It's been over 57 years since the UFO phenomenon is manifested publicly before the astonished eyes of the media mondiali.Il passing of the millennium has left scholars skeptical of the same questions you posed in the late '40s. Our consciences, our technology and we have the representation of this phenomenon are, however, changed over time, almost as if our evolution to the next it was clearly another inner, more hidden, enabling us to take more more aware of a phenomenon hitherto ignored. Yes, because now we know that the UFO phenomenon is not unique heritage of the twentieth century, and the enormous amount of study in these six decades and has allowed us to regain riosservare in key critical events to our past in many cases showing obvious similarities, if not equality, with the phenomenon moderno.Se six decades of analysis and sightings have placed before us many questions and few answers, and generated ill-feeling by creating factions, an attitude typical of each context in which it undertakes the human race, a fact, however, seems now to be disputed: what the UFO phenomenon exists and persists, but especially not the result of our immaginazione.L 'central and fundamental aspect on which we were unable to reach a solution is its nature or its multiple origins, and the keys that could explain such a massive presence and extended over time (probably over a little and maybe beyond two millennia), the data still seem sfuggirci.Se the solution still seems distant, and the contact still impalpable, the certainty that nearly sixty years of studies have failed to undermine and demystify the phenomenon, however, should be sure sign that really something abnormal interacts with our pianeta.Questo to quell the good hearts of those calling themselves "skeptics" have tried to date in every way to rationalize and explain the nature of these manifestazioni.La UFO research is not rocket science, nor a dogma of faith that blindly accept any claim for truth, an attitude that unfortunately seems to reflect the different characters. The UFO research is a multidisciplinary study, eclectic, heterogeneous and composite, a sort of reverse-operation that should allow us to acquire data and information through the comments and testimonials from people who said if they are witnesses and victims.
The prodrome
The mythological aspect of the abduction phenomenon, which implies only and not necessarily a fantastic array to its origin but probably a transliteration of an event in terms of their language and culture or the individual who lived, were often overlooked by modern research settore.La word "myth" from the greek "Mithos" has meaning as the primitive value of narration, speech, referring appunto alla trasposizione di eventi che erano occorsi e che erano stati successivamente riportati oralmente e poi per iscritto.Solo in seguito il significato verrà modificato ed arricchito attribuendogli una tipologizzazione di stampo narrativo-fantastico ed identificando ed inserendo al suo interno racconti che avevano come protagonisti eroi, dei e Creature mitiche.Questo nostro testo vorrebbe proprio gettare le basi per il recupero e per una nuova comprensione di suddette tradizioni per riosservarle e ristudiarle alla luce del fenomeno ufologico. Si tratta di un compito estremamente arduo che prima di noi ha coinvolto decine di studiosi in tutto il mondo e che nei decenni sembra avere prodotto interessanti chiarimenti su determinati eventi del nostro passato.Se da una parte in epoca an obedient Roman Julius, in his "The Book of Wonders," he literally speaks of "clypeata Ardentes" and fiery beams that crossed the skies of ancient Rome, leaving little doubt about the interpretation of these events, it is extremely difficult read more under the same key ancient traditions in which there are no obvious references to the wonderful miracles that the man was made partecipe.Si will also talk about etiological explanations, or rehabilitation of those facts in perspective UFO, but not We can not and should "put their heads in the sand" and not simply those that were possible sightings and contacts "before its time" with a phenomenon that has been made manifest, or of which we men we wanted to really take a conscience, only since 1947 poi.Gettando the basis for our analysis "mythology" of the abduction phenomenon we can not start from one of the most important texts
humanity, the core text for some of the most important modern religions, the Old Testamento.Attraverso a critical reading of the Bible, many scholars have found in recent decades ahead of what could be, or appear to, descriptions of events and UFO contacts in the more remote past human . Events that while embedded in a religious context and dogmatic has significant similarities with the phenomenon that studiamo.Nel biblical text we are told the mystical ascent to heaven of the prophet Ezekiel by placing the event in a past so remote on which we can not have precise references. Modern research on the topic identified in this narrative testimony forerunner of a possible case ufologico.Ciò which was narrated in the Book of Ezekiel does not refer solely to the alleged manifestation of the "logos", the divine being, came about through a light wagon down to the ground, but above all we are faced with a "close contact" with strange entities that seem to govern the structure and interact with the Prophet biblico.L 'Old Testament describes this divine manifestation in a very ambiguous, and the representations There are often classic God sitting on a throne of light and surrounded by angels and cherubs, all representations that are, however, only "interpretations" of what later Ezekiel could actually osservare.La modern UFO research there could also indicate a possible case of this description, close encounter (of the type IR3 and IR4) with alien entities. Etiological explanation or not it may seem, what is narrated in this ancient text is to be similar, if not to speculate, as told by those now alleged abductees, or from a culture filtrate, the Semitic time, which could only associate it appearance that assembles divine manifestation, although its true nature had been very different. Ezekiel could not altrimenti interpretare ciò che vide, e il suo contesto sociale, culturale e storico potevano unicamente condurlo a ritenere che ciò di cui era stato testimone fosse la presenza divina sulla Terra. Il tutto, ovviamente, ritenendo che il fatto sia avvenuto realmente.Di notevole interesse è inoltre la descrizione dei successivi eventi occorsi al profeta a seguito di tale "visione". Fu condotto su di una remota montagna in un luogo imprecisato ove si ritrovò cosciente ma in totale stato confusionale. Casi del genere non sono ignoti al mondo della psicologia o della psichiatria che, dal loro punto di vista, hanno in diverse occasioni affrontato il tema del misticismo associato a manifestazioni oggettive anomale e alla successiva ricaduta che un evento "particolare" could have on the mind of certain individui.Un individual with strong predispositions toward mysticism can easily interpret a particular phenomenon, precisely what we might call unusual that is, outside of any normal pattern or convention, as the result of a divine message or a direct manifestation of 'Supreme Being. These cases can be placed and located within the diverse world of mental illness and then the product and cause of cognitive or neurological disorders. But if an individual is totally normal, with no notion in science and technology and even more highly placed in a historical context far from ours was met or had interacted with something completely unknown and unusual, as avrebbe potuto reagire?Verosimilmente rileggendo il tutto attraverso le proprie nozioni, la propria cultura e le proprie possibilità interpretative, possibilmente anche in chiave religiosa. Ezechiele potrebbe essere stato effettivamente testimone e vittima di qualcosa di ben tangibile ma allo stesso tempo di difficile interpretazione per il suo contesto storico e sociale, che poi sarebbe stato inevitabilmente reinterpretato attraverso la sua "forma mentis" e la sua formazione.Un salto temporale di oltre due millenni ci porta in un altro periodo storico estremamente interessante, ed altrettanto ricco di manifestazioni nomale, un periodo in cui le stesse manifestazioni sembreranno essere rappresentate nella loro accezione più negativa e più "maligna".Nel Medio Evo saranno proprio le strane ed inquietanti apparizioni di creature come gli "incubi" e i "succubi" a disturbare il sonno di ignari esseri umani.Esseri dalle fattezze antropomorfe, bassi e macrocefali, gli "incubi" ed i "succubi", narrano le leggende, erano "esseri demoniaci" che entravano nelle camere da letto di uomini e donne per accoppiarsi con loro o per sottoporli ad altrettanto enigmatiche attività. Patrimonio principalmente della "letteratura" del nord Europa, questi esseri sembravano essere in grado di rendere totalmente incapaci di controllare la propria volontà coloro che ne erano vittime, palesando allo stesso tempo atteggiamenti che sono oggi riscontrabili all'interno della letteratura sulle abduction.Il contesto socioculturale medieval religious and imposed a "reserve" on such experience, dream or not to be considered, especially for reasons that were put forward and lead to accusations of witchcraft and interactions with the Maligno.Un myth as that just presented obviously leaves a few excerpts interpretation than those that may present itself mythography but if we, as we just said, we compare these stories with the most recent evidence of alien abduction immediately come to doubt whether we will see at least part of these legends can not indeed have been inspired by much more tangible esperienze.Eziologia aside, the reports are a matter of fact witnesses and documents on which to bring their indagini.L 'impressive similarity that is to be found centuries later in may at least doubt that the emergence of a phenomenon building has been perpetuated over the centuries
oils, a phenomenon which we now identify with the abduction and that as in the case of Ezekiel was interpreted and filtered by a culture, the Middle Ages, who saw no evil in God but in the manifestations of what rational did not know and could not, explain.

From Valley UFO folklore
Among those who in recent decades in ufology have distinguished themselves more to the studies carried out in the fields of mythology and folklore of the UFO phenomenon can certainly indicate the well-known scholar of origin French Jacques Vallee, a physicist and expert informatico.Vallée has linked its name ufology speculative in the 60s, 70s and 80s but also to the field through numerous investigations carried out in situ to understand the origin of the phenomenon stesso.Assieme to scholars such as Thomas and Peter Ballard Rojcewicz, Vallee attempted to detect and locate relevant issues in the medieval folklore and in later centuries, they could refute or demonstrate a kind of unbroken historical line, a continuum, referred to phenomenon abduction.Lo French scholar has studied hundreds of legends and myths specific present in all cultures of the planet recovering and data eccezionali.Tra really the most interesting discoveries si spazia da resoconti di avvistamenti di strani oggetti nei cieli, campo di studi in cui oggi è principe la paleoastronautica (un tempo si suggerì di definirla "clipeologia"), ad esperienze che, come abbiamo sottolineato precedentemente, si collocano all'interno di scenari estremamente coerenti con gli attuali rapimenti alieni.Un esempio illuminante del materiale rinvenuto da Vallée lo possiamo trovare nel manoscritto autografo dell'arcivescovo di Lione Agobardo, datato 816 d.C., che prese posizione contro "marinai celesti" che infestavano i cieli della sua città sbarcando dalle nubi e saccheggiando frutteti e campi di frumento.Addirittura lo stesso Agobardo avrebbe salvato la vita a quattro persone sequestrate e poi rilasciate da questi. celesti "Sylphides", referred to as guilty of having ruined the crops in the fields of the area, incidentally, the same phenomenon today led by the phenomenon of "crop circles". What better representation of an alleged abduction and contact with another civilization ? The same Agobard, later Saint, in the same work as told in the eighth century the famous Kabbalist Zedekiah, in the reign of Pepin, had claimed that all the elements were inhabited by celestial beings called "Sylphs" and as he himself he asked them to show to the crowds. When this demand was satisfied - so read the documents - were seen in the skies and wonders and incredible events through which, by means of "wondrous ships," the "Sylphides" is palesarono.La chronicle goes on to say how these "public events" were scared and destabilized the crowds to such an extent as to require Charlemagne, Louis and then in the good-natured, fines on all the supposed "tyranny of ' air ". The fines did not serve Sylphides and continued to appear in the heavens and the people, even beginning to kidnap people. But when some of these things came down to the ground with their "ships" the people, exasperated beyond measure, captured several of them and took them to the stake or had them annegare.Cronache, myths and legends that these stories have all the trappings of modern UFO literature and ask how it was possible to invent from scratch so data fully detailed to resemble the current testimonianze.Altri authors who have analyzed these texts have come to similar conclusions to our identifying clear UFO arrays at the base of these narratives. But the data now in our possession do not stop what has been said so far indeed, as in the case of the mystical experience of the prophet Ezekiel, we can trace our breadcrumb trail still further back until you get to ancient Greece or the Jewish people. The Jews were in fact used to call those beings who were among the angels and men "Sadaim", while the Greeks (using the same greek word, but adding a few letters) knew them as "Daimonias" demoni.Come can we forget the Nephilim of 'Old Testament, accoppiatisi down on Earth and with the women of our planet? For the ancient philosophers these "demons" were moving in the air in more ways incredibili.Paracelso thought that these mysterious beings who plied the skies, were manifested on the ground on their wagons or vessels were real and not the result of fears umane.Unanimemente Plutarch believed that such beings, which he called "elementary", were a cross between mortals and immortals. The Islamic culture has the equivalent of this in the "Jinn" (Genes ). Several historians of science have suggested that the factors that could lead to the possible creation or proliferation of these ideas, there could be a difficult transition that man has always suffered towards religion, which required a transition to believe in higher beings such as angels or demons, but not other beings that might occur or interact with uomini.Riteniamo that if such an explanation can be at most a few cases can not be elucidated, not able to cover in its entirety since the ancient chronicles have handed down until today all the more so when compared with the current literature ufologica.Il Tiryakian American sociologist Edward, Duke University, notes the significant changes that can be compared to the same grammar symbols and concepts by stating: "... the priest will tend to see the invisible reality in terms of personal strengths (eg good and evil or God and Satan) through what he believed to be part of the prescribed ritual. The scientist will tend to see the same reality in terms of impersonal forces like gravitation, rays, atomic energy by doing what feels objective and experimental. The Wizard will see instead is the invisible reality of the priest in personal terms than in the impersonal scientist. "What has been said to suggest that different mindset, different" cultures "and different approaches can alter the meaning or the same meaning of the terms or the facts but, in their pure reality, are totally clear and inalterabili.I wizards once, and scientists now have perhaps been the first to try to bring order and c
omprendere real matrices behind those "unseen forces" object of our text. Through different routes and with conflicting conclusions, both groups have tried to answer some riddles history uomini.Lo same Vallée sought to lift the veil that cottraddistinse our past in search of those forces invisibili.Dopo the manic and extensive research in medieval folklore and modern UFO cases Vallée always felt that something really physical sottintendesse these themes and narratives. While the statement actually the only conclusion I reach is that this author always a wall will stand before our studies and our understanding, and will never be possible in effetti (soprattutto per ciò che riguarda il nostro passato) separare l'osservazione ed il fenomeno reale dall'interpretazione emozionale ed il vero collegamento tra fenomeni e fatti inusuali dalle alterazioni operate in conseguenza di questi dalla coscienza e dall'intelletto umano. Prima quindi di considerare il fenomeno abduction come "frutto dei disturbi dei nostri tempo", o come mero "prodotto del bombardamento mediatico" moderno consiglieremo a tutti coloro che si affacciano a tale fenomeno, o che se ne dicono scettici, di farlo con mente aperta e scevra da giudizi, ma allo stesso tempo osservando realmente il fenomeno e studiandolo nelle sue molteplici manifestazioni, ieri come oggi.

fonte: UFO Notiziario
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