked in the garage and simply touched by one of these cylinders of light, was found the next day meticulously cleaned all the engine oil and without any apparent tampering.
addition, the electricity came back the next day without the aid of anyone. We will never know who or what caused the failure for the simple reason that it was probably caused in a non-conventional.
What was the exact purpose of the visit to this farm in Argentina? It appears that the pilots of these machines unknown conducting an investigation. But what they hoped to find?
Another possibility: they were perhaps looking for a base for their equipment?
As the rays of light, seem to have been used to discourage the curious who wanted to get too close to the unit. Whatever the reason, in any event, the visit of these unknown drivers, we can see that they would not do any harm to Moreno.
The farm was not connected to the mains, but took the electric current from a private installation. That day, the generator stopped without warning early in the afternoon. As they had more power, the dinner was held by candlelight and we moved in the various rooms in the same way, and so we decided to go to bed early. The house contains eight main rooms, home to six people that night: Teresa and Antonio Moreno, their three daughters and a young girl of 15 years of service Dora Martina Guzman. Moreno
I'm not really the villagers, but the landowners, whose cultural level is well above average. Around
at 20.00h, Yolie of Moreno Valley that was still up to feed her child, feels a sudden, the girl service, Dora Marta Guzman, hit the door of her room, crying. She was afraid, could not explain the lights going in and out from the walls of the house. Yolie not pay much attention to this observation. But some minutes later, Martin returned Dora, more frightened than before: the lights were still unknown outside the house. And he understood the cause. Hence his fear. He explained that every time I left the house, lit up the whole court of the farm for a few seconds. He could not be a storm, also there were some clouds in the sky and did not feel noise of thunder at the end Yolie and her sister, Yolanda, 21 years old the first and the second 30 years, got up and left the house person to realize what was happening. At first glance, they could not see anything. But, as it ventured beyond the house, going towards the railway line, they saw two very bright objects in the form of discs, apparently connected together by a fluorescent tube.
Yolie describes the object as something that looked like a small train, brightly lit. A number of silhouettes, human-looking shadows and that the sisters have been about forty, stirred within this sort of pipe connecting the two seemingly "flying saucers". The silhouettes were undoubtedly something human, and young women thought it was a derailment occurred on the line, or undermining the insurgency. The two sisters decided to go anyway to see more closely. If that does not go back home to find the hottest clothes, Dora and Martin took the opportunity to take his Colt 38, (married to a military career) that he used to keep on hand when she was alone at home with his younger sisters.
Yolie went on the first floor to wake the other sister, Argentina, the lesser of Moreno and asked him to take care of the child. When Argentina understood what the sisters prepare to make, informed them of the dangers of sabotage and guerrilla warfare. But curiosity, did not prevent her to accompany his sisters to the door. And then I let out a terrible cry, surprised by the presence of these strange machines around the house, and running to avoid it, he tripped on a pile of bricks that were in court. Yolie, Yolanda Dora and Martin continued their attempt to get close to the railway. By the time they were going to spend the southern part of the house, they saw a greenish light, right before them, near the main entrance of the farm. They took the headlights of the truck of one of several employees of the company. He then rushed to open the main gate.
But then the sisters live Moreno one of the most incredible and strange encounters of the third type, the entire history of ufology.
While advancing towards the gate, Yolie dirisse the beam of light from his pocket

Questo oggetto, largo 9 m, sembrava avere 6 grandi finestre. Apparentemente metallico, sembrava fatto da una serie di pannelli fissati tra loro, bordo contro bordo, in scomparti. La cupola era ugualmente metallica, più scura, e non aveva scomparti. L'oggetto si bilanciava dolcemente avanti e indietro. Improvvisamente, una banda multicolore si mise a girare all'interno delle finestre (oblò) ed una nebbia biancastra cominciò ad espandersi tutto attorno all'oggetto, con un rumore sordo leggero. I testimoni si resero così conto che c'era come un odore di zolfo. Ciò durò una trentina di secondi, dopo di che, senza preavviso alcuno, un soffio bruciante uscì dall'oggetto, colpendo Dora Martin and two sisters, projecting it violently to the ground. At the same time, other 3 disks lit up along the railroad: making a total of six "flying objects". A few moments later, the parents of young girls watched the object, the one closest to home, looking out a window facing the street railway.
Yolie Moreno in the various interviews given was called "mother-ship."
As the shadows inside the unit seemed to come and go faster and faster, they saw the disc surrounded by white smoke, until, that only they could see a glow orange. A tube of light emerged from the summit of the object and the probed walls of the house. At one point, another light went out. The double light pipes continued their exploration: three were from other items were placed on the railroad and that was immediately spotted by witnesses.
These lights were directed particularly towards the hen house, and tractors, and another explored the neighbor's house. The ends of these lamps is "solid" advancing slowly, as if they were to avoid obstacles in their path, in the direction of the farm. A few minutes were enough to "light tubes" to cover the distance (180 m) from the railroad to the house.
The tubes were perfectly cylindrical and made about 9 m in diameter. Do not project any shadow. Driven by a lively curiosity and a pulse imstintivo, Yolie Moreno dared move her arm inside of the beam. He felt a strong sensation of heat. However, the light did not undergo any change during this brief experience, as if it passed through the arm. Fortunately, this heat had no effect on the skin. At this point Yolie thinking that this "thing that does not light and shadow through solid objects" not of this world, terrified rushed inside the house. Only the girl
service, Dora Marta Guzman was seriously burned on the face, legs and arms. It was the first and second degree burns.
Meanwhile, the temperature had risen quickly from 16 ° that were there before to 40 degrees. The air was saturated with an odor like sulfur and burned, and Moreno felt like pinching the skin. The mother meanwhile was praying Yolie fear. Yolanda Argentina and instead begged their father not to leave.
The house was lit up like daylight. No one could explain the origin of this light. None of the witnesses was able to observe whether this was due to the "flying objects". The light had a powerful effect on animals. I had three wild dogs that Moreno observed that, under the influence of light, the animals fell into lethargy. Then, when the rays are a bit away 'by the dogs, they looked back to life. Anche le galline erano profondamente addormentate. I Moreno dichiararono inoltre che ad un certo punto il “vascello-madre” ,quello più vicino alla casa, dirisse il suo raggio di luce in direzione di Trancas. Nel giro di una decina di minuti, il lungo tubo di luce raggiunse la città, situata a tre chilometri di distanza. Poco dopo la luce tubolare rientrò nell’oggetto emettitore.
In seguito, e in un modo sorprendente, il tubo di luce fece un giro su sé stesso, e si dirisse nuovamente verso la casa. Infine, si ritirò lentamente, e, improvvsamente, scomparì completamente.
Finalmente, i 6 oggetti si alzarono in volo e mantenendosi ad una altitudine bassa, si dirissero verso est, verso la catena di Sierra mountains of Medina. Since the beginning of the sighting took about 40 to 50 minutes. But 30 minutes after the complete disappearance of objects, the sky was still carrying a light orange. Once Moren

The cloud dispersed after only 4 hours. A journalist who paid a visit to the family the next day said that the heat and the smell of sulfur could still be heard inside the house. The places where objects were arrested, Moreno discovered a cone Perfect 1 m high: it was made from a stack of small white balls of 1 cm in diameter. The next day, they found the same small balls on the rails, just where were the "flying objects". These little balls disintegrated easily with a simple push. They were then analyzed in the laboratory, the Institute for Chemical Research, University of Tucuman. You could see that they contained 96.47% of the calcium carbonate and 3.51% potassium carbonate.
An investigation was quickly launched by the police. It was discovered that José Acosta, and his whole family had seen this same lighting on the railroad, and had seen Francisco Tropiano 6 discs fly away into the sky at around 22:15, the time at which Moreno had seen their "guests" to retire.
more inexplicable: a tractor parked in the garage and simply touched by one of these cylinders of light, was found the next day meticulously cleaned all the engine oil and without any apparent tampering.
addition, the electricity came back the next day without the aid of anyone. We will never know who or what caused the failure for the simple reason that it was probably caused in a non-conventional.
What was the exact purpose of the visit to this farm in Argentina? It appears that the pilots of these machines unknown conducting an investigation. But what they hoped to find?
Another possibility: they were perhaps looking for a base for their equipment?
As the rays of light, seem to have been used to discourage the curious who wanted to get too close to the unit. Whatever the reason, in any event, the visit of these unknown drivers, we can see that they would not do any harm to Moreno.
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