The case
Polcanto, nota località mugellana nel comune di Borgo San Lorenzo, nel 1984 fu teatro del caso - ben conosciuto negli ambienti ufologici - che coinvolse il signor Isidoro Ferri e il suo cane. Esattamente a tre chilometri dal paese, in via Tassaia, il signor Ferri, sua moglie, daughter and son, lived in "Villa La Radicchio, where the man was a custodian. During the night between 9 and October 10, at 3, a very powerful light hit the window of the room in which iron was sleeping, because the man never to close the shutters and the window had no curtains and blinds, the violent light beam him up. In the same room he slept his son, whose sleep was not interrupted, while his wife was in another room to watch her daughter sick in those days. Without getting out of bed Isidoro Ferri looked out and saw the top of a Ripetta beyond Tassaia away, then about forty meters away, a human-shaped silhouette, standing, rather than imposing from whose head (or helmet) does the strong beam. After a few moments the "presence" disappeared, and in its place appeared a strange source of light is not perfectly defined, pink and consists of three light jets "facing the ground that seems to originate from a" line "dark horizontal, as of above and right of which, however, not observed at all because of the foliage. After a couple of minutes, even that phenomenon suddenly vanished and instead a diffuse white light beam and began to advance toward the house lighting up the road, the trees and the park. When the facade of the building was flooded by the glare, the man, now frightened, started to approach the window, perhaps at least to close the shutters, but about two feet from the opening felt paralyzed, unable to move and scream. Immediately after the light retreated to the area from which had sprung, the Irons could regain control of their movements and went to the window. Once the light faded at the same point appeared a ball of red "hot," the size of about two or three meters, whose luminosity remained confined within it, without illuminating the surrounding environment. Just the observation of the ball to the keeper of the house caused a sharp eye discomfort, such as not being able to fix your eyes on. After a few moments, however, the object rose and began to evoluire in direzione sud-ovest, risalendo la collina e sparendo dalla visuale al di là del crinale. Il cane non ha mai abbaiato durante l'evento, ma in seguito al presunto incontro ravvicinato si ammalò gravemente, iniziò a rifiutare il cibo e ben prestò mori. Il signor Ferri ha riferito di una sensazione di strano silenzio durante i cinque minuti totali del fenomeno. I carabinieri, intervenuti dopo la segnalazione, trovarono in un prato poco sopra la zona dell’avvistamento tre depressioni circolari di circa dieci centimetri di diametro e tre di profondità disposte a triangolo . Non fu invece rilevata alcuna traccia di radioattività. Interessante il fatto che altri testimoni notarono quella notte una luce rossa in cielo.
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