Between '600 and '700, Sicily developed the art of wax modeling that technical term is called "wax modeling." Truly His birth is in the Middle Ages and since then he lavished special attention in the care of every detail, the works that came out were absolute masterpieces of the patience of Job. Having departed from monasteries and convents of Palermo and Trapani, this art spread a bit 'all over the island and in the '600 artisans became so good as to be applied across Europe. Among the most 'important it is worth mentioning the Syracuse Gaetano Zumbo (or Zummo) who after an apprenticeship in Sicily, he was called over to the courts' important era. His works can be seen in Naples, the Museum of the Observatory in Florence where some of his most 'famous as the Triumph of Time and the Corruption of the body, can be seen in Bologna (for those if you feel like!) many works that represent human body parts made for the most 'important center of human anatomy at the time. At the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, but there is a beautiful Nativity that the famous museum acquired it in with your 1953.E Nativity Baby Jesus and the art of wax modeling meets the popular favor. Beautiful compositions under glass bells, sleeping with Baby Jesus, blessing, or simply sitting, find place in palaces as in the humble homes of the people, and become valuable asset to bequeath to those who come after ....
As a child, I happened to see these precious artifacts and are enchanted to look at the minuteness of details, flowers, which each had a different meaning, a symbolic language today perhaps incomprehensible passion flower symbol of fidelity, the dahlia, gratitude, small chrysanthemums, symbol of pain, the bluebells, a metaphor for obedience and passivity, with carnations their semi-shaped nail recall the crucifixion of Christ.
precious objects now can be seen only in museums and private collections ...
was so long that I wanted to build one that is inspired by one of those seen as a child and I finally found the right time and the inspiration for its realization. Unfortunately, the Child is industrial production (and not give up the idea of \u200b\u200bcarving by hand ...) but the flowers, those no! I made them one by one by hand, shaping and composing on a green arc and the moss and bark that are natural to chair the Child. At the center of the flowers I put it to simulate the pistils of coral branches in the best tradition of Trapani zona.Un touch of my most precious'! And so I have my Child, will not be as old as those having a child, but in a bit 'of years (say a hundred?) It will be too!
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