Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Places In Canton To Get A Brazilian Wax
Full menu: starters first, second and sweet. Already the second course, usually you are full. The last food you a taste, and the remainder goes directly into the dustbin in the kitchen. That's what happens every day in restaurants throughout Italy. Thirty-seven billion euro end of food each year in the baskets of families and caterers. Food capable of feeding 44 million people, the population of Spain, as estimated by the University of Bicocca Milano.Negli United States of America, for several years, there is the fashion of "Doggy Bag," which in part solved the problem. Dodgy Bag Literally means bag of dog but the dog has little or nothing. It means that in New York, San Diego or San Francisco it is customary to go out to eat and leave the restaurant con dei sacchetti in cui c’è del cibo avanzato, accuratamente inscatolato, pronto per essere riposto nel frigorifero di casa e mangiato in un secondo momento.La “moda” arriva in Italia: a Milano, il 15 dicembre, è nata una rete -la prima in Italia- di ristoranti “anti-spreco”, dove i clienti possono portar via il cibo e il vino avanzato. Il progetto si chiama Il buono che avanza, ed è stato lanciato dalla onlus Cena dell’amicizia (vedi nel box) con il sostegno di Slow Food Milano, Legambiente Lombardia e Comieco, con il patrocinio del Comune di Milano-assessorato alla Salute. “Gli eccessi in campo alimentare sono alla base del sovrappeso e di molte altre patologie -spiega Cornelia Pelletta, critico Gourmet Dinner and voluntary association of friendship-so good that the trains to limit advances, calling for an even healthier lifestyle. "The purpose of this operation are different:" Our intent is to continue Pelletta- make explicit and 'Shameless' the measure of the leftover food home. We also want to raise awareness of anti-waste, because a mountain of discarded scraps are a symptom of a society that no longer measures, which increases the needs and excessive consumption. Finally we give in this way, our contribution to the reduction of organic waste that flood our country. "The initiative came with the involvement of twenty famous restaurants in Milan and province (the list is below) but the number is expected to grow. Join, in fact, is very simple: just go to the website www.cenadellamicizia.it and make contact with the volunteers of the association, in a short time, will provide bags and posters of the initiative. "The Doggy Bag will be recycled paper-more-Pelletta Cornelia. In addition, some companies are willing to sponsor the delivery of the bags so that the premises will not have to pay anything, they will deliver them for free. "The idea is that, once fully launched this initiative to extend it also to the catering, so that deliver all the leftover food still edible and the association, which will address the sorting between the various soup kitchens cittadine.L 'initiative is Milan rivals in Piedmont, where since 1999 he is active in Operation Bota Stupa, which means bottle uncorked in Piedmont: the restaurant (the 'list of members is on the site www.butastupa.net ) when the account gives customers the partially consumed bottle, re-cap and placed in a box, so that they can enjoy the evening or the next day. It is not always necessary to see the bottom of the bottle.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Yellow Mucus 4 Days B4 Period

Poor Befana! It 'was a really eventful night! Before
Friday, December 24, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Price Of Clonezepam At Cvs
Between '600 and '700, Sicily developed the art of wax modeling that technical term is called "wax modeling." Truly His birth is in the Middle Ages and since then he lavished special attention in the care of every detail, the works that came out were absolute masterpieces of the patience of Job. Having departed from monasteries and convents of Palermo and Trapani, this art spread a bit 'all over the island and in the '600 artisans became so good as to be applied across Europe. Among the most 'important it is worth mentioning the Syracuse Gaetano Zumbo (or Zummo) who after an apprenticeship in Sicily, he was called over to the courts' important era. His works can be seen in Naples, the Museum of the Observatory in Florence where some of his most 'famous as the Triumph of Time and the Corruption of the body, can be seen in Bologna (for those if you feel like!) many works that represent human body parts made for the most 'important center of human anatomy at the time. At the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, but there is a beautiful Nativity that the famous museum acquired it in with your 1953.E Nativity Baby Jesus and the art of wax modeling meets the popular favor. Beautiful compositions under glass bells, sleeping with Baby Jesus, blessing, or simply sitting, find place in palaces as in the humble homes of the people, and become valuable asset to bequeath to those who come after ....
As a child, I happened to see these precious artifacts and are enchanted to look at the minuteness of details, flowers, which each had a different meaning, a symbolic language today perhaps incomprehensible passion flower symbol of fidelity, the dahlia, gratitude, small chrysanthemums, symbol of pain, the bluebells, a metaphor for obedience and passivity, with carnations their semi-shaped nail recall the crucifixion of Christ.
precious objects now can be seen only in museums and private collections ...
was so long that I wanted to build one that is inspired by one of those seen as a child and I finally found the right time and the inspiration for its realization. Unfortunately, the Child is industrial production (and not give up the idea of \u200b\u200bcarving by hand ...) but the flowers, those no! I made them one by one by hand, shaping and composing on a green arc and the moss and bark that are natural to chair the Child. At the center of the flowers I put it to simulate the pistils of coral branches in the best tradition of Trapani zona.Un touch of my most precious'! And so I have my Child, will not be as old as those having a child, but in a bit 'of years (say a hundred?) It will be too!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Pelvic Pain And Watery Stool
Casa dell’arte Aldo Nalbone
Centro di Promozione delle Differenze
via XXVII Maggio, 12 Palermo
Programmazione di Dicembre - Gennaio
23 Novembre – 21 Dicembre
Venerdì 17 Dicembre Cineforum Free:
proiezione del film “Destino”. Primo grande successo di Fritz Lang (successivamente nel 1926 regista di un altro suo capolavoro: Metropolis). Fate, set around 1830, is the story of a young woman who tries to persuade his death not to take away the man she loves and who has just married. Death makes a deal with the maiden him back if she saves the lives of at least one of the three lights in a forest of candles, are going out, and bring in three countries and in three different eras ... Directed by Fritz Lang
1921-GERMANY-1.22 '. Silent film, Drama, black and white. CAST: Lil Dagover (as the young girl), Walter Janssen, Bernhard Goetzke (in the role of Death).
21:30. Cost: FREE screening with limited seating. Book by calling the following numbers 3298379593 to 3292197463.
Saturday December 18 Flamenco Courses taught by Rosalyn Mazzola. The course is structured in a weekly meeting on Saturdays. Hours 15:00 to 4:00 p.m., it requires the use of comfortable clothing. The course is limited. Cost: € 50.00 monthly subscription of more than € 50.00. Book by calling the following numbers 3298379593 to 3292197463.
Sunday, December 19 workshop / learning how to say NO: effective communication maintained by the psychotherapist Giusi Tura. 11:00. The workshop is structured in 10 meetings every two weeks. We will issue a certificate of participation. Cost: € 15.00 per contest. Book by calling the following number 3298379593. Sunday, December 19
theater workshop, "Who è di scena!” tenuto dall’attrice Giorgia Sunseri. Ore 17:30. Il laboratorio è strutturato in un incontro settimanale intensivo: ogni domenica pomeriggio. Si richiede l'uso di abbigliamento comodo.
Costo: 50,00 euro mensili più 50,00 euro d’iscrizione. Prenotare telefonando ai seguenti numeri 3298379593 – 3292197463.
22 Dicembre – 20 Gennaio
Mercoledì 22 Dicembre Open Book ...libri da leggere e/o da scambiare, mentre comodamente sorseggi un caffè. Dalle ore 16:00 alle ore 23:00. Costo: 2,00 euro.
Mercoledì 22 Dicembre “C'era una volta...”
lettura di favole per bambini dalle ore 17:00 alle ore 19:00. Cost: € 2.00.
Saturday, December 25 Merry Christmas
Happy New Year Saturday, January 1, 2011
good Wednesday, Jan. 5 Open Book ... books to read and / or exchange, while comfortably sipping a cup of coffee. From 16:00 to 23:00. Cost: € 2.00. Wednesday, January 5
"Once upon a time ..."
reading of children's from 17:00 to 19:00. Cost: € 2.00.
Thursday, January 6
La Befana comes at night with broken shoes, with the broom ...
(who knows there continued?)
Saturday, January 8 Flamenco Courses taught by Rosalyn Mazzola. The course is structured in a weekly meeting on Saturdays. Hours 15:00 to 4:00 p.m., it requires the use of comfortable clothing. The course is limited. Cost: € 50.00 monthly subscription of more than € 50.00. Book by calling the following numbers 3298379593-3292197463.
Sunday, January 9 workshop / learning how to say NO: effective communication maintained by the psychotherapist Giusi Tura. 11:00. The workshop is structured in 10 meetings every two weeks. We will issue a certificate of participation. Cost: € 15.00 per contest. Book by calling the following number 3298379593. Sunday, January 9
Cineforum Free:
screening of the movie "Flashdance" is the exciting story of Alex Owens, eighteen determined, which makes the welder by day and night dancing in a club to gain independence and realize her dream of dancing at the dance school in Pittsburgh.
Directed by Adrian Lyne. 1983-USA-91 '. Drama / Romance / Musical. Screenplay by Tom Hedley and Joe Eszterhas. CAST: Jennifer Beals (in the role of Alex Owens), Michael Nouri (Nick Hurley in the role), Lila Skala, Sunny Johnson, Kyle T. Heffner, Lee Ving, Ron Karabatsos, Belinda Bauer.
21:30. Cost: FREE screening with limited seating. Book by calling the following numbers 3298379593 to 3292197463. Tuesday, January 11
Internalization and Meditation Course Integrated between East and West. Meditation
dynamic and static physical postures, guided relaxation and creative visualization. Held by Naomi Wolf. Some topics: Universal Love (and erotic love), the energy centers of the Human Body, The Centre, the Union of opposites: the construction of the body of Gloria ... 21:30 to 23:30 hours. The workshop is structured weekly: Tuesdays. Cost: € 50.00 monthly subscription of more than € 50.00. Book by calling the following numbers 3298379593 to 3292197463.
Wednesday, January 12 Open Book ... books to read and / or exchange, while comfortably sipping a cup of coffee. From 16:00 to 23:00. Cost: € 2.00.
Wednesday, January 12 "Once Upon a Time ..."
reading of children's from 17:00 to 19:00. Cost: € 2.00. Friday, January 14
free art:
If you are an artist or you feel you want to present your work we put at your disposal for a few euro, an area between 16:00 and 24:00 hours by prior arrangement. Book by calling the following numbers 3298379593 to 3292197463. Saturday, January 15
Flamenco Courses taught by Rosalyn Mazzola. The course is structured in a weekly meeting on Saturdays. Hours 15:00 to 4:00 p.m., it requires the use of comfortable clothing. The course is limited. Cost: € 50.00 monthly subscription of more than € 50.00. Book by phone the following numbers 3298379593-3292197463.
The Office is open every Wednesday, except holidays,
from 16:00 to 20:00
Via XXVII Maggio, 12. Palermo.
E-mail: casadellarte12@libero.it
Monday, December 6, 2010
Make Up For Blue Eyes And Black Hair

Well yes! I'm back on sale with another Christmas special of my own!
14 projects with tiles of all sizes, working with various techniques: three-dimensional decoupage, 3D perspective, construction thumbnails and much more ... I have not spared! I started working in June, so between a swim in the sea and a bit 'in the hot sun of my land, I created tiles imagining expanses of white snow, a chorus of children sang Christmas songs that I sang too delicious for me to be the 'inspiration, and with an outside temperature of 40 ° is not easy!
However, it is gone! And finally I am in your hands the result of my effort and I must say that I'm really satisfied! Thanks goes to Cigré that gives me confidence and giving my best to spare! A big thanks to all of you who bought it e. .. full speed ahead with creativity! ... I almost forgot: Merry Christmas!
Monday, November 29, 2010
Fox Tools Automovil Batery Charger
Programming December
Saturday, December 4 FLAMENCO course taught by Rosalyn Mazzola. The course is structured in a weekly meeting on Saturdays. Hours 15:00 to 4:00 p.m., it requires the use of comfortable clothing. The course is limited. Cost: € 50.00 monthly subscription of more than € 50.00. Book by calling the following numbers 3298379593-3292197463.
Sunday, December 5 lab / path Learn to say NO: effective communication maintained by the psychotherapist Giusi Tura. 11:00. The workshop is structured in 10 meetings every two weeks. We will issue a certificate of participation. Cost: € 15.00 per contest. Book by calling the following number 3298379593. Sunday, December 5
theater workshop, "Who is the scene!" Held by the actress Giorgia Sunseri. 17:30. The workshop is structured in an intensive weekly meeting every Sunday afternoon. It requires the use of comfortable clothing. Cost: € 50.00 monthly subscription of more than € 50.00. Book by calling the following numbers 3298379593 to 3292197463. Sunday, December 5
Cineforum Free:
screening of the film "An Angel at My Table": "... you like to have a world in your heart that you can express with words ...." Survived the poverty and mental Janet Frame defends his art: writing. History of the English poet and writer, loved around the world.
Directed by Jane Champion. 1990-New Zealand-151 '. Drama. Screenplay by Laura Jones. CAST: Kerry Fox, Alexia Keogh, Karen Fergusson, Iris Churn, KJ Wilson, Melina Bernecker.
21:15. Cost: FREE screening with limited seating. Book by calling the following numbers 3298379593 to 3292197463. Friday, December 10
free art:
Iera F ° M ercatod she Creativity
from 16:00 to 22:00
A weekend to buy small gifts or inventing and creating new ones in anticipation of Christmas. A fair
alternate laboratory where several booths of clothes and vintage items, bijoutteria, items for home furnishing, table linen and much more, and creative workshops in which experts and artists, teach you to realize some of the exhibits.
Cost: The entrance to the exhibition is free. Participation in each workshop is € 10.00 if you are in possession of material, € 15.00 if the House Art Aldo Nalbone provides the material.
For boys aged 12 to 18 years, the cost laboratories is respectively € 7.00 and € 10.00.
Participation in the workshop for children is € 6.00 (you must bring a photo to create the object).
For each task will be specified in advance the necessary material.
If someone want to expose their work to buy a space dedicated to 15,00 € per day.
Opportunities babycaring (entertainment for children) during the Christmas workshop with an additional charge of € 5.00 per child. Laboratory
O Christmas decorations for children from 16:30 to 19:00
Reservations must be made within the workshops Wednesday, December 8 following telephone numbers: 347 335 13 17-329 83 79593-329 21 97 463. Saturday, December 11
Flamenco Courses taught by Rosalyn Mazzola. The course is structured in a weekly meeting on Saturdays. Hours 15:00 to 4:00 p.m., it requires the use of comfortable clothing. The course is limited. Cost: € 50.00 monthly subscription of more than € 50.00. Book by calling the following numbers 3298379593-3292197463.
Saturday, December 11 Iera
F ° M ercatodella Creativity
from 17:00 to 24:00
Cost: The entrance to the exhibition is free. Participation in each workshop is € 10.00 if you are in possession of material, € 15.00 if the House Art Aldo Nalbone provides the material.
For boys aged 12 to 18 years, the cost of the workshops is respectively € 7.00 and € 10.00.
For each task will be specified in advance the necessary material. O
sewing workshop from 17:30 to 20:00
laboratories Reservations must be made by Wednesday, Dec. 8 telephone numbers: 347 335 13 17-329 83 79593-329 21 97 463.
Sunday, December 12 Iera
F ° M ercatodella Creativity
from 12:00 to 23:00
Cost: The entrance to the exhibition is free. Participation in each singolo laboratorio è di 10,00 € se si è in possesso del materiale, 15,00 € se la Casa dell’arte Aldo Nalbone fornisce il materiale.
Per i ragazzi dai 12 ai 18 anni il costo dei laboratori è rispettivamente di 7,00 € e di 10,00 €.
Per ogni attività sarà specificato anticipatamente il materiale necessario.
O Laboratorio découpage dalle 15:00 alle 17:30
O Laboratorio taglio e cucito dalle 18:00 alle 20:30
Le prenotazioni ai laboratori devono essere effettuate entro il mercoledì 8 dicembre telefonando ai numeri: 347 335 13 17 – 329 83 79 593 – 329 21 97 463.
Domenica 12 Dicembre laboratorio teatrale “Chi è di scena!” held by the actress Giorgia Sunseri. 17:30. The workshop is structured in an intensive weekly meeting every Sunday afternoon. It requires the use of comfortable clothing.
Cost: € 50.00 € 50.00 more monthly fees. Book by calling the following numbers 3298379593 to 3292197463. Tuesday, December 14
laboratory psycho-artistic "I'll show you the way you are" held by Tura and the psychotherapist Giusi master artist George Macaluso. The workshop aims to explore unknown parts of himself to us. The game of mirrors, storytelling, role play, construction of mannequins are some techniques used during the workshop. Inside you live many pictures of yourself ... good discovery. 9:00 p.m. to 23:00 hours. The workshop is organized every two weeks: on Tuesday. Cost: € 40.00 monthly subscription of more than € 50.00. Book by calling the following numbers 3298379593 to 3292197463.
Wednesday, December 15 Open Book ... books to read and / or exchange, while comfortably sipping a cup of coffee. From 16:00 to 23:00. Cost: € 2.00.
Wednesday, December 15 "Once Upon a Time ..."
reading of children's from 17:00 to 19:00. Cost: € 2.00. Friday, December 17
Cineforum Free:
screening of the film "Destino". First major success of Fritz Lang (later in 1926 the director of another of his masterpiece, Metropolis). Fate, set around 1830, is the story of a young woman who tries to persuade his death not to take away the man she loves and who has just married. Death makes a deal with the maiden him back if she saves the lives of at least one of the three lights in a forest of candles, are going out, and bring in three countries and in three different eras ... Directed by Fritz Lang
1921-GERMANY-1.22 '. Silent film, Drama, black and white. CAST: Lil Dagover (as the young girl), Walter Janssen, Bernhard Goetzke (in the role of Death).
21:30. Cost: Free screening posts limitati. Prenotare telefonando ai seguenti numeri 3298379593 - 3292197463.
Sabato 18 Dicembre Corso di FLAMENCO tenuto da Rosalyn Mazzola. Il corso è strutturato in un incontro settimanale: il sabato. Ore 15:00-16:00; si richiede l'uso di abbigliamento comodo. Il corso è a numero chiuso. Costo: 50,00 euro mensili più 50,00 euro d’iscrizione. Prenotare telefonando ai seguenti numeri 3298379593- 3292197463.
Domenica 19 Dicembre laboratorio/percorso Impariamo a dire NO: la comunicazione efficace tenuto dalla psicoterapeuta Giusi Tura. Ore 11:00. Il laboratorio è strutturato in 10 incontri con cadenza quindicinale. Si rilascia attestato di partecipazione. Costo: 15,00 euro ad incontro. Prenotare telefonando the following number 3298379593. Sunday, December 19
theater workshop, "Who is the scene!" Held by the actress Giorgia Sunseri. 17:30. The workshop is structured in an intensive weekly meeting every Sunday afternoon. It requires the use of comfortable clothing.
Cost: € 50.00 € 50.00 more monthly fees. Book by calling the following numbers 3298379593 to 3292197463.
The Office is open every Wednesday, except holidays,
from 16:00 to 20:00
Via XXVII Maggio, 12. Palermo.
E-mail: casadellarte12@libero.it
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Gay Bathhouse, Alabama
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Enlarged Ovary And Abdominal Pain
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Can You Get To Mykono From Maramis

Love for antiques and fine things of a time long gone, always in some way influenced my designs. From my observation is coming out this decorative technique that goes back to the style of Meissen porcelain, the manufacture that I love so particolare.Nel month of October I was invited to teach a course for members of decoupage Italy (Italian Association of decoupage) Messina. It 'been a very busy day, spent working with special people, who greet and hug ....
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Does Pepperidge Farm Still Make Party Rolls
Open Book
L ' Open Book is an open library, a place where you put together the books and people in support of the imagination, creativity and knowledge.
A place where everyone can read, consult, advise read or exchange books in a genuine form of barter (you can leave a book in exchange for another).
A space dedicated to you a break for a whole afternoon, traveling with adventurous characters, experiencing intense love stories, inventing the most magnificent discoveries, all in the company of close friends, the only always keep you company ...
... books.
Every Wednesday afternoon
ore 16:00 alle ore 20:00
Uncensored Wax The Beaver
Laboratorio di lettura:
C'era una volta...
Il laboratorio di lettura delle favole “ C'era una volta... ”, è il primo laboratorio di educazione all'ascolto che la Casa dell'Arte propone rivolgendosi ad un pubblico molto demanding: the children.
Reading aloud brings out the sound value of the word, with its ability to evoke sounds, sensations and emotions.
The workshop is aimed at listening to stories of famous and not driven. An adult reads aloud stories to children blind, visually impaired and blind.
MEETINGS t ll last week
from 17:00 to 19:00
Mostre e spazi espositivi:
“ Quando qualcuno dice/questo lo so fare anch’io/vuol dire/Che lo sa Rifare/altrimenti lo avrebbe/gia fatto prima ”
(Bruno Munari.
“ Un metodo progettuale/Design Method”
Da Cosa nasce Cosa 1981)
Se sei o ti senti un artist and you want to submit your work, we put at your disposal for a few euro, an exhibition space to get in the game. Here you can read, submit one that interests you, build, ... and you can even bring your work to be exhibited or if you prefer, you can also work during the day.
Sunday, October 10, 2010 17:00
Friday, November 12, 2010 16:00 / 24:00
Friday, December 10, 2010 or King 16:00 / 24:00
Friday, January 14, 2011 16:00 / 24:00
Friday, February 11, 2011 16:00 / 24:00
Friday, March 11, 2011 16 hours : 00/24: 00
V riday April 8, 2011 16:00 / 24:00
Friday, May 6, 2011 at 16:00 / 24:00
Friday, June 3, 2011 hours 16:00 / 24:00
Friday, July 1, 2011 16 hours : 00/24: 00
Tai Chi
In the Warring States Period (403-221 BC) introduced the Taoist physical and mental exercises , and breathing exercises as effective techniques for prevention and treatment of certain diseases and health maintenance.
These techniques are still valid today and are used to achieve a balance of mental and physical, come to discover a different way to stay in harmony with yourself.
The workshop takes place in two lessons a week: Tuesday and Thursday by 21:00 to 22:30.
" Who is the scene!"
Actress Giorgia Sunseri
Sunday, November 21, 2010
17:30 / 21:00
Hunting On The Pacific Trail
F lamenco
Rosalyn Mazzola was born in Montreal dedicated to flamenco for twenty years, inspired by his training classical and contemporary. He performed in many stages in Italy and abroad, it can be seen both as a trio ( Sonik ) and with the full line ( Flamenjazz ). Considered a landmark in Palermo for all lovers of flamenco culture, thanks to his creativity, his technical virtuosity and its elegance and precision. His laboratory is based on the study of compassion, speed of walking, gestures, timing and choreography created by herself.
Rosalyn Mazzola
November 6, 2010 - 15:00 / 17:00
Classes are held every Saturday
from 15:00 to 17:00.
Listen ... listen to
experiential encounter fortnightly Empirical Psychology
... to explore themselves through sound, breath, body, color, the word "
Dr. Liliana Minutoli
The Wednesday fortnightly from 21:00 to 23:00.
calendar meetings for 2010:
15/09, 29/09, 13/10, 27/10, 10/11, 24/11, 08/12
L’abbonamento mensile prevede, oltre la partecipazione al laboratorio “ Ascoltare per…ascoltarsi ”, anche una giornata intensiva nel mese di Giugno 2011 e l’accesso preferenziale al Cineforum free .
Master Vincenzo Tura
spend an evening together playing to interpret heroic characters in a fantasy world
Dating afternoon or evening appointment with a minimum of 5 players. During the meeting will be offered a drink.
What Causes A Black Blister
Laboratory psycho-artistic
I'll show you how you
The workshop aims to explore parts of themselves unknown to us.
Some of the techniques used in the laboratory are: the game of "mirrors" where the other is used to have a delayed self-image, stories of real or fantasy stories, and the representation through the technique Role of Play and Design emotivo; la costruzione di manichini con le tue stesse sembianze; …
… Dentro di te convivono tante immagini di te stesso…buona scoperta!!!
Martedì 16 Novembre 2010
ore 21:00/23:00
Psicoterapeuta Giusi Tura
Maestro d’Arte Giorgio Macaluso
the laboratory every two weeks.
What Should My Cerivcal Musus Be Like Day 17
psychology courses:
together to say
NO :
Effective communication.
psychology and communication to improve the quality of your life.
Domenica 7 Novembre 2010 – ore 10:00
Psicoterapeuta Giusi Tura
“ I NO per quanto difficili, sono di fondamentale importanza nella vita di ognuno di noi e consentono di rispettare se stessi senza farsi sopraffare dagli altri ”.
Il corso è a numero chiuso . La prenotazione è obbligatoria. Cadenza quindicinale per una durata complessiva di 10 incontri.
Si rilascia attestato di partecipazione
What's A Good Monocular
Teatro per adulti
Disegno per adulti
Lingua italiana
Lingua francese
Lingua spagnola
English Language
learn together to say "NO " : effective communication.
Design children (4-6 years)
Theatre children (4-6 years)
Set design for children: invent stories and representations.
Tai Chi
Creative Writing
Course Internalization e Meditazione
Cucito per principianti
“ Ti mostro come sei”: laboratorio psico-artistico sul gioco degli specchi.
Rane Blu: a r t e Differente.
“ Ascoltare…per ascoltarsi”: laboratorio di psicologia empirica.
Lavorazione del cuoio
Aperitivi di beneficenza
Cineforum free
Incontri di lettura di poesie e altre opere
Incontri tematici
Open Book
Esposizione di prodotti gastronomici
Esposizioni di manufatti artistici ed altro
“ C'era una volta...”
Presentazione libri e/o altre opere
Giochi di fantasia con sé stessi: Tarocchi, I Ching, Tema natale.
Organizzazioni di cene a tema
Per appuntamento the following services:
care cosmetic hair
cuisine tradition
Tailoring for Drag Queen
Furnishings: an architect and a teacher of art are available for ideas and projects.
Women in Italy: knowledge of Italy: the rules, laws, culture, language and society aimed at Italian and foreign women.
Reading aloud for the blind, visually impaired and blind.
Learning Wizard:
afterschool .
the House of ' to r t and
Aldo Nalbone
Spaces are available for anyone to activate workshops, exhibitions, events, private parties and more.
Registrations for workshops are open all year
info :3298379593-3292197463
e-mail :
blog :
Managing body: "Sunflower" Soc. Soc
PI: 04652280829
Rock Climbing Hemorrhoids
C asa 's to r t and A ldo N Albone
Promotion Center Differences
Association loyal
civil protection
voluntary service or
In Via XXVII Maggio, 12 Palermo
Association loyal gives the spread of the culture of civil protection at the community an exceptional importance to this end proposes a meeting on the prevention of domestic .
occasions that the house of ' to r t and Aldo Nalbone took to flight.
The meeting, called Place Like Home, will be held Saturday, November 27, 2010 at 21.30 open to the public.
covers the following temi:
la protezione civile e il ruolo del volontariato;
il concetto generale di rischio;
il rischio elettrico;
il rischio incendi;
misure di prevenzione per la riduzione dei rischi;
norme comportamentali in caso di emergenza.
L’incontro sarà tenuto da Aldo Melilli, presidente dell’associazione leAli, e dal dott. ing. Ugo Cerrone, volontario dell’associazione ed esperto sui temi della sicurezza, ed avrà la durata di 2 ore di cui 1 ora e 30 minuti per l’illustrazione dei topics listed above, by projecting slides and 30 minutes open to discussion with participants.
Admission: voluntary contribution that will be donated to charity.
Who will request it will receive a certificate of attendance
C asa 's to r t and A ldo N Albone
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Wording For Welcome Letter Destination Wedding