Il signor Giovanni L. domiciliato in una frazione di Barcellona P.G.(ME) Capo di prima classe della nostra marina militare, previo appuntamento lo incontriamo a casa sua dopo un buon caffe' ed un comprensibile imbarazzo . Racconta , con molta partecipazione , l'esperienza vissuta con tre amici (presenti al colloquio) nell'anno 1999 , appassionati cacciatori come lui. Essi recatisi nelle campagne di Mirto, in provincia di Messina appunto per la caccia ai cinghiali e appostatisi towards 19.30, are preparing for a long night of waiting. At about 2.30 can see down towards a clearing, not far away, a large luminous object that landed behind trees, is unclear. Banned, they decide to approach and after about 150 meters, can see through the dim moonlight, two small figures macrocephaly, with long arms "race" towards their direction. Startled, they shoot three shots into beings that hit, they fall into a strange way, as it bounces. Suddenly, everything turns around, a strong white light, blinding and unbearable hear a whistle, a few seconds later he became a whistle intenso.I witnesses are terrified, unable to understand what is happening and after a couple minutes (3-4) in the country falls silent. At this point in the story, the witnesses claim to have a hole in the memory and time. Can no longer recall 'anything. They believe he had fainted. They have memories of a strong feeling of nausea and vomiting, but it 's done now days. How much time and 'past? They call with their mobile phones to family members, asking them very worried that the reasons for this prolonged silence. In fact they were already 'the fifteen hours the following day and our witnesses somewhat battered, we also realize that you have empty cartridges and the guns discharged. Once home, suffer from two or three days of high fever and vomiting. The witnesses today accused a slight decrease of vision and a few less hairs. Are no longer 'hunting. They are animals.
Source: UFO Research Center-Messina
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