Monday, March 14, 2011

Best Configuration For Animation

Farmers with his hat on

Farmers with his hat on
11/03/2011 Marco Arturi
Installing this column talking about something that takes place in Rosario is perhaps the best we could hope to allow us to clarify that from the start as 'dissidence' with the prefix in front eno represents not only an unmistakable tribute to Gino Veronelli [the greatest journalist and wine critic, who coined the term in the pages of your paper], a vision first country - so in a world like this rebel - Viticulture. From
tenants, subject to various reasons priority over the rest of the universe of agriculture, we expect a final realization: the power of communication and media del vino dovrebbe essere utilizzato per dare forza e visibilità alla contadinità meno fortunata, per difendere la terra e i territori, per salvaguardare saperi e sapori. Non sono pochi i viticoltori che, coscienti di questa responsabilità, stanno da tempo cercando di organizzarsi e muoversi in questa direzione. Ciò che rende loro difficili le cose è una oggettiva difficoltà a rapportarsi con le istanze che provengono dal «di sotto», da quella base dell’agricoltura fatta di piccoli contadini, braccianti e – perché no – stagionali migranti sfruttati.
Per questo sarebbe utile a tutti conoscere le proposte che arriveranno da Rosarno, dove il 12 e 13 marzo collettivi, gruppi di acquisto solidale e associazioni meet with representatives of the European Network against the exploitation of farm laborers in the countryside, "Agriculture and rural migrant and seasonal work." To organize the network and the campaign is primarily Via Campesina, European co-ordination that is fighting for change in EU policies, the proposed model is once again the French, represented by the Confederation Paysanne, which soon was able to bring together thousands of small farmers. "They understood what the problem is, who are the enemies of agriculture, namely the Agrindustria and large retail chains like Auchan, Carrefour and Despair, and are in search of allies. Among these, they thought the small farmers and laborers, because if the system that kills one is the same as the other decreases in slavery, then you will want to join to fight "the organizers explain, which favor the inclusion of the weak, the many African and Eastern European who populate our country in time of harvest. From here it is easy to understand why the choice of venue as Rosarno, which will have among its themes too short chain and ethical consumption.
is to be hoped that the lovers of wine made natural [and the same producers] do not look with disdain on initiatives like this, perhaps wondering what have seasonal laborers with wine rebel. If so, reflect in front of a red bowl, Placido Rizzotto [Nero d'Avola, Syrah, Merlot] Centopassi and wine produced from land confiscated from organized crime, named after the Secretary of the Chamber of Labour Corleone killed 10 March 1948 because she is guilty of having fought for the laborers of the area "does not remove his hat when he passed the master," that in this case coincided with the mafia. Still exploitation, yet the rural South, still struggles for dignity country. Everything back.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Pregnant Dogs Loses Mucus

March 17, 2011: VIVA ITALY!

"HERE IS ITALY OR DIE" May 15, 1860