House Art Nalbone _Centro promotion difference
The House of Art "is a physical and symbolic place where the individual can experience in research, development and care of their own creativity by channeling individual differences in the direction of good.
Every human being is full of differences that are often flattened by the social systems in which we live. Someone worse off than someone else accepts this flattening, loss of enamel and creativity, and sometimes ending up in personal distress and / or difficult to live the social rules.
The House Art "aims to cultivate and suggests the differences of the individual making the most of resources and channeling the thoughts and actions, and creativity through various art forms in the direction of good.
We organize workshops, exhibitions, shows, moments of confrontation, every day, for all people and all ages.
Professionals art, psychology and all human knowledge will guide all stakeholders along a path of fun and creative learning, and who will become happy sad: this statement is the initial goal, process and end the "House Art.
The House dell’Arte” si finanzia attraverso donazioni e contributi volontari.
Vi aspettiamo per la manifestazione inaugurale che si terrà il 18 giugno alle ore 19.00 a Palermo in via XXVII Maggio n°12, durante la quale sarà allestita una mostra–laboratorio di abiti che narra delle emozioni di chi li ha indossati. Alcuni degli abiti e degli accessori espostisaranno messi in vensita a scopo di beneficieza.
Emozionarsi per divertirsi è uno dei nostri intenti.
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