Monday, March 29, 2010

Texture Of Implantation Bleeding

Pizza (dough for pizza express)

Finalmente è arrivata l'ora che il vitello prenda la sua strada, finalmente andremo a parlare per lo svezzamento, finalmente il vitello mangerà con noi e non ci guarderà più con gli occhi del morto di fame, del cane bastonato, del povero cucciolo affamato ma potrà condividere con noi il piacere della buona cucina :)))
Ahhhhhhhhhh! Nooooooooooooo! Aiutooo il vitello sta crescendo non mi vorrà piùùùùùùùùùùùù! Pauuuuuuuuuuuuura!
Ok, ok, sono tranquillla, non potrà mai preferire una cremina di riso o di mais o una tiopica (ma che sarà mai sta cosa qui poi?) o un omo alla sua mammina, o no? Pauuuuuuuuuuuura!
Allora, cosa dice? Ma che è? Ah già inglese francesizzato...
Cos'è che gli devo dare?!?
E il semolino, no?
E, no, qui non si usa... poco male non piace neanche a me :)))
Niente cremine varie? Niente brodino? Niente omo? (Bè, di quest'ultimo sono felicissima :))))
Che deve mangiare sempre e solo patate?
Ah no, c'è anche della verdura insieme...
Ma la pastina, no?
E no, qui non si usa...questa è la nazione delle patate.
Se il mondo cascasse il "al freddo e al gelo" si reggerebbe sulle patate!
Lunga vita alle patate! (Diciamolo al plurale perchè al singolare suonerebbe male...) Sorry
a small challenge but ... the calf is Italian you know?!? Give it a little bit of dough! Also a good pizza is not bad ... two orecchiette with turnip tops, right?
A beautiful curled octopus on the rock behind my grandfather's house, right? I swear
is fresh daily!
Ok, ok, I know potatoes, potatoes and more potatoes.
potatoes and carrots, potatoes and zucchini, potatoes and faggiolini, potatoes and ...
So I think the hospital menu when Lexie was born.
Okay, okay! And what about fruit? How
in a month?!?
What has 6 months in Italy and also to give the 4!
Ok, 7 is fine ... (Who must understand all of their fruit is greenhouse here ...)
Yes, yes potatoes for life! Viva potatoes! Long live the potato!
At 7 months the fruit in the afternoon, an 8-bit of white meat and a little fish in a little egg yolk 9, but always potatoes.
Aiutooooooooooo! I'll plant them in the garden or go on the streets!
And dinner when I can give it to him?
nothing until I will have milk?!? How
almost never say!
EU that I have a cow! I'll even mad cow but still! Would you like to give milk! Already
me I see the poor calf, bull now, forced to refuse dinners with friends because you need to stick to his poor personal cow ... It is this life!
Ok, ok, let's try a little.
"Vitelluzzo see that my mom made you, we have the potatoes with the carrot" (even had a rabbit ...)
Then he said that he eats just a couple of teaspoons, and not to worry, little by little Day after day you'll get used to the flavors and eat more ...
"Ciucciuzzo make the airplane?
Fly fly fly e. .."
Aiutoooooooooooo! I nearly eat the hand with the whole arm!
Now we try again.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Let the spoon do not you swallow you can wait! Cicciuzzo not put your hands in the dish you make me fly everything! I promise I'll Wait faster you'll reach but you fell on your plate! No, no, do not cry I give you now I just wanted to give you some water. Wait, wait you choke!
not touch with all those hands dirty!
spernacchiare not eat while you make me a shower of baby food!
Treasury ... uh ... Forgive me over! Tomorrow you will do more, but promised not to cry! "
But it was not just eat a couple of teaspoons?!?
What do you want?
Why look at me like that?
I can not believe!
Ok, ok ti dò pure il latte...
Chissà da chi avrà preso questo mangione. Ihihih!

(ricetta di nanino di cookaroun)

Prima di passare alla ricetta devo chiedere scusa a tutti i puristi, li capisco, son come loro, ma per questo fornetto la ricetta originale della pizza napoletana, quella depositata per capirci, non va benissimo, l'ho già provata, questa è perfetta :)))
Sì, sì, lo so sta il latte, però ci sta benissimo. L'impasto viene molto morbido ed elastico e la pizza morbidissima proprio come quella Neapolitan: p
Tonight all the pizzeriza "chez moi" or "mad cow chez" my treat;)
I used the original recipe, the one filed to be clear,

Dose per 500 grams of flour (4 pizza)

400 grams of flour 100 grams of milk
250 50 of water (not the rubin
8 g of yeast
a pinch of sugar (optional) 10 grams of salt

10 d ' Oil

for 750 grams of flour

600 grams of flour 150 grams of milk
350 100 water (not rubin

12gr fresh yeast a pinch of sugar (optional)
15 gr di sale
15 d'olio

Impasto a mano
Sciogliere il lievito in metà dei liquidi e il sale nell'altra metà. Dividere ora la farina in due ciotele e unire una con la soluzione salina e l'altra con quella con il lievito. Questo serve per evitare che il sale venga a contatto con il lievito e ne blocchi la funzione lievitante. Unite ora i due impasti e lavorate fino a quando non otterrete un solo impasto liscio, morbido e giustamente umido.
(Vedi sotto)
Impasto con impastatrice
Follow the rules of your mixer by saying that the flour must always be put before the liquid and the salt must be dissolved in a small part of fluids that will be merged later to prevent the dough salt is in direct contact with the yeast.
(see below)

Dough with bimby
In mixing bowl place the water, milk, sugar and baking powder 1 min. vel 2 37 ° (40 ° to TM21).
farrina Add the oil and 30 sec. vel. 6 Add the salt 2 minutes and 30 vel ear (1.30 pet TM21).

Let dough rise covered until doubled (with bimby let the jug until it reaches the cover) I normally put the dough in a greased pan and then baked.
It will take an hour or so.
Take back the dough, sgonfiatelo and mix it up a bit. (Col bimby sgonfiatelo with 1 min. Vel spike).
Put the dough to rise until doubled.
Take back the dough, form the dough balls from 200/250 g and let them rest on a floor or a floured baking pan, sprinkle with flour, cover with a sheet or film (I always do with the film). Let rest until doubled.
I always put in the oven with the light on. (The light helps to warm the oven a little and facilitate, as well as to accelerate the rise).
Spread the dough with your wrist or with fingers (I saw the test of the cook. In practice, with the fingers of both hands to clap quickly sull'impasto piabista like a madman and spread it).
NOT use a rolling pin or OR BECOME EVEN MORE 'SLUT!
lift the dough, place it on your wrist and lift it (it would take the photos I know).
pass it from hand to hand stretch (like the pizza to be clear: p)
UKWheat Rest on the palette and season to taste. Let
slide the pizza on the stone preheated oven after 5 minutes and voila, la pizza è pronta.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

How Much Tumeric Should I Take

Zeppole of St. Joseph


Muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuumble, muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuble! E' la festa del papà e il vitello compie 6 mesi :) non posso stare con le zampe in zampe (mani in mano non suona bene per una mucca) devo preparare qualcosa :)
Ora impasto quello, poi cucino quell'altro, preparo anche questo mentre dò uno sguardo a quest'altra recipe, as well as almost prepare a nice gift ...
Who is it?
What's happening?
Oh yeah, the calf:) waiting for mom to Lexie
I knead.
Unghèèèèèè! (Which is translated "mostroooooooooooo! Leave me alone in the box, mostrooooooooooo!")
Ok, ok you are right now you take .
Uhm ... Lexie play to knead the donuts? Watch
begins to boil, let's add the flour there ....
Unghììììììììì! ( "Fameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Mum do your homework, do the muccaaaaaaaaaa!" )
Oops, you're right Vitellozzo mine, I'll hear all these odrori, wait now I am giving the lattuccio.
... What do you say
prepare a surprise to his dad?
take this photo here, we put along with that there, we get also the message here ...
Cicciuzzo mom not to touch the keys I change the text. Without my mom I
screen changes like that!
Wait a minute I have to change here!
No, you can touch everything!
The PC keyboard is not like to play even if it makes much noise.
Oh well, play ....
Cicciuzzo prepare the cannelloni with daddy? Prepare
the mix here ...
Unghèèèèèèèè! ( "Mostroooooooooooooo! Mostrooooooooooo! Let me in the chair watching, mostrooooooooooooo" )
Ok, ok Lexie hours you put in the carrier.
I'm starting to have an identity crisis, but a cow or a kangaroo?
Ah, yes, a cow marsupial:)
No, nooo! Lexie do not eat kangaroo!
Wait, stand still, you can not put your hands in the dough!
Oh, damn, and how the sauce around with these feet dangling on the stove?
Unghùùùùùùùùùùùùù! ( "Sleep! Sleep! Sleep!" )
Evvivaaaaaaaaaaaa! Ho mezz'ora di tempo per far questo e quello! :)
Meeeemeeeemeeeeeeee! ( "Mucca son sveglio!" )
Me? Come meee? Quante volte ti ho detto che si dice muuuuuuuuuuumuuuuuuuuuuu!
Cicciuzzo alla mucca tua vedi, abbiamo finito qui, messo a posto qua ora dobbiamo andare a stampare il regalo del papà. Evviva!
Come non me lo può stampare?
Come il formato non va bene?
Come devo rifare tutto?!?
Cicciuzzo a mamma fai vedere che sei un vitello moderno, aggiusta tu il file alla tua mucchetta...
No, non puoi sbavare sul pc!
No, no anche se tocchi lo schermo non stai accarezzando Dad's face is just a picture.
Well, good plays with the tablecloth.
Unghèèèèèèèèèè! ( "Fameeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" )
Another time?
Wow but how long has it been?
Noooooooooooo! But in this country because everything closes at 6! Noooooooooooooo! I can not go by the photographer!
At least I still have time to finish the donuts.
Cicciuzzo plays the cream? How
is nice to play with dolls and the mobile?
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo mom is beautiful turn cream as you see a little bit, turn the creamy sauce with your Mucchino and ivertentissimo ...
E così il tempo passò tra una girata di crema, un'infornata, qualche cambio pannolino e....
Mucca sono a casa!
(Nooooooooo! Non ho finitooooooooooo! Noooooo!)
Orso vedi, c'è il tuo regalo nel pc, la tua cena in forno ed il dolce da farcire
(L'anno prossimo andiamo tutti fuori a cena però...)

di cozza di cookaround


250ml di acqua
250gr di farina
50gr di burro
5 uova grandi
(Half a teaspoon of baking powder)

In many recipes do not use baking powder but I did not dare controbbattere great Cozza (who said that, in Bari sarenbbe not a good thing, but she called that ...) and I did well:))) so you avoid the pizza effect.
Boil water with butter. Lower the heat and add flour, stirring until it forms a ball. Remove from the heat, change the container, let cool and add one egg at a time. We must do well to mix the egg before adding another. You can use an electric mixer but I used my hands as suggested by the person who posted the recipe. At the end add the yeast cream into the store pastry bag with a little mouth to make a big star-shaped circle of zeppole. I used a 14mm from a 2cm Cozza, use what you have. Far forms beautiful large for large zeppole closer to the small (a point I can also use a little more dainty, but I have always used or the same). Bake oven, preferably static, hot 180 °. If you have not already come to temperature are the pizzas!
The cooking time varies from oven and microwave. For those little more or less took me 15 minutes but it seems that some girls have been sufficient 12 to 20 more.
For me there are big ones for other voluri 25 30/40.
The important and never open the oven and bake when le zeppole arrivano a doratura.
Tagliare a metà le zeppole grandi, fare una bella passata di crema con la sac a poche,all'interno e all'esterno. Aggiungere le amarene. Io, purtroppo non le ho trovate ed ho aggiunto un pò di marmellata di amarene :p.

Per le piccole basta passare la crema sù.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Silvercity Ottawa Tickets

Emile Galle ... who was he?

Who among fans of the genre one would dream of putting flowers in her beautiful vases? I hope none! Why his creations are ends in themselves, a jar of Galle is a sculpture in which the glass is enhanced by working sofisticate.Egli gives voice to nature, reproducing shapes and colors of the animal and vegetable kingdoms, and although the items quotidianetà, vases and cups, they lose their original purpose turning into real works of art collectors.
Who was Emile Gallé? Born in Nancy in 1846, began working as a child in the glass factory of his father and soon his creative nature and experimenter appeared thanks to the study of botany and mineralogy, to which he devoted himself assiduously: the first came to the world of nature, che tanto influenzò e affascinò lo stile allora in voga, l'Art Nouveau; i secondi gli fecero avere le conoscenze tecniche per migliorare come nessuno prima aveva mai fatto,le possibilità fisiche ed estetiche del vetro.
Durante un soggiorno a Londra, rimase affascinato da una collezione di vetri giapponesi, conservati al Kensinton Museum ed esposti durante l'Esposizione Mondiale del 1862. Furono questi manufatti che lo spinsero a sperimentare nuovi processi di fabbricazione, tanto complicati da raggiungere i limiti del virtuosismo..le sue opere da allora furono talmente intrise di "profumo d'Oriente", che in occasione dell'Esposizione del 1889, un critico scrisse: "Sia lodato il capriccio del destino, che ha fatto nascere a Nancy un giapponese".
La natura e l'Oriente sono il punto di partenza dell'arte di Gallé, ma il suo percorso artistico comprende vari "periodi"; dal 1870 al 1884, i suoi esordi con il "periodo trasparente", in cui Gallé esplora il campo del vetro smaltato,cercando di ottenere smalti sempre più duri e resistenti alla cottura oltre che brillanti e nelle più ampie tonalità di colore.Ma la novità più eclatante di questo periodo è costituita dai vetri colorati che racchiudono sorprendentemente delle sostanze minerali, dando vita a tinte opalescenti di grande effetto visivo.Perfeziona la tecnica dell'incisione su "cabochon" di vetro,sorta di gemme dal taglio ovale e dalla superficie liscia che poi applica sull'oggetto da ornare. Tutte le steps are performed by hand, with the grinding wheel and the incision with a diamond and not as previously was done with hydrofluoric acid.
In the aftermath of the explosion of the naturalistic passion of Galle, where there are clear traces of his studies in botany: he did not like the flowers only for their appearance but also for the emotions that stirred up.
His poetic mood emerges with the so-called "Talking vessels, are affected verses and stanzas of Baudelaire, Mallarmé, and even Virgil, as in the case of the most famous of the" vessel of sadness, "the famous Orfeo ed Euridice, where uses a new black glass ialite said, because they imitate the stone of the same name.
Between 1897 and 1900, a limited production run pieces decorated with "marquetry-sur-verre" and "application", two techniques very difficult and very costly, because the process can break the glass, the first is similar all'intarsio wood and is set directly on the hot strip true color, which make a predetermined pattern; the other hand, the share of colored glass are heat sealed to the body of the object and then carved.
If the vessels of sadness, "the dark tones are already a symptom of resignation to a sort unfortunate, with the eerie" diseased vessels "designed shortly before his death in 1904 of leukemia at 56 years, Gallo announced the gloomy predictions his tragic end. After lui la produzione della sua vetreria continua, grazie a sua moglie che,per distinguere i lavori posteriori, aggiunge una stellina davanti alla firma apposta su ogni pezzo.
Le opere di Gallé continuano a fare scuola, ma purtroppo la produzione industriale ne svilirà inesorabilmente le qualità creative e manuali.
Nonostante l'indubbio valore artistico delle sue opere, la fortuna postuma di Gallé non si protrasse per molto tempo dopo la sua morte: ad un'asta a Parigi nel 1914, una cospicua collezione che includeva alcuni dei suoi più prestigiosi capolavori, fu venduta a un prezzo ridicolo, l'Art Nouveau ormai era passata di moda e c'erano molte preoccupazioni economiche per la prima guerra mondiale che incombeva.
Egli remained obscure until the Seventies, a Belgian antique dealer tells how he freed himself of a series of Gallé vases selling the meter: he established a flat rate for all vessels that the buyer could bring in a large circle drawn chalk on the floor of the gallery .....
the late 80's at an auction in Geneva in a champagne glass green glass decorated with silver was awarded to 5 million as a valuable "marine Herbarium reached the 450 unsold milioni.Rimase" The leaves of rhubarb "a couple of incredible charm estimated one billion two hundred million, but there was not much to worry about, because following the auction was won, and took away the East ... who knows perhaps Japan!