One of the most 'great satisfaction that I had in the past has been to be able to publish my creations. This possibility was given to me by the magazine publisher's Laboratory Découpage Cigré 2003.Nel 2008 in my mail I found an email that moved me and that I still have, by which the direction of then I proposed to collaborate with their publication. It was a dream come true! I had never come forward, even sending pictures of my work, because I did not think the Italian landscape Guild of Découpeurs there was room for me ... but! They had visited my site, the first one I made in 2006, and And they liked my creations ..... still like seeing all the magazine has changed and I have reconfirmed as their employees! I have published many works, some are more 'connected than others, but all have been produced with the same passion and care. See their creations on the cover on newsstands is an emotion that can not be described! In 2009, I have entrusted the creation of a special Christmas, I have taken the utmost care to create original and nice things and be gone as well this year with a special tile replica of the upcoming Christmas .... I'm really happy with what I created and I hope you will buy the magazines that you are the same ...
A special thanks to the drafting of the Laboratory of decoupage, their trust has urged me to create and put into play all the time ... a nice game!
Cigré Thanks and thanks to all of you who follow me! Until next time ....

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