Monday, December 21, 2009

Changing Title On Finale Notepad

The case The case Rendlesham

Pines Rendlesham Forest, in Suffolk, England, separating the British Bentwaters Air Force Base from its U.S. counterpart in Woodbridge, three miles away. The dawn of December 25, 1980, according to the deputy commander of the U.S. base Lt. Col. Charles I. Halt of security service agents in Woodbridge observed unusual lights outside the gate of the base service.
Thinking that a plane had landed in the forest, they asked permission to investigate. Three agents circulated shortly after he had spotted a strange object in the forest brightly. It was metallic in appearance and triangular in shape, about three meters wide and two high. Illuminated the entire forest with a white light.
"The object had a pulsing light at the top and under a row of blue lights, "Halt told in his signed report. hovers in the air or is supported on the species of legs. When the officers approached him, it maneuvered through the trees and disappeared. At this point the animals from a nearby farm seemed crazy. The object was briefly sighted approximately an hour later at the gate service.
"The next day," the report continued to Halt, "where the object had been sighted were observed in four centimeters deep depressions in the ground and the diameter of seventeen. The next night the area was checked for traces of radioactivity. The counter shows milliröntgen 0.1 beta / gamma, with peaks in the three depressions. More Later that night, was seen through the trees a red light like a sun. He moved and throbbed. At one point seemed to emanate bright particles, and then broke up into five separate white objects and then disappeared. Immediately after, three objects were noticed in the sky like stars, two north and one south, and all of about ten degrees from the horizontal. They moved rapidly in sharp angular movements and emitting red light, green and blue. "
When asked Rendlesham Forest incident, the British Minister of Defense denied knowing about. Later, a copy of the deposition signed by Lieutenant Colonel was obtained from the United States under the law for libertà d'informazione, unitamente a una registrazione della viva voce di Halt che rievocava l'episodio.
Lord Hill-Norton,membro della commissione ufologica nominata dalla Casa dei Lord, dichiarò che se il rapporto del tenente colonnello Halt fosse stato accurato c'era la totale evidenza che lo spazio aereo ed il territorio britannico erano stati violati ed erano perciò vulnerabili; se, invece, il rapporto fosse stato archiviato, le conseguenze di quella luce avrebbero potuto essere assai gravi in termini militari. Purtroppo, la posizione finale assunta dal Ministry of Defence sull'incidente fu che il rapporto, dopo essere stato attentamente esaminato, aveva portato alla conclusione sconcertante che non c'erano interessi legati alla difesa and there was not evidence of something that was introduced in British airspace. Indeed, the report added that just because of the visibility brought about by the phenomenon was reported in total contrast with an entrance hidden in the UK.
The note went on to assert that the government's UFO sightings were attributable to the interest of the MOD topic because people have always seen things in the sky and then difficult to explain, but in many cases, the lights are on for prospective meteor fragments of satellites, to unusual cloud formations or light aircraft. In this case, however, no one is able to give an explanation of what
source: The book of amazing facts but true - Charles Berlitz, CUF

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Schematic Charge Duracell


The cow regrets not having had much time to write but want to reassure you that's fine, that the calf grows and the bear bear:)))
Yes, yes , kitchen, eat and always a new combination every day.
For example, some time ago ...

Dlin dlon.
who's going at this hour?
Let's see ... my sister can not be, the bear is in the office and I do not know anybody in this city. Mica are Jehovah's Witnesses?
And now as I will explain that I do not know anything about France?
Dlin dlon!
Arrival, coming soon!
?? And who is this??
"Madame Buonjur .... bla bla bla."
caspiterina Oh and this guy who wants to?
"Belgacom Belgacom ... ..."
Ah ok, is the kind of phone company and television.
"Are you Italian?" "Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! Who speaks Italian?" "No!" You seemed
What say? If I have problems?
Let's see, my husband has the TV kimono for a week before he could come to the technician, the adsl jumps all the time and luckily we have not even the phone with them.
"Pas de problem, merci!" Translated "no problem". If Okay, you to say ... because it is the only thing I can say ... ihihih!
"The telephone?" "Pas de problem!" "TV?" "Pas de problem! "
"The gsm? " What did he say "ge s'em? And what is it? A cell phone already.
No, no to the charity that we are saved.
" Pas je t'aime, goods ".... because I look so? O
caspiterina I said!
. .. uh ... pas ge s'em, goods! "
O damn! Damn! Mica not think that I'm trying? Hahaha!
I need an accelerated French course. Aiutooooooooooo!

Also, shamelessly copied by Wired New York. Thank you fantastic friends! :)

Ingredients 250 gr flour 200 gr sugar 00

3 eggs 1 jar of apricot yogurt 1 pot of yoghurt

peanut oil 100 g 50 g butter 30 g milk

vanilla pinch of salt 1 tablespoon baking

Whip eggs with sugar. Add butter and yogurt and mix. Subsequently, the milk, vanilla and a pinch of salt. Continued with flour and yeast, and finally the oil. Mix until ottorrete una crema morbida e lucida.
Infornate per 50 minuti a 160 gradi.


Mettere nel boccale le uova e lo zucchero per 2 min vel. 5/6.
Aggiungere il burro per 30 secondi a vel 6. Ora gli altri ingredienti tranne il lievito 30 sec vel 5/6. Infine il lievito 10 sec vel 7.
Infornare per 50 min a 160 gradi.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

How To Heal A Broken Lip Fast

apple pie

Finalmente la mucca, tra una poppata e l'altra, é tornata a cucinare e a mangiare :)))
Ebbene sí, anche le mucche pazze fanno il latte! :)))
Tanta la gioia di non abbracciare piú il wc che la mucca ha incominciato a sfornare e a ingrassare...
Si, si lo sa, lo sa, deve dimagrire... ma c'é tempo :p


3-4 mele golden
3 uova
300 gr di farina
150 di zucchero
1 vasetto di yogurt
150 gr di burro (o 100 di olio di arachidi)
una bustina di lievito
scorza di limone.

tagliare le mele in fettine sottili e metterle da parte.
Montate le uova con lo zucchero, aggiungete la farina setacciata e amalgamate. Aggiungete lo yogurt, il burro fuso e la scorza di limone. Infine il lievito.
Se gradite, nell'impasto, mettete una mela fatta a tocchetti.
Pour into a mold and put the sliced \u200b\u200bapples in the crown, starting from the edge, immergendoleabbastanza. Bake at 180 for
cica hour, depending on oven and microwave.

put all the ingredients together, except apples and baking powder, 1 min vel. 5 Add the yeast
10 sec. vel. 5
Proceed as above.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

What Make Rice Krispies Pop!


Titian Morresi
October 21, 1963, we are in the province of Tucuman in Argentina. In their ranch in Santa Teresa, 3 km from Trancas, Moreno's family finishes dinner.
The farm was not connected to the mains, but took the electric current from a private installation. That day, the generator stopped without warning early in the afternoon. As they had more power, the dinner was held by candlelight and we moved in the various rooms in the same way, and so we decided to go to bed early. The house contains eight main rooms, home to six people that night: Teresa and Antonio Moreno, their three daughters and a young girl of 15 years of service Dora Martina Guzman. Moreno
I'm not really the villagers, but the landowners, whose cultural level is well above average. Around
at 20.00h, Yolie of Moreno Valley that was still up to feed her child, feels a sudden, the girl service, Dora Marta Guzman, hit the door of her room, crying. She was afraid, could not explain the lights going in and out from the walls of the house. Yolie not pay much attention to this observation. But some minutes later, Martin returned Dora, more frightened than before: the lights were still unknown outside the house. And he understood the cause. Hence his fear. He explained that every time I left the house, lit up the whole court of the farm for a few seconds. He could not be a storm, also there were some clouds in the sky and did not feel noise of thunder at the end Yolie and her sister, Yolanda, 21 years old the first and the second 30 years, got up and left the house person to realize what was happening. At first glance, they could not see anything. But, as it ventured beyond the house, going towards the railway line, they saw two very bright objects in the form of discs, apparently connected together by a fluorescent tube.
Yolie describes the object as something that looked like a small train, brightly lit. A number of silhouettes, human-looking shadows and that the sisters have been about forty, stirred within this sort of pipe connecting the two seemingly "flying saucers". The silhouettes were undoubtedly something human, and young women thought it was a derailment occurred on the line, or undermining the insurgency. The two sisters decided to go anyway to see more closely. If that does not go back home to find the hottest clothes, Dora and Martin took the opportunity to take his Colt 38, (married to a military career) that he used to keep on hand when she was alone at home with his younger sisters.
Yolie went on the first floor to wake the other sister, Argentina, the lesser of Moreno and asked him to take care of the child. When Argentina understood what the sisters prepare to make, informed them of the dangers of sabotage and guerrilla warfare. But curiosity, did not prevent her to accompany his sisters to the door. And then I let out a terrible cry, surprised by the presence of these strange machines around the house, and running to avoid it, he tripped on a pile of bricks that were in court. Yolie, Yolanda Dora and Martin continued their attempt to get close to the railway. By the time they were going to spend the southern part of the house, they saw a greenish light, right before them, near the main entrance of the farm. They took the headlights of the truck of one of several employees of the company. He then rushed to open the main gate.
But then the sisters live Moreno one of the most incredible and strange encounters of the third type, the entire history of ufology.
While advancing towards the gate, Yolie dirisse the beam of light from his pocket toward the light, toward that greenish glow. At that precise moment, an object having the shape of a disc with a dome, which appeared as sospeso tra il cielo e la terra...
Questo oggetto, largo 9 m, sembrava avere 6 grandi finestre. Apparentemente metallico, sembrava fatto da una serie di pannelli fissati tra loro, bordo contro bordo, in scomparti. La cupola era ugualmente metallica, più scura, e non aveva scomparti. L'oggetto si bilanciava dolcemente avanti e indietro. Improvvisamente, una banda multicolore si mise a girare all'interno delle finestre (oblò) ed una nebbia biancastra cominciò ad espandersi tutto attorno all'oggetto, con un rumore sordo leggero. I testimoni si resero così conto che c'era come un odore di zolfo. Ciò durò una trentina di secondi, dopo di che, senza preavviso alcuno, un soffio bruciante uscì dall'oggetto, colpendo Dora Martin and two sisters, projecting it violently to the ground. At the same time, other 3 disks lit up along the railroad: making a total of six "flying objects". A few moments later, the parents of young girls watched the object, the one closest to home, looking out a window facing the street railway.
Yolie Moreno in the various interviews given was called "mother-ship."
As the shadows inside the unit seemed to come and go faster and faster, they saw the disc surrounded by white smoke, until, that only they could see a glow orange. A tube of light emerged from the summit of the object and the probed walls of the house. At one point, another light went out. The double light pipes continued their exploration: three were from other items were placed on the railroad and that was immediately spotted by witnesses.
These lights were directed particularly towards the hen house, and tractors, and another explored the neighbor's house. The ends of these lamps is "solid" advancing slowly, as if they were to avoid obstacles in their path, in the direction of the farm. A few minutes were enough to "light tubes" to cover the distance (180 m) from the railroad to the house.
The tubes were perfectly cylindrical and made about 9 m in diameter. Do not project any shadow. Driven by a lively curiosity and a pulse imstintivo, Yolie Moreno dared move her arm inside of the beam. He felt a strong sensation of heat. However, the light did not undergo any change during this brief experience, as if it passed through the arm. Fortunately, this heat had no effect on the skin. At this point Yolie thinking that this "thing that does not light and shadow through solid objects" not of this world, terrified rushed inside the house. Only the girl
service, Dora Marta Guzman was seriously burned on the face, legs and arms. It was the first and second degree burns.
Meanwhile, the temperature had risen quickly from 16 ° that were there before to 40 degrees. The air was saturated with an odor like sulfur and burned, and Moreno felt like pinching the skin. The mother meanwhile was praying Yolie fear. Yolanda Argentina and instead begged their father not to leave.
The house was lit up like daylight. No one could explain the origin of this light. None of the witnesses was able to observe whether this was due to the "flying objects". The light had a powerful effect on animals. I had three wild dogs that Moreno observed that, under the influence of light, the animals fell into lethargy. Then, when the rays are a bit away 'by the dogs, they looked back to life. Anche le galline erano profondamente addormentate. I Moreno dichiararono inoltre che ad un certo punto il “vascello-madre” ,quello più vicino alla casa, dirisse il suo raggio di luce in direzione di Trancas. Nel giro di una decina di minuti, il lungo tubo di luce raggiunse la città, situata a tre chilometri di distanza. Poco dopo la luce tubolare rientrò nell’oggetto emettitore.
In seguito, e in un modo sorprendente, il tubo di luce fece un giro su sé stesso, e si dirisse nuovamente verso la casa. Infine, si ritirò lentamente, e, improvvsamente, scomparì completamente.
Finalmente, i 6 oggetti si alzarono in volo e mantenendosi ad una altitudine bassa, si dirissero verso est, verso la catena di Sierra mountains of Medina. Since the beginning of the sighting took about 40 to 50 minutes. But 30 minutes after the complete disappearance of objects, the sky was still carrying a light orange. Once Moren or leave the state of exhaustion due to shock, ventured into the garden. The cloud produced by the object that was closest to home, still floating in the air. It was very thick and expanded still a strong smell of sulfur.
The cloud dispersed after only 4 hours. A journalist who paid a visit to the family the next day said that the heat and the smell of sulfur could still be heard inside the house. The places where objects were arrested, Moreno discovered a cone Perfect 1 m high: it was made from a stack of small white balls of 1 cm in diameter. The next day, they found the same small balls on the rails, just where were the "flying objects". These little balls disintegrated easily with a simple push. They were then analyzed in the laboratory, the Institute for Chemical Research, University of Tucuman. You could see that they contained 96.47% of the calcium carbonate and 3.51% potassium carbonate.
An investigation was quickly launched by the police. It was discovered that José Acosta, and his whole family had seen this same lighting on the railroad, and had seen Francisco Tropiano 6 discs fly away into the sky at around 22:15, the time at which Moreno had seen their "guests" to retire.
more inexplicable: a tractor parked in the garage and simply touched by one of these cylinders of light, was found the next day meticulously cleaned all the engine oil and without any apparent tampering.
addition, the electricity came back the next day without the aid of anyone. We will never know who or what caused the failure for the simple reason that it was probably caused in a non-conventional.
What was the exact purpose of the visit to this farm in Argentina? It appears that the pilots of these machines unknown conducting an investigation. But what they hoped to find?
Another possibility: they were perhaps looking for a base for their equipment?
As the rays of light, seem to have been used to discourage the curious who wanted to get too close to the unit. Whatever the reason, in any event, the visit of these unknown drivers, we can see that they would not do any harm to Moreno.

Monday, October 12, 2009

How Do You Spell Rotor Cuff

When calves are born

In a strict summer "in the cold and frost ... no, sorry, I restart.
was in 1954 that "the cold and frost," you could not see a summer 'so' hot, better to say that you could not see a 'summer.
After 55 years at last, even there, you could see the sun and became sensible to go out with short sleeves, just in summer when the pregnant cow had escaped from the "oven fresh" looking for some 'fresh as his condition a bit', to say, elephantine.
initerrotto After 9 months of vomiting, weight amuento exponential leave the hospital for attempted escape of the calf resulting period of complete rest in bed with a huge hot, the only summer that would have been wise to take a walk ... finally, with a punctuality 'record and over 18 hours of labor, the cow was able to face the man who had finally brought the sun in all that gray.
Yes, one of the last days of summer, the calf and 'come al mondo e tra le braccia della sua mamma ha guardato la mucca e l'orso commossi e gli ha salutati con tante belle linguacce :P
Tutto sua madre! :)))
Buona vita piccolo vitello.

Monday, September 21, 2009

My Dog Hasears Frostbite

France: a UFO landing (with occupant) in 1790?

We show a little-noted case, a case that is rarely included in the field of UFO magazine. We are talking about a case of landing would take place in Alençon (France) in 1790. The case was made noto a metà anni 70 del secolo scorso e riproposto (come accenno) sulla rivista del MUFON nel 2005. Ecco la descrizione apparsa sul libro “Le Mystère des O.V.N.I. – Fantastiques contacts extra-terrestres”, scritto da Jack Perrin nel 1976. Farebbe parte di un rapporto scritto da un ispettore di polizia, tale De Liabeuf, che fu inviato da Parigi per indagare il caso. Ecco il suo rapporto:
“Il 12 giugno, alle 5 del mattino, dei contadini scorsero un globo enorme che pareva avvolto da fiamme. In principio pensarono che potesse essere ‘una mongolfiera in fiamme’, ma la grande velocià e un sibilo che usciva da questa massa li lasciarono perplessi. Il globo rallentò, ebbe delle oscillazioni, then fell on the crest of a hill, uprooting plants. The heat was so intense that it gave off the herbs and shrubs were almost immediately caught fire. The farmers were able to confine the fire, which could be extended across the area. In the evening, the ball was still an extraordinary thing happened tiepdida and not to say incredible, I witnessed two mayors, a doctor and three other authorities which confirm my relationship, not to mention the dozens of farmers present. The ball, which could include a coach, after all that flying was still intact; aroused so much curiosity that people came from everywhere to see it. Then, suddenly, it opened like a door, and here is the interesting came out a person like us, but oddly dressed (wearing a dress that clings to the body), and seeing the crowd, he muttered something incomprehensible and sat safely in the woods. The farmers instinctively shrank back, afraid, and that was saved because, shortly after, the ball broke out silently, throwing parts all over the world who consume up to fall into dust. Searches were undertaken to find the mysterious man, but these seemed to have dissolved, unless it has disappeared from one dimension to another because it was not until then been discovered the slightest trace. Is this a coming from another world with the strange vehicle? I am not a scientist, is an idea that came suddenly ... "
So far the report. The author Perrin that put this case in his book lets you know also that the report itself was immediately sent to the Academy of Sciences of France and was greeted with sarcasm by scientists who absolutely denied the possibility that a Living on Earth, they could get viewed the report as the product of an overactive imagination, fueled by word of imaginative peasants did not even know what they had seen. These learned people would not even bother to go to the site to ascertain visually the crater produced by the ball; However, this hole was visible for years.
source: UFO Center Taranto

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Why Is Aids Medication So Expensive

UFO documents declassified in the UK and the "blindness" of journalists

Antonio De Comite (Taranto UFO Center)
In these days there is much talk of declassified documents, or rather a part of documents by the MoD (Ministry of Defence) in the UK. The period covers the years ranging from 1981 to 1996. It is now, so censorship, made to believe that almost all sightings have increased, especially in 1996, because of television and media success of "The X-Files." The argument was made and endorsed by noted skeptic believe true, in tema di UFO, David Clarke, docente di giornalismo alla Sheffield Hallam University e incaricato dal Governo britannico di pubblicare il tutto. Quindi quasi tutte allucinazioni, mitomanie, lanterne cinesi e palloni sonda. E la stampa “abbocca”, facendo un “copia ed incolla”, senza andare a visualizzare per davvero i documenti desecretati. Ma se lo avessero fatto avrebbero sicuramente notato che non è tutta roba da “manipolazione da telefilms”. Nei documenti ci sono anche alcuni casi di incontri in volo, tra velivoli e UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects), con casi di “near miss” (quasi collisione). Eccone un esempio:

Documento DEFE 24/1961 (pagina 381). Qui si parla di un “oggetto light "which passed close to a plane that was coming to Manchester, in January 1995 ( )

Document DEFEA 24/1960 (page 294). Here we talk about a "black object, shaped like a diamond" that passes close to a plane (about 500 meters from the aircraft) which moved on Berkshire, in August 1994 ( .uk/pdfs/ufos/defe-24-1960.pdf )

DEFEA 24/1960 Document (pages 320 to 324). Here it shows the case of UFOs being chased by F-16 Belgian Air Force, stationed in England, in March 1990 ( )

DEFEA 24/1960 Document (pages 424 to 425). Here it shows the case of a crew of an aircraft, flying from Moscow to Tokyo, which in the month of March 1994 notes a "huge object entering Earth's atmosphere over the Arctic, causing a shock wave "200 miles long. The crew then reported that the UFO came over the north pole and was estimated to be around for a sail "10/15.000 mph. Initially suggested the return of the Space Shuttle, but this hypothesis fell immediately. ( ).

Questi pochi casi riportati sono così probanti che anche uno scettico si ricrederebbe, ma si preferisce celare, parlare di documenti facilmente smentibili e portare a livello di “mass media” la tesi che è quasi tutta una allucinazione di massa. Ma come si fa a dire che questi piloti, che rischiano la propria vita e del loro equipaggio in volo, hanno avuto le allucinazioni, ampliate dal serial di “X-Files”? Perchè i giornalisti continuano a fare il “copia ed incolla” di notizie internazionali, senza un approfondimento in merito? Perchè continuano ad essere “ciechi” nei confronti di avvistamenti così probanti? Meglio parlare di alieni con la testa a forma of "lemon" easily removable, that cases of "air miss" between aircraft and UFOs flying in from elsewhere. Too bad that people no longer have the nose ring.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

How Much Does It Cost For Flat Bed Tow

Sighting in San Fermo della Battaglia

These days I came an email from a person referred to publish only the initials for the sake of privacy.Il day July 30 at approximately 20:30, with his wife Mariangela Alessio and his son, the witness noticed something strange in the skies of San Fermo della Battaglia in the province of Como and was in the garden of his testimony casa.Pubblico below:
"My name is DG and with my son Alex and my wife Mariangela we looked at the sky at approximately 20:30 ... And two round objects, it seems, with a hole in the center, flew high in the sky. They were close, approaching and departing between them .... were very high and we used binoculars to observe them better ... their speed did not seem very high but their motion and their movements were fast and perfect, almost synchronized ... could look like two "donuts" inflated. But what was great to be visible to the naked eye from that height? The feeling we all felt was that it was something strange. Still we are not able to say what they were. "
" objects flying in the sky were perfectly round. To the naked eye you could not see perfect details. They looked round and only two dark shadows flying ... we tried to photograph them but could not put them in the objective ... were actually far from us ... I'd like to be able to fully explain the wave motion which carried it, as I said, it was perfect and fast ... I wonder how fast considering the distance from which I watched ... also if you think about it more and were certainly very large in relation to the distance (as a comparison I take a plane flying) ... My son points out that behind these objects he saw a darker shadow around them and followed them. This particular I have not been able to locate it "" I'm almost forty years and I've never seen anything like to fly over our heads ... "

Friday, July 17, 2009

Large Military Airbase Location

The cow and the calf

Dopo la millessima notte insonne la mucca canta:
"Ditemi perché
se la mucca fa muuuuuuuuu
il vitello non fa viiiiiiiii
é un monello irrequieto
senza regole e timore
dentro meeeeeeeeeee".
Ebbene sí, la mucca in questo periodo é piú pazza che mai :)))
La si vede vagare la notte nelle stanze della casa "al freddo e al gelo" canticchiando per addormentarsi, a tutte le ore si avvicina fortivamente al frigo e alla dispensa, presa dai sensi di colpa cerca di smaltire qualcosa sulla wiiiiiiii fit ma finisce come sempre ad amoreggiare abbracciata al suo inseparabile wc.
Come negarlo, all'alba dell'ottavo mese il vitello fa ancora i capricci sul cibo e appena nota qualcosa di sano che si avvicina al corpo della mucca subito scatena le sue capacitá innate da lottatore di kickboxing e gioca con lo stomaco della mucca finché la poverina non si ritrova tra le braccia il suo wc.
Si mormora che a volte la mucca senta miagolare nella pancia e ci si domanda se é proprio un gatto l'incrocio tra una mucca pazza e un orso bianco o se sia lei che oramai é entrata nella fase delirante. Ahahahah!
Presa dalla paura dell'avvicinarsi del parto, conoscendo la voglia di collaboare del figlio and his inability to understand the language of the 'gay surgeon "the cow decided to start a language course and the course freddalite precatastrofe as prepartum or whatever you want ...
In this video we can see the intent while performing the exercises for relaxation and preparation for the happy event ...

The cow apologizes to her dear virtual friends if you do not pass by them but find it difficult to be strong in front of the various wonderful recipes. He promises that will not fail to succeed when they go to greet each of you.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Bluetooth Headset With Lcd

They've found!

After months of inaction seems to mad cow disease was found in ... She
it is justified by saying "I was just hot ...

Monday, July 6, 2009

Foods To Avoid When You Have Gastritis

Abduction: a new neuropsychiatric syndrome?

Patrick Caini
During the second half of the '80s and the '90s, the experts have witnessed a significant increase in the number of cases of alleged "abduction" in all social strata and all age groups, that increase has gone hand in hand with an increased interest by the media against of this issue.
As a result of this widespread awareness, the phenomenon has been widely disseminated through multiple media channels: television, with documentaries on the subject, movies and serials, the press, with books and magazines, on talk shows where guests share experiences of abduction in front of millions of telespettatori.Di shot of a topic that until now was known by a small group of dedicated scholars and jumped to the headlines and took an unsuspected popularity, so much so that, to date, very few have never heard of alien abductions. "This realization, if one part had the merit to come out of hiding this problem and to motivate a small part of the public, it has also triggered a dangerous mechanism that causes the subject very well informed on the subject and particularly suggestible and easily influenced, perhaps with some pre-existing structural and functional abnormality in certain brain areas, end up confusing fantasies for real memories and subconscious desires and self-convinced that they actually lived this experience tipo.In this sense, the abduction, as a new neuropsychiatric syndrome but also a significant social and sociological phenomenon of the '90s and 2000.A support of this hypothesis, there is a whole series of studies conducted by multidisciplinary research unit consisting of psychologists, psychiatrists and neurophysiologists , studies that can be found in the literature and show that, for the case studies can be called into question an explanation conventional based on objective factors that lead back most of the alleged abduction false ricordi.Nei early 90s, MA Persinger conducted an interesting study in the Laboratory of Neuroscience Compottamentale Laurentian University of Sudbury, Ontario (Canada), during which underwent a series of six neuropsychological findings in adults who had suddenly recalled memories of sexual abuse or pre-school visits / alien abduction. Interestingly, these experiences emerge when hypnosis was used in a context of sexual abuse or New Age religion and how they were followed by a reduction in anxiety. The subjects showed a significant increase in capacity of abstraction and imagination of childhood complex partial epileptic-like signs and neuropsychological data showed anomalies suggestionabilità.I tempotali fronto-right, although the profiles of the MMPI (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory: Inventory of Minnesota multiphasic personality, psycho-diagnostic test is very similar to that is given to students called to arms during the visit of leverage) is within the norma.I results support the hypothesis that enhanced imagination, due to instability of the temporal lobe in specific contexts, facilitate the creation of false memories were further strengthened when there is also anxiety reduction. In another study by Persinger and TL Dittburner, Department of Psychology, Laurentian University, twenty young women psychologically well-structured play was made an ambiguous story about a young boy who had experienced fear, smelled a strange odor, experienced an overwhelming feeling during the night and reported skin lesions in the morning. After making the HIP (Hypnotic Induction Pro file: Hypnotic Induction Profile), women were, asked to assess the rate of prevalence of childhood sexual abuse or alien abduction in the general population. There were significantly positive correlations between the assessments of the prevalence by persons, the extent of amnesia and indices abnormalities of the cerebral hemisphere destro.È still under debate the relationship between the observations, the formation of the so-called FMS (False Memory Syndrome: False Memory Syndrome) and the development of hallucinations psicotiche.Presso Carleton University, for Ottawa (Ontario, Canada), Spanos NP, CA Burgess Burgess and MF showed how certain individuals, sometimes Fantastichini whole, complex scenarios and then define these experiences as memories of real events, rather than consider the product of a fertile imagination. This study examined three such events: the experiences of past lives, contact with alien creatures and kidnapping by them and memories of abuse satanic type rituals apparently suffered during childhood. It was shown that, in each of the three cases, the discovery of imaginative events are frequently associated with hypnotic procedures and structured interviews, during which the subject is decided and repeatedly asked questions relating to the experiences that you believe he actually lived, questions inevitably end up legitimizing these experiences as "real memories." The results from this study support the hypothesis that the evocation of memories is organized in terms of current expectations and beliefs. An interesting study published in the prestigious journal Lancet shows how much power the media have in influencing some subjects particularly imaginative and suggestible. People tend to get most of their information outside of their professional and family, specifically the print media, radio and televisione.L 'author of this study, T. Radford, wondered if the public really believed unlikely to stories by the media, such as that suggests, for example, the possibility that there is a correlation between the pathogenic virus of HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus: virus' Human immunodeficiency) and AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome: Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome). Radford pointed out how the same individuals who are not willing to believe the latter and other urban legends, as deemed unlikely, they were, to varying degrees, inclined to believe the other stories in question, in general, equally implausible, such as unidentified flying objects (UFO: Unidentified Flying Objects), astrology, metempsychosis (reincarnation) and abduction alieni.Presso the School of Psychology, University of Ottawa, AL. Patry and LG. Pelletier took into consideration the beliefs, attitudes and experiences related to sightings of unidentified flying objects and kidnappings alieni.I two researchers began to develop a test for the beliefs about the UFO phenomena and administered to a sample of 398 Canadian students. The results derived from the time the scale di valutazione delle credenze paranormali mostrarono che la maggioranza dei soggetti credeva negli U.F.O., nonostante la maggior parte di essi non ne avesse mai visto uno mentre solo una piccola parte credeva ai rapimenti alieni.Gli autori giunsero alla conclusione che le credenze negli U.F.O. originassero da forze sociali piuttosto che da esperienze personali.Ricercatori del Dipartimento di Psicologia ddl'Università di Harvard, a Cambridge (Massachusetts, U.S.A.), studiarono i meccanismi psicologici responsabili della creazione della "falsa memoria" in soggetti che riferivano di avere recuperato ricordi di eventi traumatici, eventi che, probabilmente, non si sono mai verificati, quali, ad esempio, rapimenti ad opera di creature aliene provenienti dallo space profondo.Il recover false memories was investigated in three groups: the first group of subjects reported to have recovered memories of alien abduction, the second group included those who believed that he was abducted by aliens, but without having any recollection of this experience, while the third numbered subjects who denied having been abducted by creatures extraterrestri.I study results showed that subjects in the first group were more likely than control subjects to recall false ricordi.I researchers also noted that the degree hypnotic suggestibility, the symptom constellation associated with depressive and schizotypal features are significant markers predictive of recall of false memories.
In agreement with the findings from the studies described above, however, I believe that most of the abduction is subjective, that result from the creative mind of highly suggestible, by virtue of neuropsychological mechanisms that lead to the recall of false memories that the subjects themselves do not are able to discriminate from the real ones. The first, in fact, could be the result of processing the second unconscious, fantasies and repressed desires, but may also be produced as a result of one or more post-traumatic stress disorder, the causes must be sought in the experiences of the past entities to be interesting to note that, in some cases, in subjects in which the investigation focused on the recovery of false memories of alien abductions, have been observed morphological and structural abnormalities of specific areas cerebrali.Gran part of the alleged abductees, therefore, could suffer a new form of neuropsychiatric syndrome, the result of the times we live in and arising from the complex interplay of factors, neuropsychiatric, and type of environmental / cultural.
(nb for the sake of simplification I thought it appropriate to cut a piece of the article where the author claimed the abduction case of the remaining land held vere.Per read the whole article: / 2558ce7ed7d75693e24f1483b9c947a8.pdf )

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Lease Expiry Official Letter

Mysterious glow in the skies of Taranto, and Cisternino Conversano

TARANTO - A mysterious glow occurred this evening in the skies of Taranto: I have witnessed hundreds of people strolling on the promenade of the Ionic capital. The flare was followed by the fall of fragments, precipitated in a radius of ten kilometers.
Dozens of calls have reported the incident to the centers of firefighters and police and in the preparation of the Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno.
The Air Force has ruled out the possibility of a plane crash. Stay at the moment the hypothesis of a meteorite, or a satellite falling on the ground and exploded on contact with the atmosphere.
Un oggetto luminoso non meglio identificato sarebbe stato visto cadere da alcuni cittadini non lontano dal comune di Conversano, a una quarantina di chilometri da Bari.
La segnalazione è stata fatta verso le 20.30 con diverse telefonate al 112 e alla centrale operativa dei vigili del fuoco: chi chiamava faceva riferimento a un «oggetto luminoso» caduto dal cielo.
Anche la prefettura di Bari conferma che ci sono state queste segnalazioni. Da prime verifiche sui radar dell’Aeronautica militare pare tuttavia che non sia comparsa alcuna anomalia o presenza di velivoli in volo.
«Non ci sono elementi per poter classificare questo oggetto», ha detto in proposito Colonel Antonio Basin, provincial commander of the police confirming that it was aware of this sighting in Conversano.
"Now - added - we are doing cross-checks the data held with other institutions. We are also trying to classify this object. "
also see in Cisternino
Strange, strange sighting in the sky even in Cisternino. "It was a great ball, bright, color is between blue and green and yellow left a trail." Speak for themselves, Anna Sandra Bonilla Agrusti who were stationed in Rome at the height of street number 12. "It was moving horizontally, and it all happened very quickly, about over five, six seconds, and were 20 and 15 ". Similar sightings occurred years ago.
Five years ago a teacher had seen a "ball" light very similar to that on Friday and, at that time there was talk of alien. Other sightings had occurred but it has often been reticent to make statements to the press because it quickly becomes the object of mockery. Immediately after the sighting, on the same route of the ball of light, it's been a flight altitude was the same.
When the voice began to spread across the country others have claimed to have seen the strange flying object. Surely in the coming days we will know if it was a meteorite or other celestial fragment in the fall.
source: UFO Center Taranto

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Autoimmune Disease Stoven

cargo cults

Johannes Fiebag
Have you ever heard of "cargo cults"? What exactly is meant by this term? The cargo cults arise when a given culture, technologically advanced, comes into contact with another farther back: it's very strange experience at the time lived by Christopher Columbus, who landed on an island in the Bahamas says on the book by the board meeting of his crew with the natives of the place: "They welcomed us if we were revered as gods descended from heaven." Like Columbus, Sir Francis Drake was also mistaken for supernatural entity from the native Indians settled in the area of \u200b\u200bthe San Francisco: "We tried to explain to them that we were not the of - remember the clerk of the board - but to no avail. "Captain James Cook landed in Tahiti, it was believed the god Rongo, men returned to after his time, according to legend, left the island on board a ship nuvola.Il similar to a French captain Jean Ribault, erected in Florida, in 1565, a column with the emblem of your country and some years later, the column became the center of religious worship of the natives of the place, that adorned it with garlands and placed in front of you gifts sacrificali.Tali cults persist even in our century. In the twenties, the naturalist James Hurley found that not only him but also to its own seaplane, the natives of New Guinea, used to sacrifice a pig every night: they believed the plane in 1943 divina.Quando an entity other white men penetrated for the first time in the Plateau east of New Guinea, the natives saw that handle long bamboo poles, equipped with wireless data from plant fibers and topped with pseudo microphones wood: They later learned that the natives did not want to imitate the other behavior of American soldiers, seen at a nearby air base and whose "grandi uccelli metallici" essi attendevano doni.Da questa speranza riposta nei doni, cioè nelle merci (inglese "cargo"), deriva la denominazione di tali culti religiosi.Il caso più curioso ebbe luogo in una piccola isola dei mari del Sud, Tinna, dove negli anni Venti visse per un breve tempo un soldato americano, John Frum. Ancora oggi l'intera vita religiosa del posto è incentrata sulla sua figura: egli viene considerato una divinità della quale si attende il ritorno dalla "Terra Promessa", ossia dall'America, carica di ricchi doni per le popolazioni. Un paio di monete e di banconote di John Frum sono custodite come reliquie, ed in suo onore è stato costruito un piccolo tempio di bamboo; infine gli isolani portano tatuate sull'avambraccio the letters "USA" and the chieftain of the period, after which John Frum would have appeared in a dream, has now revered as "the great prophet." Interestingly, the mysterious technical means "foreigners" were described through the concepts borrowed from its lexicon, so a plane was represented as "big bird" or "thunder bird", a locomotive, a "knight of fire", the telephone cable "wire singers." Among the Apache, even today, the car components are defined by concepts of human anatomy: the headlights are the "eyes", the engine is "the gut" and so on.
Se si confrontano ora questi culti cargo con le religioni a noi note, riscontriamo inevitabilmente alcuni elementi comuni sorprendenti. Le leggende, tramandate oralmente, relative agli dei scesi dal cielo su carri di fuoco per punire o per ricompensare gli uomini o per esigere da loro dei servigi, esistono presso tutti i popoli del mondo. Gli "dei" del "nuovo mondo" e quelli del XX° secolo, che determinarono la nascita dei culti cargo nei mari del Sud o in qualsiasi altro posto, sono a noi noti. Ma chi furono invece questi altri dei responsabili millenni orsono, della nascita di identici culti e religioni dell'intero pianeta?
In Amazzonia vive la tribù dei Kajappos. Da tempi remoti essa venera un dio dal nome Bep Kororoti, di cui si racconta arrivò e visse in mezzo agli indigeni, per poi fare ritorno al cielo. Bep Kororoti, avrebbe indossato uno strano abito che lo ricopriva da capo a piedi e in mano teneva uno strumento da cui scaturivano dei fulmini. Infine egli avrebbe impartito agli uomini le tecniche fondamentali dell'agricoltura e dell'allevamento, nonché nuovi stratagemmi per la caccia, per ripartire infine fra fuoco e fiamme, scomparendo nel firmamento. Ancora oggi i Kajappos celebrano una volta l'anno una grande festa, in ricordo di questo loro dio, nel corso della quale un sacerdote si immedesima nel ruolo di Bep Kororoti, indossando un bizzarro indumento di paglia. Tutto questo non ricorda forse da vicino il worship celebrated in the present century in honor of John Frum, on the island of tinnitus? The only difference is the latter that the legend of Kajappos refers to events that occurred over 25,000 years ago.
the Dogon and Sirius B
Staying in a similar context, now turn our attention to another population and other relevant leggende.Nel territory corresponding to today's Mali, in West Africa, lives Dogon tribe, whose myths were first studied sixty years ago by two French ethnologists. The research did shed light on details to put it mildly disconcerting: the life of the Dogon religion was centered on the so-called party of Sigui, that occurs every fifty years, this is the time - so the shamans of the village told the stunned ethnologists - in which a star, invisible from Earth, completes its revolution around Sirius. We now know with certainty the existence of such a star, whose discovery came at the end of the last century and of which there are only photographs taken in the early seventies. It is therefore a star completely invisible to the naked eye! But that's not all: the Dogon are aware not only of the existence of the star in question, but I also know the period of revolution, the above mentioned fifty years, that modern astronomy confirmed. They also know that Sirius B describes elliptical orbit around Sirius A principal and which is characterized by a mass enormously heavy. A simple prick of the subject, according to the Dogon, would weigh more than all the grains of the beaches of the world put insieme.Sirio B is in fact a so-called white dwarf, ie a star who once underwent a process of contraction, following which his matter was greatly compressa.I Dogon also known for millennia that the moon's surface is "dry and dead like dried blood and dead," describing Saturn surrounded by a single ring and know the four large Galilean moons of our own Milky Way they Giove.Della speak of it as a cluster of stars and spiral, similar to many others. These are concepts that we learned only from this century scorso.Mentre is known to the Dogon from the thirteenth century after Christ that period it is possible to trace the use of ritual masks are produced every 50 years on the feast of Sigui. Where did the Dogon learned these amazing information? Their oral tradition speaks of a god, descended from the stars on a big ship and called NUMMI, a being halfway between man and fish.
is striking to note that the Sumerian civilization allocated in today's Iraq, worship a curious figure, which they called Oannes. Even Oannes would be dropped from the sky aboard a "huge shimmering pearl," to bring knowledge to mankind. Please note in this connection an extremely interesting: the Sumerian civilization, in fact the oldest in the world, developed suddenly, almost overnight.
would like to dwell on another example, in my view extremely useful for finding traces of extraterrestrial in the past. In 580 BC, lived in a ghetto of Babylon, the biblical prophet Ezekiel, a Jewish member of the tribe there deported a few years earlier. Ezekiel in the year 584, still young, during his wanderings in the desert, living an extraordinary adventure: "A celestial chariot" rests on the ground in front of his eyes, on top of it he sees a figure that a little later began to speak to him. In the biblical text reads: "In the thirtieth year, on the fifth day of the month, while I was among the Exiles on the banks of the river Kebar, the heavens opened and I saw then stand a mighty wind from the north, accompanied by a great cloud and a large mass of fire: a dazzling glow around her, amid the mass of fire seemed to catch a glimpse of copper. "Ezekiel then describes four bodies, which in his eyes had the likeness of animals, each of which he sees four wings . Since these bodies are released several times and had flashes of something like human hands placed on their "legs". These "legs" were straight and had the "walk" rounded shone as bright copper. The strange figures, he said, also had the wheels: "As I saw the pictures, I noticed that each of them showed a wheel. The wheels have the look of turquoise, all four were identical and were presented as if they were inside the other, they could move in all directions and move in, not turned around. " It is also an interesting description of what was on top of these winged figures, provided with metal legs and wheels, "Above the heads of the figures could be seen a starry sky, like a crystal, when the figures were moving, I could hear the sound of the beat of their wings that resembled the roar of large masses water, as the voice dell'Onnipossente: a noise similar to a marching regiment. And above, placed on their heads, you could see a kind of throne, as bright as a sapphire, on which sat a being like a man: his figure gave off a very bright, similar to the rainbow after the storm, I felt is the presence of the glory of the Lord, then I fell to the ground and someone began to address the following words: "Arise, son of man that I can talk to." As I heard this voice, life returned to me. "Let us now put ourselves in the situation which he lived Ezekiel, a priest of the Israelites, suddenly an extraordinary encounter with a" heavenly chariot, " which recognizes structures that he calls the "wings", "metal legs," "wheels", a central body and finally a place to be on top, sitting on a throne, which is targeted verbally. There is nothing strange if the young prophet, faced with such a show falls prey to a shock to the experience, several days after it writes: "I gathered the exiles who lived along the river Kebar in Tel Abib. I stayed with them for seven days, completely shocked. "
Over twenty years ago, Joseph F. Blumrich, then an engineer at NASA, one of the main designers of the LEM lunar lander, published what it considered to be the reconstruction of the "heavenly chariot" seen by Ezekiel. It was a kind of shuttle, designed to land on those planets provided the atmosphere, characterized by four rotors and a central body, on top of which place he had to find the cockpit with its equipaggio.Anche for "wheels "Wagon heavenly" wheels do not revolved, Blumrich came to a personal interpretation, which later successfully proposed in a patent. Extraterrestrial technology dating back to 2500 years earlier, patented in the U.S. in 1972! Ezekiel describes in his book that he had repeated encounters with the spacecraft and its crew. Twice he was taken on board the ship, to be taken to a distant place. On the 40th chapter he writes: "In the twenty-fifth year of our captivity, earlier this year, the tenth day of the month, the hand of the Lord came to me, take me down there, and there I rest it on a high mountain where they were building up something similar to a city facing south. "Ezekiel, who may not know where it was actually brought, thought to exist in some area of \u200b\u200bIsrael. In front of the temple, under the door, a man stationed to look "metal", which had a team in hand and a silk string.
The following in the book of Ezekiel is a detailed description of numerous pages on a strange structure provided with outer walls, atriums, courtyards, interior doors, stairs, rooms and the entire temple. Of this building there have been repeated attempts to reconstruct the past, but they failed due to the inaccuracy of the data provided by Ezekiel on the overall size and the perimeter and the lack of information about the height of the structures. Therefore, the theologians were so far satisfied the version officially known, according to which Ezekiel would not have faced a real temple, but the vision of the future temple in Jerusalem. That these conclusions are at least hasty and simplistic, è stato sinora ampiamente dimostrato.
L'ingegnere di Francoforte Hans Herbert Beier, dopo un lavoro decennale, ha presentato una propria interpretazione della struttura del tempio. "Questa è la struttura complessiva del tempio, descritta da Ezechiele; ci sono le mura esterne, gli atri, le porte di accesso e l'edificio principale". Diversamente dai precedenti tentativi, Beier giunse alla determinazione che il lato superiore di tale edificio dovesse essere aperto, come in un'antica arena. Nel 43° capitolo Ezechiele scrive: «Vidi la Gloria del Signore di Israele arrivare; il suo rumore era simile a grandi masse d'acqua, it rested very gently on the Earth of the Lord. And I saw the glory of the Lord filled his house. "The central area of \u200b\u200bthe temple will be the spacecraft of Ezekiel, an extremely interesting because it reveals that what Ezekiel calls" the glory of the Lord ", ie the plane whose motion produces a loud noise and light that shines in an aura, "enter" to land on top of the temple. This must have been the scene which he witnessed. Consider also that the internal measures of his time corresponds exactly to the model space ship at the time established by Blumrich, certainly did not casuale.Beier assumed that this structure, whatever the place of its location, would serve come base logistica per le operazioni che un tempo gli extraterrestri conducevano sul nostro pianeta. Ciò non implica che costoro avessero di persona costruito il tempio, presumibilmente ne utilizzavano una preesistente struttura, adibita al culto, per i loro interessi. Questo, agli occhi delle popolazioni del posto, deve essere stato un evento di incredibile portata: gli "dei" erano di persona scesi dal cielo per prendere possesso del tempio che essi avevano edificato.
Una cosa è certa: il tempio di cui Ezechiele parla non è affatto riconduci bile ad una semplice "visione", ma ad un qualcosa di realmente esistito: le misure da lui riferite sono esatte, risultano tra consistent and reflect on the whole a great building built in some region of our planet around the year 580 BC But the question that arises is: Where is this property now? Certainly not in Israel, not in Jerusalem and perhaps even the Middle East, as in this case it would have already been discovered. The church today may look like a collection of crumbling ruins, but perhaps not entirely destroyed. The type of building that can be seen from the reconstruction of Beier suggests a complex site somewhere in South or Central America. Such a discovery would undoubtedly have dramatic implications. And if the temple was actually used by aliens as a logistics base, it is possible that its area of \u200b\u200blocation still to be found the remains of the shelters of the ship, namely the remains of extraterrestrial technology. Thus the search for Ezekiel's temple will become one of the most extraordinary and important tasks for the future paleoastronautica.
A further example of cargo cult regards New Guinea, in 1929 and is related to an event described many years later by a native. "I was a child - he said - my father I had brought with him a hunting trip and that was when we met the first white men. I was completely shocked and began to cry: the man was suddenly appeared before me. Never in my life had I seen such a being. Where he could have come? From the sky or the river? We were literally confused. "Indigenous Another recalled:" In our village, word spread that they had killed of lightning and we thought that white men were those resulting from lightning sky. Others said that they were "the ancestors back from the dead." When some time after the first plane landed in the region, it was total chaos. An elderly woman reported that while the "big bird" was landing, all the natives were thrown to the ground, their faces covered and who subsequently fled, hiding in the woods, some were hugging each other, yelling with fear: "We were all in panic, because we did not understand what was going on." New Guinea, after 1928 years before Cristo.Babilonia 584 Cristo.I parallels are all too apparent, because they can be dismissed as mere " coincidences ".

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Mark Bronze Pro Bronzing Powder

Sweden opens its archives on UFO Light Ball

The official opening to the public of the boundless store Norrköping during an exhibition in Svezia.Oltre 18,000 UFO UFO cases in Sweden, and thousands of sightings, reports and reports collected in Denmark and the rest of Northern Europe, as well as micro film americani.E cases' that the spoils of the "largest repository of the world", as defined by the group Sweden UFO Research, Via Ljura in Norrköping and will see its official opening to the public Saturday, May 9 at 14:30, during a conference presentation by Håkan Blomqvist at the UFO festival held in Norrköping just on weekends. Archives for UFO Research (AFU) was founded in Sweden in 1973 and now consist of about 600 meters of shelves containing books, magazines, official reports, photos, videos and testimony of each of the archive and history sorta.La the catalog of the material is available on the official website: www.afu.infoDurante the event on Saturday in Norrköping, will be shown several videos of UFOs on a giant screen and explained to photos will go public in slideshow. Will there be merchandise of all kinds, from books to the presentation of the archive adesivi.Oltre dell'AFU, Clas Svahn president of the UFO Sweden from 13.00 to 14.00 will be discussing the phenomenon ufo.L 'opening hours of the exhibition is from 12.00 to 17.00 and entry costs 50 crowns (about 4.70 €).
source: Terni in Rete

Friday, May 8, 2009

Drapes For Sliding Doors

the Valley of the sect (BO)

(Click to enlarge)

Source: UFO Research Center Liguria

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Dickies Brand Clothing

Even the cows are waiting for calves,,,

The cow thinks back to his blog, the good old days when he could cook so much goodness' and divorarsele within half a second.
"What good old days ..." Almost resigned sighs.
are now five months that the mere sight of the disgusting food, trying to enter the kitchen and then run away, try to eat healthy and runs to hug the toilet, try the Chinese, French fries and tuna sauce and keeps everything.
and now 'in the grip of a severe crisis and muccosa' almost inriconoscibile.
"Bastaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu not do it!
All because of that rascal of a veal with tuna sauce trying to turn me into a bear!
But nothing has taken a cow? Not even my madness? And after all that I can combine it well to kick and pull the pinch?
civileeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I want to eat! I want to embrace the bear not the toilet every day! Singh! Singh!
But I know that deep down guilt and 'bear all ...
Enough! It 's time to announce it to everyone, not' gastritis, not 'influence, not' I do not want more 'to read or post your recipes and other' ... uh ... ARE INCINTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA "

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Optical Jello Lesson Plan

The strange encounter in Clifton Bore, Australia, 1974

The desolate , remote Sturt Desert Trai extends borders of South Australia, New South Wales and Queensland, was the scene, they say, a bizarre, unsettling encounter took place in 1974. The witness, "Ben," an ornithologist of Adelaide author of several books on the subject, she was with a friend, looking for fossils that abound in the Australian desert. Their exact location is Clifton Bore, in South Australia, about 400 km north-north-west of Broken Hill, in NSW the Sud.Verso 13.30 Ben was at a mile from his station wagon . He asked his friend, who was not accustomed to walk on that land, to keep an eye on the car constantly. At one point, Ben had the impression that someone was watching him. Suddenly two small creatures, more or less than one meter tall, approached him. Kevin McNeil, author of an article on that case, wrote: "Those beings were humanoid, which in many ways similar to humans. They looked like men, had short hair combed in a normal manner. [...] Wear long leather, silver, similar to a diving suit, apparently without any seam. Even their faces had nothing strange: they appeared slightly tanned. The back of the head, however, was lengthened. [...] The arms were much shorter than those of humans . Those creatures were expressed in a language incomprehensible, without a sound short and dry. As alarmed, Ben did not have the feeling of being in danger. And when they signaled to follow did not hesitate even a moment. A fifteen yards away there was a silver object, a genre that had never seen before. It was shaped like a hot dog and apparently had no seams or doors or windows or projections. According to Ben, was just under 8 feet long and about one meter high. At the center of the airplane opened a doorway, and those creatures led him to enter. Ben leaned over to switch and, once inside, she was absolutely baffled. With amazement, he discovered that the interior was spacious. "You could have let a battleship-sized" riferì al ricercatore. "Com'è possibile? È lungo quasi 8 metri e alto uno, lo so perché riuscivo a vedere al di sopra della cima, ma dentro era enorme… come se ogni idea di spazio non avesse più senso."All'interno c'erano una ventina di umanoidi simili ai primi, e almeno quattro erano donne, con i capelli più lunghi. Sembravano avere tutti la stessa età, e sui loro volti non c'erano rughe: si aveva l'impressione che la loro crescita si fosse fermata a poco più di un metro e l'invecchiamento a venticinque anni.Gli alieni offrirono a Ben una bevanda in un bicchiere color argento metallizzato. Ben avrebbe preferito non bere, ma era più intimorito dalle eventuali conseguenze di un suo rifiuto. Appena ebbe bevuto, fainted. When, later, he was asked to describe the taste of that drink, could not compare to anything conoscesse.Una After retrieving the senses, it was discovered lying on the floor of the aircraft. The two aliens were still close to him, but somehow he knew that he had been "rejected." He thought that perhaps this was due to his age (he was 38 at the time) or an illness that appeared later. (If this was the real reason, it is interesting to note the similarity to the kidnapping of Alfred Burtoo to Aldershot, England in 1983. As I said in "Beyond Top Secret", was rejected by aliens Burtoo of small stature who, after reviewing it, said it was "too old and sick" per poter servire ai loro scopi. Burtoo, a quell'epoca, aveva quarant'anni più di Ben). Gli alieni continuavano a parlare tra loro, ma Ben sentì, telepaticamente, che "sapeva" cosa stava accadendo. "Non avvertiva alcuna ostilità nei propri confronti - riferì McNeil - e a differenza dei suoi due 'guardiani', gli altri membri dell'equipaggio non gli prestarono attenzione."I membri dell'equipaggio gli giravano attorno, accendendo e spegnendo luci. C'erano sette-otto schermi televisivi, che mostravano immagini sia all'interno che all'esterno, e su uno in particolare si scorgeva qualcosa di simile a dei motori, anche se Ben non riusciva a vederli materialmente. Sulla parete c'era anche un grande schermo simile a uno specchio, con immagini di puntini e girandole (forse galassie a forma di spirali?) e alcuni strani simboli che non riusciva a decifrare.Insieme ai suoi "guardiani", Ben camminò all'interno. In superficie, il pavimento era di un materiale metallico luccicante che non era né ruvido né scivoloso. L'atmosfera all'interno era normale: né lui né gli alieni avevano bisogno di apparecchiature per respirare. ben non sapeva come e non era in grado di capirlo, ma sentiva che gli alieni stessi erano in rado di spostarsi da un posto all'altro con la sola forza del pensiero.Ben rimase profondamente scioccato da ciò che vide poi: due bambine umane; una dimostrava dodici-tredici anni, l'altra otto-nove. Entrambe erano in una struttura che sembrava una cage. "At this point in the recording Ben, the father of five children, seemed quite upset and unable to describe the 'cage' in the right way. [...] He stated that he was 'clean' and the two girls seemed in a trance. Apparently, they did not understand what was happening around them. They had a lot of space in the 'cage' but they did not move: they were standing there. Ben did not know if they were to see him in any case, gave no signs of having noticed . They were European (or white) and dressed normally. The aliens continued to wander around, doing their usual work in the airplane, without looking girls of any attention. "Ben felt that the aliens were planning to conduct ragazzine nel proprio luogo di provenienza, così come sentì che, quanto a lui, era stato rifiutato perché non poteva essere loro utile in alcun modo.Ben si rese conto di una specie di ronzio, simile a quello di un motore, ma non riusciva a vedere da dove giungesse. Dato che si trovava proprio davanti alla porta aperta, approfittò dell'occasione. Scese dal velivolo e si trovò di nuovo nel deserto. Si allontanò senza fermarsi.Quando raggiunse la sua amica e la macchina, Ben apprese che era passata un'ora e mezzo da quando era partito alla ricerca dei fossili. "Scrisse le sue sensazioni nell'ora successiva al ritorno." - commentò McNeil.Durante l'intervista si riferiva costantemente a quegli appunti. Era particolarmente turbato dal ricordo delle bambine."Accadde realmente? Lo ritengo possibile, sia per quella sensazione di turbamento del testimone sia per i particolari che fornì, - fece notare McNeill - sfortunatamente c'è da aspettarsi che scettici e diffamatori 'di professione' si precipitino a rovesciare disprezzo e battute sul presunto testimone per mettere fine all'attività di contatto.""GLI UFO continuano a ignorare le dichiarazioni scientifiche concernenti la loro non-esistenza e ritornano costantemente, dai loro luoghi di provenienza, sulla Terra che noi conosciamo e crediamo di capire. […] Una ricerca obiettiva e scientifica potrebbe approfondire la conoscenza che l'uomo ha di se stesso, del proprio mondo e dell'universo in cui vive".
Tratto da"Base Terra" di Timothy Good

Monday, April 6, 2009

Waxing And Yeast Infection

UFO on airport Sighting in Mexico City

Il video girato da Daniel il 29 marzo 2009, mostra le immagini di un oggetto che galleggia sull'Aeroporto Internazionale di Città del Messico.
La cosa più sorprendente che ci sono movimenti erratici, cambia il suo percorso improvvisamente (vedere il filmato).
Riteniamo che non è qualcosa di comune, non sembra un elicottero o comunque un aereo convenzionale, ma sembra essere un disco volante, ma non del tutto da escludere altre opzioni.
Relazione Alfonso Salazar
Domenica 29 marzo presso l'Aeroporto Internazionale di Città Mexico, has been sighted a large tubular object, parked at an approximate height of 12,000 m.
According to the report by Ramiro Valencia (airport staff) has issued a statement which refers to a UFO sighting that moves in a zig-zag at several locations in the sky.
Testimony of Alfonso Salazar:
"I also used a powerful binoculars. Well, when I noticed an area that was crossed by an Airbus A320 Interjet, the object is moved to the bottom of the flight path of 'air in the opposite direction and turning around its axis. Taking into account the size of the planes, I think the disc-shaped objects (metal) misurava all'incirca 20 metri. Il tempo era abbastanza buono ".
Il sig. Ramiro Valencia ha avvistato e catturato in video un UFO di forma tubolare stazionante per circa tre ore su Mexico City.
fonte:Centro Ricerche Ufo Liguria

Monday, March 30, 2009

Caravan 1995 Serpentine Belt Diagram


Nell'ufologia alcune storie hanno dell'incredibile, non tanto per il soggetto che lo è per sua natura, quanto per i risvolti umani a volte veramente fuori dall ordinario. C'è chi darebbe qualunque cosa per avvistare il suo primo ufo, per poter "credere dopo aver visto" e c'è chi invece gli UFO se li vede sorvolare il tetto di casa praticamente tutti i giorni, tanto che ormai "ci ha fatto l'abitudine". E' proprio questo ciò che accade da more than 13 years in the Ukrainian town of Varvarovka (in the region's largest city Dnipropetrovsk). Obviously the last period
sightings have intensified so much so that local residents to contact a ufologist to investigate more thoroughly the phenomenon.
So armed with all the necessary equipment, including the indispensable camera, came the researchers, led by Vladislav Kanuka, ufologist long-standing and experience in the area.
The team did not have to wait long to film an incredible event. An unidentified flying object, circular, bright, pink color, made a slow path in the sky, curving up to land near un bosco vicino. Gli ufologi sbalorti dopo aver filmato l'evento, sono saltati sulle tre vetture a disposizione intenzionati ad trasformare l'avvistamento in un incontro ravvicinato del terzo tipo.

A quanto pare però questo desiderio non era reciproco e giunti nei pressi della zona, i motori di tutti e tre i veicoli hanno iniziato a malfunzionare fino a fermarsi del tutto lasciando le vetture impantanate nel fango e costringendo gli ufologi a rimandare la visita al giorno successivo.
La mattinata the following day, however, arrived on the alleged landing site and have not found anything unusual to their great disappointment.
remains, however, to remember the experience unforgettable and subject for further study and future visits, movie unequivocal.
For residents of Varvarovka, UFOs are now part of the surrounding environment such as birds and plants have learned to live with watching these events with more benevolent eye, perhaps because after so many years none of them caused them damages of any kind.
Source: Terni in Rete

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Can Darvocet Be Used With Oxycodone

Raised by a beam of light

from an article edited by Tiziano Morresi
On 13 September 1948, is the eve of the anniversary of the Holy Cross; Oristano is festively decorated for the occasion, and the tower of the medieval central square of the lights were placed. At about 19, although the sun has just set, there are still excellent lighting conditions, as is typical of the rest in Sardinia, even in this time of year when the young-Madau-in retreat at the local diocesan seminary, waiting to make the first promises of the Franciscan order, that the votes, leaving the college, and reciting the Rosary, press forward in the garden of the convent, taking the direct path to the west [see Drawing 1], one of three paths by which time it was crossed. Here he first encounters the dog warden, an old animal, half-blind monk who takes to follow until the end of the driveway, coincident point of the garden, left, with the northern corner of the building the monastery, and bounded just beyond the boundary wall beyond which runs the then Provincial Road Cagliari Sassari, now replaced by the freeway. Pause for a moment, playing the first part of the Hail Mary, looking towards the sky, still clear and cloudless, he sees the west, a cabinet, at first mistaken for a bird, as nearly point-down dive in its direction, becoming bigger and bigger ...
"Within seconds I saw a car is absolutely silent and strange shape that I had never seen, and I had never heard before talk (during the period of retreat or novitiate seminarians were required to observe the total isolation from the outside world, so far from radio, newspapers etc ... Ed). At first it did not glided parallel to the ground, but rather obliquely, so that it reached the height of ' building seminar, I could see the outline clear: it was a flying saucer silver bell-shaped. [see drawings 2 and 3] The dome seemed to be clear plastic, dato che notai distintamente all’interno la presenza di due uomini, bianchi, di aspetto giovanile. Il disco si fermò poco al di sopra di un albero, un Eucaliptus, disponendosi parallelamente al suolo: contemporaneamente si udirono delle gride convulse e disorientate di gente, provenienti dalla piazza del paese, la cui torre era stata illuminata per la festa, e dal vicino distretto militare: "E’ andata via la luce!", andavano a più riprese ripetendo.Le figure uscirono quindi all’esterno dell’oggetto, che era sospeso a poche decine di metri di distanza da me, ponendosi in piedi sulla sua piattaforma: erano uomini piuttosto alti, 1.90 o forse due metri, bellissimi, dal portamento nobile, e vestivano una specie di tuta argentea; incuriosito, feci loro un cenno di saluto, agitando il braccio, ed essi mi risposero sorridendo, invitandomi gestualmente così mi parve, ad avvicinarmi al loro disco: intendendo volessero portarmi via con loro, rifiutai. Ripeterono il loro invito più d’una volta, ma io non lo accolsi, conscio del fatto che il seguirli avrebbe significato per me l’impossibilità di divenire frate francescano. Quasi constatando il mio atteggiamento, le figure rientrarono nella loro macchina, la quale si dispose in assetto obliquo, mostrando la propria parte inferiore [vedi disegno 4]:fu in quel momento che notai la presenza di un’apertura circolare scura, al centro, e di una specie di struttura "a cingolo", o "cinghia" metallica, posta lungo la circonferenza esterna, che prese a muoversi, girando dapprima a scatti netti ed intermittenti, con un suono secco, simile a quello prodotto da una catena su di un ingranaggio- e poi sempre più velocemente.Di colpo il rumore cessò ed il disco dispostosi nel proprio primitivo assetto orizzontale, prese ad emettere a ‘raffica’, in rapida successione dall’apertura sottostante, degli stranissimi fasci di luce, di diverso colore, indipendenti l’uno dall’altro Si trattava di luce a settori, o ‘blocchi’, [vedi disegno 5] il cui aspetto cromatico cominciava dal viola, sfumava nel blu/celestino, quindi nel verde, nel giallo, nell’arancione, nel rosso e per ultimo nell'incolore: I had the impression that each 'pushed' the one below, for an uninterrupted pace. Among the various 'blocks', each of which culminated in a kind of division / bottleneck, which gave a whole a 'sausage' there was a transition zone achromatic. The disk suddenly disappeared from my sight and I began to incorporate the distinct feel of an electronic sound: uu-uu/uu-uu-but not manifested by hearing, but at the top of Brain: I felt slightly light, waving a cloth hanging by a thread! I saw what was happening at that moment to the object in cane.Forse that moment was upon me, in fact, however, did not see it anymore. Since then, the sound in question was converted into tactile sensation and felt something like the 'finger-elettriche' that I was' poking around' in the brain, focusing particularly on the left lobe: initially it was comparable to a tickle, and there was a period during which I was, I believe, as no conscience, than what happened here because I had at the time you proposed to be subjected to regressive hypnosis. I awoke with a feeling of pain: the 'searching' was going on and I felt increasingly sick. It was at this point that I began to scare me, thinking I wanted to catch e portare via…Reagii allora ‘esclamando’ –nella mente: ‘No, non voglio!’, e con la mia coscienza di frate mi misi a pregare, ed invocai: ‘Madre mia, aiutami. Non voglio!’. Fu allora che sentii la voce di una donna, che rivolta a ‘qualcuno’, diceva, sia pur con poca convinzione: ‘Ma lasciatelo; lasciatelo stare’.La risposta a queste parole, fu data da un suono indistinto ed incomprensibile di ‘voci’ estremamente ‘accelerate’, che potrei paragonare a quello comunemente prodotto dal nastro di un registratore fatto procedere alla massima velocità. Lo scambio ‘verbale’ si protrasse per alcuni istanti, mentre io seguitavo to beg 'Mother, help me': it was, however, I want to clarify again, the 'voices' and sounds not coming from outside themselves, but that I heard inside me. At a certain point echoed again the same female voice, which commanded a clear and forceful: 'Stop it, leave it!'. The 'ransacked' brain ceased abruptly, and I had the feeling of 'get', shortly afterwards confirmed by my beat high heels to the ground, as when happens when you come down from a high step. It was then that I opened my eyes and voltatomi left, I saw the dog, still suspended in mid 'air, face up, legs in the' fetal ', tail tucked between them: I saw him fall slowly to the ground, got eight inches from the ground, the animal had a fall at the improvvisa.Per saw that the point on which we were 'dropped' is about a dozen yards from the trail the west, where initially we were: We are now in fact the central path of the garden. At that precise moment, just when I regained consciousness, I heard the soldiers of the military district around shouting, 'And' round the light ', similar proclamations heard coming from the town square, who greeted the switch on the lights on the tower, while the nearby State Cagliari, Sassari, beyond the wall of the convent, the cars will get moving again: why they were not able to stop saying it. In the meantime had now become dark, and I riavviai home: in the meantime, I had the distinct feeling that the left side of the head, at the prefrontal and parietal area I had been a seam, this impression lasted a few seconds and then vanished . Met my companions were preparing songs and ceremonies for the feast of the day, and tried to inform them of what had happened to me, but the attempt was futile, because, as soon as I sketched out a description of the strange object I had seen, they dried for my intrusion, I fell silent almost insulting. Since then I was silent for a long time, in conviction that the experience that I had experienced that day, would hardly have been made known. "