"My name is DG and with my son Alex and my wife Mariangela we looked at the sky at approximately 20:30 ... And two round objects, it seems, with a hole in the center, flew high in the sky. They were close, approaching and departing between them .... were very high and we used binoculars to observe them better ... their speed did not seem very high but their motion and their movements were fast and perfect, almost synchronized ... could look like two "donuts" inflated. But what was great to be visible to the naked eye from that height? The feeling we all felt was that it was something strange. Still we are not able to say what they were. "
" objects flying in the sky were perfectly round. To the naked eye you could not see perfect details. They looked round and only two dark shadows flying ... we tried to photograph them but could not put them in the objective ... were actually far from us ... I'd like to be able to fully explain the wave motion which carried it, as I said, it was perfect and fast ... I wonder how fast considering the distance from which I watched ... also if you think about it more and were certainly very large in relation to the distance (as a comparison I take a plane flying) ... My son points out that behind these objects he saw a darker shadow around them and followed them. This particular I have not been able to locate it "" I'm almost forty years and I've never seen anything like to fly over our heads ... "
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