when disabling UFO interceptor

The case we present is a milestone in the classic study of Ufology. A case documented evidence that you are 'smart' UFOs, which have disabled the electrical systems of some Iranian fighter aircraft. A case incontrovertible proof documents from the DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) American that even skeptics can be removed. It all starts September 19, 1976, a few minutes after midnight. Above Tehran, the Iranian capital, took place two attempts interecettare UFOs detected by ground radar and the eyes of many civilians. At each attempt, with visual contact, the pilots tried to start their missiles, but every time I was about to do so, the weapon systems were systematically disabled. The incident was put out for the first time, a confidential report. This report (weblog DIA) was sent to the association UFO U.S. NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena), then very influential and important in the "States". A report of three pages of the Department of Defense (DoD) in the form of teletype, the case was obtained from Charles Huffer in 1977, through the FOIA (Freedon of Informaction Act) American. An evaluation report from the DIA was attached to the message. The main features of the report were as follows. At 12: 30 am, the Air Force Command received many calls of civilians, alarmed that said they had seen a glowing object in the sky. The actual observation of this bright glowing object, led to the rise in share of "scramble" (Interception), a jet fighter "Phantom F-4", from the base Shahrokh AFB. The F-4 took off at 01:30 the night and flew to point suspicion at sea 40 nautical miles, north of Tehran. When "Phantom F-4" came close to flying object, all the tools and means of communication (UHF and intercom) were lost. The driver then stopped the interception and returned back to base. When the F-4 fighters turned away by the SFOE,
all the communication tools and on-board start working again. A second hunt "Phantom F-4" was sent at 01:40 at night. Suddenly the officer di bordo, esperto in elettronica, nota sul radar una “strana presenza”, a circa 27 miglia nautiche, a 12 ore e con una velocità d’approccio di circa 150 nodi. Quando la distanza si ridusse a 25 miglia nautiche, l’UFO partì ad una velocità incredibile evidente sul radar. Il messaggio da parte del Ministero della Difesa indicò che la grandezza misurata dal radar era come quella di un aereo da trasporto Boeing 707, anche se era difficile discernere le dimensioni, dal punto di vista visivo, a causa della forte luminosità dell’UFO. Le luci, simili a quelle stroboscopiche, furono osservate da testimoni a terra. Le luci si alternavano e variavano dal blu al verde, dal rosso all’arancione, formano una kind of rectangle. The sequence of the lights was so fast, that all colors were seen at the same time. But not all. Here comes the particular "shock" and the continued interception, another bright and shiny object emerged from the first object and went directly to the F-4 Phantom as a missile at high speed. The pilot was able to operate a missile AIM-9, which was to go towards the UFO. But when the launch was immediately blocked, including all media, including UHF and intercom. The pilot then made a sudden movement of rotation and a descent into negative G to escape. The attempt failed, the pilot noticed that the second object headed UFO near main and went in with a perfect trajectory. Shortly after the "rendez-vous" and the merger between the two objects, another primary object emerged from the other side of the UFO and headed straight toward the ground. The crew of the F-4 said that it was approaching the ground and thought that an explosion could occur. But it did not. In fact it seemed to slow down and gently reach to the ground, illuminating the ground. The pilot of the "F-4 Phantom" dropped by around 15,000 feet, continuing to observe the position of the object landed, before returning to base. The return to base was difficult, because of some problem with night vision goggles, which made it difficult landing. At sunrise, the crew of the F-4 went up in a helicopter
destination UFO landing site. Once in place, they found nothing. The final evaluation of the DIA was very important, namely that it was "an exceptional relationship. This is a classic that meets all the criteria necessary for a meaningful study of the UFO phenomenon. " The DIA's analysis states that the UFO was sensational performance, noting that the flying object showed an "extraordinary ability to maneuver." In 1977, Richard Hall, American UFO researcher, was able to find the author del rapporto DIA ed ebbe con lui una conversazione telefonica. A quel tempo, l’autore del rapporto disse che era disponibile a testimoniare in pubblicò quello che lui sapeva. Quindi per concludere che dire di questo caso? Che è semplicemente importantissimo, riconosciuto da una agenzia di “intelligence” USA, dove un UFO ebbe un incontro con dei caccia militari, il quale reagì in maniera intelligente e superiore, ai tentavi di intercettamento dei jets intercettori, mandando in “black-out” temporaneo i sistemi di bordo e d’arma del velivoli.

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