Thursday, October 28, 2010

Does Pepperidge Farm Still Make Party Rolls


Open Book

L ' Open Book is an open library, a place where you put together the books and people in support of the imagination, creativity and knowledge.

A place where everyone can read, consult, advise read or exchange books in a genuine form of barter (you can leave a book in exchange for another).

A space dedicated to you a break for a whole afternoon, traveling with adventurous characters, experiencing intense love stories, inventing the most magnificent discoveries, all in the company of close friends, the only always keep you company ...

... books.

Every Wednesday afternoon

ore 16:00 alle ore 20:00

Uncensored Wax The Beaver

Laboratorio di lettura:

C'era una volta...

Il laboratorio di lettura delle favole “ C'era una volta... ”, è il primo laboratorio di educazione all'ascolto che la Casa dell'Arte propone rivolgendosi ad un pubblico molto demanding: the children.

Reading aloud brings out the sound value of the word, with its ability to evoke sounds, sensations and emotions.

The workshop is aimed at listening to stories of famous and not driven. An adult reads aloud stories to children blind, visually impaired and blind.

MEETINGS t ll last week

from 17:00 to 19:00

Mostre e spazi espositivi:


Quando qualcuno dice/questo lo so fare anch’io/vuol dire/Che lo sa Rifare/altrimenti lo avrebbe/gia fatto prima

(Bruno Munari.

Un metodo progettuale/Design Method”

Da Cosa nasce Cosa 1981)

Se sei o ti senti un artist and you want to submit your work, we put at your disposal for a few euro, an exhibition space to get in the game. Here you can read, submit one that interests you, build, ... and you can even bring your work to be exhibited or if you prefer, you can also work during the day.


Sunday, October 10, 2010 17:00


Friday, November 12, 2010 16:00 / 24:00


Friday, December 10, 2010 or King 16:00 / 24:00


Friday, January 14, 2011 16:00 / 24:00


Friday, February 11, 2011 16:00 / 24:00


Friday, March 11, 2011 16 hours : 00/24: 00


V riday April 8, 2011 16:00 / 24:00


Friday, May 6, 2011 at 16:00 / 24:00


Friday, June 3, 2011 hours 16:00 / 24:00


Friday, July 1, 2011 16 hours : 00/24: 00


Tai Chi

In the Warring States Period (403-221 BC) introduced the Taoist physical and mental exercises , and breathing exercises as effective techniques for prevention and treatment of certain diseases and health maintenance.

These techniques are still valid today and are used to achieve a balance of mental and physical, come to discover a different way to stay in harmony with yourself.

The workshop takes place in two lessons a week: Tuesday and Thursday by 21:00 to 22:30.



" Who is the scene!"

Actress Giorgia Sunseri


Sunday, November 21, 2010

17:30 / 21:00

Hunting On The Pacific Trail


F lamenco

Rosalyn Mazzola was born in Montreal dedicated to flamenco for twenty years, inspired by his training classical and contemporary. He performed in many stages in Italy and abroad, it can be seen both as a trio ( Sonik ) and with the full line ( Flamenjazz ). Considered a landmark in Palermo for all lovers of flamenco culture, thanks to his creativity, his technical virtuosity and its elegance and precision. His laboratory is based on the study of compassion, speed of walking, gestures, timing and choreography created by herself.

Rosalyn Mazzola


November 6, 2010 - 15:00 / 17:00

Classes are held every Saturday

from 15:00 to 17:00.


Listen ... listen to

experiential encounter fortnightly Empirical Psychology

... to explore themselves through sound, breath, body, color, the word "

Dr. Liliana Minutoli

The Wednesday fortnightly from 21:00 to 23:00.

calendar meetings for 2010:

15/09, 29/09, 13/10, 27/10, 10/11, 24/11, 08/12

L’abbonamento mensile prevede, oltre la partecipazione al laboratorio “ Ascoltare per…ascoltarsi ”, anche una giornata intensiva nel mese di Giugno 2011 e l’accesso preferenziale al Cineforum free .



Master Vincenzo Tura

spend an evening together playing to interpret heroic characters in a fantasy world

Dating afternoon or evening appointment with a minimum of 5 players. During the meeting will be offered a drink.

What Causes A Black Blister

Laboratory psycho-artistic

I'll show you how you

The workshop aims to explore parts of themselves unknown to us.

Some of the techniques used in the laboratory are: the game of "mirrors" where the other is used to have a delayed self-image, stories of real or fantasy stories, and the representation through the technique Role of Play and Design emotivo; la costruzione di manichini con le tue stesse sembianze; …

Dentro di te convivono tante immagini di te stesso…buona scoperta!!!


Martedì 16 Novembre 2010

ore 21:00/23:00

Psicoterapeuta Giusi Tura

Maestro d’Arte Giorgio Macaluso

the laboratory every two weeks.

What Should My Cerivcal Musus Be Like Day 17

psychology courses:


together to say

NO :

Effective communication.

psychology and communication to improve the quality of your life.


Domenica 7 Novembre 2010 – ore 10:00

Psicoterapeuta Giusi Tura

I NO per quanto difficili, sono di fondamentale importanza nella vita di ognuno di noi e consentono di rispettare se stessi senza farsi sopraffare dagli altri ”.

Il corso è a numero chiuso . La prenotazione è obbligatoria. Cadenza quindicinale per una durata complessiva di 10 incontri.

Si rilascia attestato di partecipazione

What's A Good Monocular


  • Teatro per adulti

  • Disegno per adulti

  • Lingua italiana

  • Lingua francese

  • Lingua spagnola

  • English Language

  • RPG

  • learn together to say "NO " : effective communication.

  • Design children (4-6 years)

  • Theatre children (4-6 years)

  • Set design for children: invent stories and representations.

  • Tai Chi

  • Creative Writing

  • Course Internalization e Meditazione

  • Canto

  • Flamenco

  • Cucito per principianti

  • Ti mostro come sei”: laboratorio psico-artistico sul gioco degli specchi.

  • Rane Blu: a r t e Differente.

  • Ascoltare…per ascoltarsi”: laboratorio di psicologia empirica.

  • Lavorazione del cuoio


  • Aperitivi di beneficenza

  • Cineforum free

  • Incontri di lettura di poesie e altre opere

  • Incontri tematici

  • Open Book

  • Esposizione di prodotti gastronomici

  • Esposizioni di manufatti artistici ed altro

  • C'era una volta...”

  • Mostre

  • Presentazione libri e/o altre opere

  • Giochi di fantasia con sé stessi: Tarocchi, I Ching, Tema natale.

  • Organizzazioni di cene a tema

Per appuntamento the following services:

  • care cosmetic hair

  • cuisine tradition

  • Tailoring for Drag Queen

  • Counselling

  • Furnishings: an architect and a teacher of art are available for ideas and projects.

  • Reiki

  • Women in Italy: knowledge of Italy: the rules, laws, culture, language and society aimed at Italian and foreign women.

  • Reading aloud for the blind, visually impaired and blind.

  • Learning Wizard:

afterschool .

the House of ' to r t and

Aldo Nalbone

Spaces are available for anyone to activate workshops, exhibitions, events, private parties and more.


Registrations for workshops are open all year

info :


e-mail :

casadellarte12 @ free. it

blog :

Managing body: "Sunflower" Soc. Soc

PI: 04652280829

Rock Climbing Hemorrhoids

C asa 's to r t and A ldo N Albone

Promotion Center Differences


Association loyal

civil protection

voluntary service or

In Via XXVII Maggio, 12 Palermo



Association loyal gives the spread of the culture of civil protection at the community an exceptional importance to this end proposes a meeting on the prevention of domestic .

occasions that the house of ' to r t and Aldo Nalbone took to flight.

The meeting, called Place Like Home, will be held Saturday, November 27, 2010 at 21.30 open to the public.

covers the following temi:

  • la protezione civile e il ruolo del volontariato;

  • il concetto generale di rischio;

  • il rischio elettrico;

  • il rischio incendi;

  • misure di prevenzione per la riduzione dei rischi;

  • norme comportamentali in caso di emergenza.

L’incontro sarà tenuto da Aldo Melilli, presidente dell’associazione leAli, e dal dott. ing. Ugo Cerrone, volontario dell’associazione ed esperto sui temi della sicurezza, ed avrà la durata di 2 ore di cui 1 ora e 30 minuti per l’illustrazione dei topics listed above, by projecting slides and 30 minutes open to discussion with participants.

Admission: voluntary contribution that will be donated to charity.

Who will request it will receive a certificate of attendance

C asa 's to r t and A ldo N Albone

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Wording For Welcome Letter Destination Wedding

Decoration :.... waiting for Christmas!

One of the most 'great satisfaction that I had in the past has been to be able to publish my creations. This possibility was given to me by the magazine publisher's Laboratory Découpage Cigré 2003.Nel 2008 in my mail I found an email that moved me and that I still have, by which the direction of then I proposed to collaborate with their publication. It was a dream come true! I had never come forward, even sending pictures of my work, because I did not think the Italian landscape Guild of Découpeurs there was room for me ... but! They had visited my site, the first one I made in 2006, and And they liked my creations ..... still like seeing all the magazine has changed and I have reconfirmed as their employees! I have published many works, some are more 'connected than others, but all have been produced with the same passion and care. See their creations on the cover on newsstands is an emotion that can not be described! In 2009, I have entrusted the creation of a special Christmas, I have taken the utmost care to create original and nice things and be gone as well this year with a special tile replica of the upcoming Christmas .... I'm really happy with what I created and I hope you will buy the magazines that you are the same ...
A special thanks to the drafting of the Laboratory of decoupage, their trust has urged me to create and put into play all the time ... a nice game!
Cigré Thanks and thanks to all of you who follow me! Until next time ....

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Manual De Pantech Duo

decoration: master of light and shadows ... Caravaggio

The work that I used for the realization of this great dish is one of the first paintings by Caravaggio Rome: "Fruttarol.
's performance as a whole, presented several difficulties, not so much in the selection and cropping the image, but as to the choice of the support that I was not trivial and can be discounted as a table or a tela.Ho found in this great terracotta pot (50 cm in diameter) worked with a better frame of fruits in bas-relief, the ideal base for the idea that I turned in my head. I carefully prepared the base to accommodate the painting of the background: recreate the lights and shadows of Caravaggio, do not say that it is almost impossible, but it is a challenge ... I have come to the aid of the many years of oil painting. .. Created
the background, I placed the crop in one piece and started drowning: lots and lots of hands up to the disappearance of the step of the paper and after I did the gold leaf gilding flap embossed, burnished and polished con la pietra d'agata.Ho impreziosito il retro con un craquelè finissimo color oro su base nera.Questo lavoro è andato in Certificazione Découpage Italia nel 2008 premiato con una coccarda Arancione e si è classificato al Primo posto di un concorso su una rivista specializzata italiana.

Un po' di storia...

Adoro Caravaggio! Il suo tormento,la sua continua ricerca della semplicità nelle cose piu' sublimi e mistiche..
La sua vita si dibatte tra cronaca nera e grandezza artistica, genio amato, maledetto,contrastato , esaltato e perseguitato dai suoi contemporanei...troppo avanti, troppo oltre le vedute ristrette e compiacenti di un'epoca che gli stretta.Imbarazzante was his talent, his outrageous painting that began to model people who frequented the taverns to depict saints and madonnas ... blasphemous!
But they were real faces, wrinkles carved by sorrow and misery of a life which deprived them of everything they did dirty feet, dirty scandal at the prelates who had commissioned the "Madonna of the Pilgrims" ...
Death depicted in its rawness and reality in the "Raising of Lazarus" Lazarus is still a dead and lifeless as a model and had a real corpse, causing understandable resentment in the other extras in this painting, and above all the men that supported the body .. .
Death: theme loved by Caravaggio, he portrays himself the severed head of Goliath, held her by the hair by the hand of David. His unique signature in the trickle of blood coming out of the severed neck of a man condemned to death!
of public executions in that time, the authorities certainly do not awl, were always highly publicized event and the audience never failed ... even the young Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio arrived in Rome just witnessed an execution famous: that of the young Beatrice Cenci, and was so impressed that the theme of decapitation will use frequently in his paintings.
grown and matured in the midst of so much violence, he became violent, a man with a split personality, a wonderful artist inspired by God and man miserable, angry and in this duality there is the reading of his work: we are alone, and the mystery of life and destiny, misery and the eternal nature of man. Caravaggio
invites us to enter into his paintings, without filters, how does he portrayed in some paintings, but in a tight angle, as if we ourselves spectators of the scene "at that time" snapshot of a moment of our life but to which we were invited to participate ....
Shadows of Caravaggio are bright as its lights, is not a contradiction, in the shadow unravels a story that presents clear, the characters are sharp, even in darkness, the hand of Christ who ordered Lazarus to come back to life center stage, yet is in the foreground, same thing for the "Calling of St. Matthew: Christ in shadow, stretching out his hand to Matthew sitting at the table, in full light coming through a window and look at that question seems to ask" who ... ... I? "
lights and shadows, just as it was his short life, illuminated by sublime works he left us and obscured by the shadows of violence that first brought him into exile, condemned to death, and just when he was pardoned in his journey back in Italy, had the misfortune of being mistaken for another two days in jail and imprigionato.Rimane, then he can prove his identity, but it's too late, is captured by malarial fever and died alone on the beach at Porto Ercole. To centuries it was said that he was killed during an altercation with another "gentleman", and yet where he could not the sword or dagger could the disease.
was July 18, 1610: was 39 years old. The painters from across Europe had already begun to receive the news of his style, he was born thanks to a new art, but Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio had not had time to notice.