Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Places In Canton To Get A Brazilian Wax


Full menu: starters first, second and sweet. Already the second course, usually you are full. The last food you a taste, and the remainder goes directly into the dustbin in the kitchen. That's what happens every day in restaurants throughout Italy. Thirty-seven billion euro end of food each year in the baskets of families and caterers. Food capable of feeding 44 million people, the population of Spain, as estimated by the University of Bicocca Milano.Negli United States of America, for several years, there is the fashion of "Doggy Bag," which in part solved the problem. Dodgy Bag Literally means bag of dog but the dog has little or nothing. It means that in New York, San Diego or San Francisco it is customary to go out to eat and leave the restaurant con dei sacchetti in cui c’è del cibo avanzato, accuratamente inscatolato, pronto per essere riposto nel frigorifero di casa e mangiato in un secondo momento.La “moda” arriva in Italia: a Milano, il 15 dicembre, è nata una rete -la prima in Italia- di ristoranti “anti-spreco”, dove i clienti possono portar via il cibo e il vino avanzato. Il progetto si chiama Il buono che avanza, ed è stato lanciato dalla onlus Cena dell’amicizia (vedi nel box) con il sostegno di Slow Food Milano, Legambiente Lombardia e Comieco, con il patrocinio del Comune di Milano-assessorato alla Salute. “Gli eccessi in campo alimentare sono alla base del sovrappeso e di molte altre patologie -spiega Cornelia Pelletta, critico Gourmet Dinner and voluntary association of friendship-so good that the trains to limit advances, calling for an even healthier lifestyle. "The purpose of this operation are different:" Our intent is to continue Pelletta- make explicit and 'Shameless' the measure of the leftover food home. We also want to raise awareness of anti-waste, because a mountain of discarded scraps are a symptom of a society that no longer measures, which increases the needs and excessive consumption. Finally we give in this way, our contribution to the reduction of organic waste that flood our country. "The initiative came with the involvement of twenty famous restaurants in Milan and province (the list is below) but the number is expected to grow. Join, in fact, is very simple: just go to the website www.cenadellamicizia.it and make contact with the volunteers of the association, in a short time, will provide bags and posters of the initiative. "The Doggy Bag will be recycled paper-more-Pelletta Cornelia. In addition, some companies are willing to sponsor the delivery of the bags so that the premises will not have to pay anything, they will deliver them for free. "The idea is that, once fully launched this initiative to extend it also to the catering, so that deliver all the leftover food still edible and the association, which will address the sorting between the various soup kitchens cittadine.L 'initiative is Milan rivals in Piedmont, where since 1999 he is active in Operation Bota Stupa, which means bottle uncorked in Piedmont: the restaurant (the 'list of members is on the site www.butastupa.net ) when the account gives customers the partially consumed bottle, re-cap and placed in a box, so that they can enjoy the evening or the next day. It is not always necessary to see the bottom of the bottle.


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