A "UFO Crash in California?
Questa è una notizia apparsa qualche mese fa, ma data l’importanza (stranamente) if they have not been heard. An object of glowing turquoise blue, oval, it would be crashed at 3 am in the south of Needles, near Topok (Arizona). According to a witness who was located some 400 meters from the impact, he noted that a recovery helicopter arrived after about 17 minutes and is then distributed in Las Vegas. The crash site is about a hundred yards from the Colorado River. The witness, known at the time by his initials RB, stood on the deck of his boat, on which lived for more than 30 years, when he saw a huge bright object falling and burning. He is surprised to note that the colors emitted by the object were not yellow or orange, but they were turquoise blue, with green lights. Another witness seems to have witnessed the phenomenon: Frank Costigan is a pensioner who was chief of operations of the Police International Airport Los Angeles, from 1978 to 1985. He sometimes gave information on the 1340 AM station KTOX Needles. He lives about 5 miles east of the River. At 3 am known him a glowing object, blue turquoise, glowing with lights, dash at the Colorado. He did not have, however, the ability to view the site of impact. The other witness RB was able, however, to assist the alleged UFO crash "this thing rumbled through the air and pieces di colore giallo rosso volavano attorno al corpo dell’oggetto. Tuttavia, il rumore è stato inatteso, piuttosto cupo.” Egli tentò di comporre il numero telefonico, ma senza successo, per le emergenze dal suo telefono satellitare. Inoltre fu molto sorpreso quando vide arrivare, sulla scena dell’incidente, 17 minuti più tardi, un elicottero che sembrava trasportare questo oggetto incandescente, che aveva le dimensioni di un camion cisterna. L’ufologo e appassionato George Knapp riprese questo caso, con recupero militare, il giorno 14 Maggio 2008 a Needles. Ecco cosa disse Knapp: “Bob, iltestimone più vicino, ha riferito di aver visto almeno cinque elicotteri volare in formazione e un grande velivolo con argano. They were then collected and transported the object, and glowing oval headed to Las Vegas. A curious detail struck witnesses, namely that the helicopters arrived on the scene of the mysterious left only 17 minutes later. One of these witnesses, the object was elongated and looked like a semi trailer, George Knapp continues and states: "we have no information, more depth, those who live on the boat for 30 years and was on the bridge at that time. Many people were present, the next day, the scene of the accident and reported that there had been cleaning. We have the certainty that something has happened. " The team of investigators contacted (By phone) almost all the policemen in the area to know if there had been reports or were aware of something. Surprise? Nobody knew anything. Investigations are continuing on other police forces in three states, but also about Laughlin, the Weather Service, the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) and several military bases. Knapp also reported that trvata is evidence that, at least one military helicopter was flying in the Army at that time. Curiously, the lists of the orders of flight quell'elicottero is assigned to a U.S. base in Europe. George Knapp concludes: "We launched a richista the FOIA (Freedom of Informaction Act, the Law on Freedom Information American) and we will inform you when we have an answer. "
source: http://centroufologicotaranto.wordpress.com
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