Finally. It's January 2011 and Italy seem ready to redeem himself from plastic shopping bags. It is a small revolution to ban the production and marketing of so-called "final carrier bags (store-house): the symbol of all disposable, universally present, from the Alps to the Pyramids, from the Himalayas to the Pacific Ocean, where helped to form an "island of trash"-the Pacific Trash Vortex, which stretches for nearly 10 million square kilometers.
petroleum and therefore "fossil", for forty years shoppers around the world are moving in increasing numbers stellar lately, about 20 billion pieces per year only in Italy (among the most voracious consumers in Europe), 100 billion in Europe, and (according to estimates from data of the Agency Environmental Protection U.S. EPA) from 500 billion to 1 trillion worldwide. The Italian
farewell comes from a part of the Finance Act 2007, which in turn comply with an EU directive of December 1994 (94/62/EC). The ban on the production and marketing of non-biodegradable shopping bags from January 1, 2011 is accompanied by the granting of a few months in supermarkets and shops to clear their stock. The abolition of
bags plastica era stata richiesta anche dal direttore del Programma per l’ambiente delle Nazioni Unite (Unep), e non a caso: per l’uso di qualche minuto, i sacchetti rimangono nell’ambiente da un minimo di 15 a un massimo di mille anni. Con notevoli effetti collaterali quando si disperdono: dall’uccisione di centinaia di migliaia di uccelli e altri animali marini a disastrosi allagamenti -in Bangladesh- dovuti all’intasamento degli scarichi.
Quanto al clima, l’Agenzia per l’ambiente del governo australiano ha calcolato le emissioni climalteranti provocate dalla produzione e distribuzione dei sacchetti di polietilene ad alta densità: più di 2 chili di CO2 per ogni chilo di sacchetti di plastica, per produrre which serves nearly one kilogram of oil (900 grams). Only in Italy, the production of 300 thousand tons of petroleum-derived shopper leads, according to Legambiente, the issuance of 200 thousand tons of CO2.
That said, the real problem today is that these "unpresentable appendages" of each purchase may not really disappear from the peninsula. And the alternatives do not prove, upon careful analysis, really "green." The Unionplast
Confindustria (the national association between the industries of rubber, electrical wiring and related industries in plastics and the like), for example, asks the country to retrace his steps, and warns employment for the sector (average turnover of 800 million euro and 4 thousand employees, but does not specify how many are dedicated to the production of shoppers). On 5 November Unionplast has even appealed to the TAR against the resolution of the City of Turin, in advance, had banned non-biodegradable carrier bags throughout the city (which notice is not complied with ...). It will not stop. Unionplast argues that the European directive 94/62 "packaging waste, which governs the management of packaging and packaging waste, do not prevent non-biodegradable bags. Just on the other hand they have one of these three requirements are high: riutizzabilità, recoverability and recyclability. And, says triumphant Unionplast, unlike the bag of "bioplastics" from plant material, which is only biodegradable, non-biodegradable polythene carrier bags have all the other features: You can use multiple times, can be "recovered" in incinerators, they can be recycled. This defense is pulled by the hair, but it says Unionplast sure to win the appeal against Torino, and national level suggests that the government instead of proposing a campaign to encourage people to reuse several times the same shopper.
In any case, the ban applies only to Italian bags "to vest", ie with the handles, and among these, only those for all’alimentare. Dovrebbero rimanere in circolazione non solo i sacchetti senza manici per ortofrutta (vedi box a p. 22) ma anche gli inutili e diffusi sacchetti da farmacia, cartoleria, tabaccheria. Nelle catene non alimentari, cioè, non cambierà nulla, se non a livello volontario. La finanziaria del 2007, a cui si riferisce l’attuale “bando”, prevede la sostituzione dei sacchetti di plastica con i cosiddetti eco-shopper in carta o “bioplastica” ricavata da mais e da altre materie vegetali, insomma polimeri biodegradabili e compostabili, certificato secondo lo standard europeo En 13432. Non è la soluzione ottimale: sono altri usa e getta, ma coltivati. Con scarsi vantaggi nel bilancio culturale e ambientale.
bags biodegradable corn starch (Mater-Bi), potato or sunflower stem from resources of agricultural origin. According to the statements of Novamont, one of the producers of bioplastics, "just" 70 thousand acres of corn and 600 thousand hectares of oilseed crops to cover the entire Italian needs for flexible plastic packaging, equal to about 1.5-2 million tonnes. To speak only of shoppers to take away the final seconds of Legambiente calculations to produce 10 billion should be 30 thousand hectares of maize. Occupy these extensions to make disposable shopping bags (the more reusable once for organic waste) will mean a large amount of water, pesticides, fertilizers di sintesi, che inquinano le falde e comportano l’emissione di gas serra.
Inoltre, l’Italia già importa il 35% del mais consumato (anche se è la coltivazione agricola più diffusa in Italia). E sta aumentando la richiesta di mais per farne agrocarburanti.
Non è ancora stato calcolato, invece, quanta pasta di legno sarebbe necessaria per ricavare industrialmente miliardi di sacchetti di carta? Quanto alla bioplastica, uno studio condotto all’University of Pittsburgh, combinando analisi del ciclo di vita del prodotto e valutazioni legate ad aspetti di progettazione sostenibile, mette in dubbio la superiorità ambientale dei biopolimeri sulle plastiche tradizionali nelle fasi di produzione. Spiega Silvia Ricci, coordinator of the campaign "Bring the bag" (see box at right) promoted by the virtuosi of Commons: "We work for the reduction of single use of any material, which should be discouraged so that it becomes an emergency solution and not ordinary. The experience that has brought the best results is to Ireland, where a charge shoppers 22 cents on the euro, introduced in 2007, led to a 90% reduction in consumption. "
A response from citizens to help and involve the "country system", you may also have the rule in the transport of purchases of 4R: reject (the disposable), reduce, reuse, recycle. We can count on canvas bags for all occasions, to keep on hand anywhere. For medium or large expenses are several possibilities: bags hooked to the trolley, shopping trolleys, for bottles only. As for the small envelopes "Mercer", it is simply to reject them. Avoiding the food and disposable save every Italian family, among other things, the issuance of 8 pounds of greenhouse gas a year, and Italian families are 22 million ...
Elastic cotton for fruit
No prohibition on the horizon for bags without handles, the ones in supermarkets and markets are available to those who buy the fruit and vegetables. Carrier bags are intermediate al mercato è facile farne a meno, chiedendo di pesare i diversi acquisti per poi metterli in una stessa borsa. Ma è difficile evitare l’usa e getta al reparto ortofrutta dei supermercati senza un “coinvolgimento” delle direzioni dei gruppi. Che potrebbero far propria la soluzione, italiana, studiata da Frà Production. L’azienda della provincia di Asti, specializzata nelle reti elastiche e non elastiche per il settore alimentare e medicale, centodieci dipendenti fissi, ha progettato e realizzato una resistente borsa per la spesa in cotone e a rete, denominata Ecottonbag. “È il futuro degli imballaggi, prenderà il posto dei sacchetti trasparenti da pesare -spiega l’amministratore delegato Mauro Mazza-: just tie the two ends and apply the label ". Large retailers could, in effect, adopt the budget with the use of preset tare screen, well marked by signage effective, dedicated to customers who want to make use of reusable screens. Purchased the first time at a modest price and reported the next time. The Cooperative High
Valsugana, under the coordination of the Network thirty environmental education for sustainable development, was the first to promote the retina in November, with excellent results liking. Info: www.ecottonbag.it, 0141-97.99.11
4 ideas on sport
"Bring the bag" (www.portalasporta.it) offers free advice citizens, administrators, businesses, merchants and their associations, environmentalists, and spontaneous movements. For 2011, launched new initiatives: 1) "Challenge to the latest sport", aimed at municipalities, provinces and regions is a race for the reduction of disposable shopping bags with the participation of the population, schools, the exercises: the prize money is for the winning school of the town, and 2) "Put them on the net!" is open to citizens, local authorities, traders and retailers as a concrete proposal for reduction of packaging, intermediate-or plastic-card when buying fruits and vegetables. Is also underway to collect signatures "Put it over the network in all the supermarkets."
3) "The single-use any materials? Only on request and only pay "points to leverage the portfolio to reduce the incentive for disposable shopping bags (paper or even mater-Bi). Mission and challenge: to accept the stores and the public, the adoption of reusable shopping bag, the best choice ever for the environment.
4) "Getting a bag with recycled fabric!" Laboratories-on-site recycling bags for packing tissue paper patterns.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
Tank Tops With Lace Trim
Meissen style decoration Decoration: My technique inspired by the Meissen porcelain.
As you have probably already noticed, I am a great lover of everything about the good things and the manufactures of the past.
's pursuit of pieces and the chance to admire the beauty in the details, they took me to my desire to give an interpretation to the Meissen manufactory as that which I consider among the most 'beautiful among the productions of European porcelain. Of course, I do not pretend to play perfectly something that would just be a useless copy (there are too many around!), But the desire, through the techniques of decoupage to create something beautiful and elegant. And so was born the Meissen style of decoration in my creation!
I previewed this technique to the members Découpage Italy (Italian Association of decoupage) in Messina in October and now I'm publishing the proceedings on the number 66 in February 2011 of the journal Laboratory of decoupage.
Watch, does not mean copying, it must develop the techniques in their own way, at all costs try to remake an object with the same colors and the same subjects, only serves to belittle the work that is going to do, you should always put their own, so only the object created will be unique and essence of our personality.
A bit 'of history ....
The history of Meissen, the most 'ancient European manufacture of porcelain, begins as a mystery novel. The protagonists are a very ambitious prince, Augustus II the Strong of Saxony, an alchemist of Thuringia, very young but very good, Johann Friedrich Boettger, and the belief that through these wizards of stills you could get the gold and metals poor.
Before I continue the story by saying that the porcelain in Europe has had two distinct periods of production, that of porcelain from the early sixteenth century to the early years of the nineteenth, and that of hard porcelain, which began in 1710 and continues today. The first news of a hard porcelain were brought to Italy by Marco Polo from China in 1295 where it was created in the period from 200 BC to 100 after Cristo.I first experiments in Europe to play the Chinese porcelain were made in Florence under the patronage of Francesco I de Medici, circa 1575, in its laboratories of alchemy, it was possible to obtain a soft paste porcelain known just as porcelain Medici, imperfect at the technical level because of cracks and bubbles and that was decorated with white patterns and blue china, and hitherto known in it all came to us fifty pezzi.Alla death of Francis I, in fact, the production was abandoned.
But back in Saxony, where the prince is kidnapped our eighteen-year old Friedrich Boettger
and imprisons him in his stronghold of Albrecht in Meissen, not far from Dresden. He forced him to work for years to get the coveted goal of the transformation of the vile gold metalli.E if his experiments were not able to make that precious metals coveted by Augustus the Strong, detect, however, a new source of wealth which, not coincidentally, was nicknamed "white gold".
And here enters the randomness of discovery: it is said that a blacksmith was thrown from his horse together and fell in a puddle. Tarnished and dented got back in the saddle and came home did not bother to clean up the mantle. This, when dry remained covered with a fine white powder. The blacksmith then thought that this dust could replace the flour used in that time to paint the wig and put on sale by organizing a small commercio.Un day, the powder was taken to Prince by his servant, the young Friedrich was curious if I did deliver a small quantity to analyze it ... and discovered that it was pure kaolin: the magical element that caused the porcelain had its birth! In fact it is the kaolin which determines the hardness of the article, because until then the so-called soft porcelain was made only by the most 'different lime products, with a mixture of silica, feldspar, soda, lime and borax. Boettger took advantage of the experience of physical Walther Von Tschirnaus and managed to make the first European porcelain, hard, shiny, compact, durable and valuable the secret of which had already been discovered by the Chinese at least a thousand years earlier, but the formula had been a real mistero.Il January 23, 1710 was announced to the world in four languages , the Elector of Saxony intended to create his own porcelain factory
whose products would be valuable as those imported from the Far Oriente.Friedrich Boettger, despite the discovery Unfortunately did not get that freedom in 1714, it was said that would work tied to a chain: the prince was too scared to come out the secret of porcelain outside the walls of the castle.
He died in 1719, very young, a little more 'than 30 years, sick as a result of the experiments that led into the dungeon of the castle without aeration. Despite the huge income of money, her prince never forgave him for not having discovered the formula of gold!
Boettger's death, the leadership passed into the hands of Johann Gregorius Höroldt who invented a formula, still secret, to increase the color palette. He designed the decoration
European standards, thus breaking away from Eastern models, which were certamente una continuità produttiva ma non furono piu' gli unici decori realizzati.
I nuovi decori si ispirarono alle scene di caccia, ai paesaggi, alle vedute di città, alla pittura fiamminga e francese. Accanto al vasellame prese piede la produzione di vasi ad anfora con coperchio e quelli cilindrici o rettangolari decorati con foglie e fiori su fondo bianco , siglati a partire dal 1723 dalle celebri spade blu incrociate.
Al tempo di Horoldt si crearono anche le famose statuine in porcellana, modellate da Johann Gottlieb Kirchner, che creò in particolare una serie di uccelli, oggi rarissimi sul mercato antiquario. Ad Horoldt succedette Johann Joaquim Kandler che diede a sua volta nella prima metà del Settecento un'impronta molto personale to all production facilities with the famous baroque figurines gallant or satirical, the famous parrots, and all the rococo sculptures depicting scenes from daily life or inspired by the Commedia dell'Arte. The allegorical and mythological vein
will be produced by another legendary name in manufacturing, Italian Camillo Marcolini that he edited until 1814. Becoming
state in 1918, while proceeding in the continuous technical updating to ensure the most 'high-quality production, Meissen still draws its extraordinary cultural legacy that includes over one hundred thousand decorations.
Some important processes in the present work are exactly the same as three centuries ago, for example, every specimen is round shaped with a lathe still in hand (or oval objects with corners are manufactured with stamps) and the decoration is, as then, hand-made with considerable skill because corrections are still not allowed!
I have dwelt perhaps a bit 'too! But if you had the patience to read what I wrote, but you do not share with me the passion for knowledge and the desire to go beyond the simple "look"!

As you have probably already noticed, I am a great lover of everything about the good things and the manufactures of the past.
's pursuit of pieces and the chance to admire the beauty in the details, they took me to my desire to give an interpretation to the Meissen manufactory as that which I consider among the most 'beautiful among the productions of European porcelain. Of course, I do not pretend to play perfectly something that would just be a useless copy (there are too many around!), But the desire, through the techniques of decoupage to create something beautiful and elegant. And so was born the Meissen style of decoration in my creation!
I previewed this technique to the members Découpage Italy (Italian Association of decoupage) in Messina in October and now I'm publishing the proceedings on the number 66 in February 2011 of the journal Laboratory of decoupage.
Watch, does not mean copying, it must develop the techniques in their own way, at all costs try to remake an object with the same colors and the same subjects, only serves to belittle the work that is going to do, you should always put their own, so only the object created will be unique and essence of our personality.
A bit 'of history ....
The history of Meissen, the most 'ancient European manufacture of porcelain, begins as a mystery novel. The protagonists are a very ambitious prince, Augustus II the Strong of Saxony, an alchemist of Thuringia, very young but very good, Johann Friedrich Boettger, and the belief that through these wizards of stills you could get the gold and metals poor.
Before I continue the story by saying that the porcelain in Europe has had two distinct periods of production, that of porcelain from the early sixteenth century to the early years of the nineteenth, and that of hard porcelain, which began in 1710 and continues today. The first news of a hard porcelain were brought to Italy by Marco Polo from China in 1295 where it was created in the period from 200 BC to 100 after Cristo.I first experiments in Europe to play the Chinese porcelain were made in Florence under the patronage of Francesco I de Medici, circa 1575, in its laboratories of alchemy, it was possible to obtain a soft paste porcelain known just as porcelain Medici, imperfect at the technical level because of cracks and bubbles and that was decorated with white patterns and blue china, and hitherto known in it all came to us fifty pezzi.Alla death of Francis I, in fact, the production was abandoned.
But back in Saxony, where the prince is kidnapped our eighteen-year old Friedrich Boettger
and imprisons him in his stronghold of Albrecht in Meissen, not far from Dresden. He forced him to work for years to get the coveted goal of the transformation of the vile gold metalli.E if his experiments were not able to make that precious metals coveted by Augustus the Strong, detect, however, a new source of wealth which, not coincidentally, was nicknamed "white gold".
And here enters the randomness of discovery: it is said that a blacksmith was thrown from his horse together and fell in a puddle. Tarnished and dented got back in the saddle and came home did not bother to clean up the mantle. This, when dry remained covered with a fine white powder. The blacksmith then thought that this dust could replace the flour used in that time to paint the wig and put on sale by organizing a small commercio.Un day, the powder was taken to Prince by his servant, the young Friedrich was curious if I did deliver a small quantity to analyze it ... and discovered that it was pure kaolin: the magical element that caused the porcelain had its birth! In fact it is the kaolin which determines the hardness of the article, because until then the so-called soft porcelain was made only by the most 'different lime products, with a mixture of silica, feldspar, soda, lime and borax. Boettger took advantage of the experience of physical Walther Von Tschirnaus and managed to make the first European porcelain, hard, shiny, compact, durable and valuable the secret of which had already been discovered by the Chinese at least a thousand years earlier, but the formula had been a real mistero.Il January 23, 1710 was announced to the world in four languages , the Elector of Saxony intended to create his own porcelain factory
whose products would be valuable as those imported from the Far Oriente.Friedrich Boettger, despite the discovery Unfortunately did not get that freedom in 1714, it was said that would work tied to a chain: the prince was too scared to come out the secret of porcelain outside the walls of the castle.
He died in 1719, very young, a little more 'than 30 years, sick as a result of the experiments that led into the dungeon of the castle without aeration. Despite the huge income of money, her prince never forgave him for not having discovered the formula of gold!
Boettger's death, the leadership passed into the hands of Johann Gregorius Höroldt who invented a formula, still secret, to increase the color palette. He designed the decoration
European standards, thus breaking away from Eastern models, which were certamente una continuità produttiva ma non furono piu' gli unici decori realizzati.
I nuovi decori si ispirarono alle scene di caccia, ai paesaggi, alle vedute di città, alla pittura fiamminga e francese. Accanto al vasellame prese piede la produzione di vasi ad anfora con coperchio e quelli cilindrici o rettangolari decorati con foglie e fiori su fondo bianco , siglati a partire dal 1723 dalle celebri spade blu incrociate.
Al tempo di Horoldt si crearono anche le famose statuine in porcellana, modellate da Johann Gottlieb Kirchner, che creò in particolare una serie di uccelli, oggi rarissimi sul mercato antiquario. Ad Horoldt succedette Johann Joaquim Kandler che diede a sua volta nella prima metà del Settecento un'impronta molto personale to all production facilities with the famous baroque figurines gallant or satirical, the famous parrots, and all the rococo sculptures depicting scenes from daily life or inspired by the Commedia dell'Arte. The allegorical and mythological vein
will be produced by another legendary name in manufacturing, Italian Camillo Marcolini that he edited until 1814. Becoming
state in 1918, while proceeding in the continuous technical updating to ensure the most 'high-quality production, Meissen still draws its extraordinary cultural legacy that includes over one hundred thousand decorations.
Some important processes in the present work are exactly the same as three centuries ago, for example, every specimen is round shaped with a lathe still in hand (or oval objects with corners are manufactured with stamps) and the decoration is, as then, hand-made with considerable skill because corrections are still not allowed!
I have dwelt perhaps a bit 'too! But if you had the patience to read what I wrote, but you do not share with me the passion for knowledge and the desire to go beyond the simple "look"!
Monday, January 24, 2011
Fanfic Vegeta Bulma Y Bulla
for short-circuit gassisti flegreo
for those who wish, you can book and buy whole wheat flour indigenous "carussedda Cilento" one of our producer Angelo Avagliano www.tempadelfico.com to 2 € per Kg
book it through the gas to make it in writing or flegreo gasflegreo@yahoogroups.com flegreo short circuit. Hello everyone
for those who wish, you can book and buy whole wheat flour indigenous "carussedda Cilento" one of our producer Angelo Avagliano www.tempadelfico.com to 2 € per Kg
book it through the gas to make it in writing or flegreo gasflegreo@yahoogroups.com flegreo short circuit. Hello everyone
Transfer Ckc Papers To Akc Papers
yet to see you Sunday
visit from Jerry jumped to bad weather, we recover the Sunday if the weather holds. Appointment
always at 10.00 Subway of Pozzuoli. (I will not be there but I can count on you)
visit from Jerry jumped to bad weather, we recover the Sunday if the weather holds. Appointment
always at 10.00 Subway of Pozzuoli. (I will not be there but I can count on you)
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Wild Pikachu Pokemon Silver
programming January February
House art Aldo Nalbone
Promotion Center Differences
Via XXVII Maggio, 12 Palermo
Programming from January to February
Aquarius January 20-February 18 Friday, January 28
Flamenco Courses taught by Rosalyn Mazzola. The course is structured in a weekly meeting on Saturdays. Hours 15:00 to 4:00 p.m., it requires the use of comfortable clothing. The course is limited. Cost: € 50.00 monthly subscription of more than € 50.00. Book by calling the following numbers 3298379593-3292197463. Wednesday, February 2
Open Book ... books to read and / or exchange, while comfortably sipping a cup of coffee. From 16:00 to 20:00. Cost: € 2.00.
Wednesday, February 2 "Once Upon a Time ..."
reading of children's from 17:00 to 19:00. Cost: € 2.00. Friday, February 4
Flamenco Courses taught by Rosalyn Mazzola. The course is structured in a weekly meeting on Saturdays. Hours 15:00 to 4:00 p.m., it requires the use of comfortable clothing. The course is limited. Cost: € 50.00 monthly più 50,00 euro d’iscrizione. Prenotare telefonando ai seguenti numeri 3298379593-3292197463.
Venerdì 4 Febbraio Seminario Esperienziale:
Il Valore del Sé
orario del seminario 17:30-20:30
per la 1° volta a Palermo Prof. Michel Hardy
www.accademiadelse.it www.unilum.it
Assistente: dott.ssa Liliana Minutoli
4-5-6 Febbraio 2011
Per scoprire quel bandolo della matassa che da sempre ti sfugge...
L’approccio Empirico costituisce un nuovo concetto, una diversa maniera di accostarsi ai fatti di sempre: riscoprire la qualità del proprio sentire; riconoscere le cose su un Plan before you understand them more deeply with the mind; highlight what we do not understand life to discover our emotional roots and find that key to the problem that seems to elude us, understand the deep level as an integral part of an order and its dynamics snatch secret.
Opening of the Seminar Experiential:
04/02/2011: 05/02/2011 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
: 9:30-13:30 - 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
06/02/2011: 9 :30-13: 30
Cost: € 220.00. Registration required by Thursday, January 27, 2011.
For information and reservations call the following numbers:
3478498724 - 3298379593 to 3292197463.
Experiential Seminar Saturday, February 5:
Il Valore del Sé
orario del seminario 9:30-13:30/16:00-20:00
per la 1° volta a Palermo Prof. Michel Hardy
www.accademiadelse.it www.unilum.it
Assistente: dott.ssa Liliana Minutoli
4-5-6 Febbraio 2011
Per scoprire quel bandolo della matassa che da sempre ti sfugge...
Orari del Seminario Esperienziale:
04/02/2011: 17:30-20:30
05/02/2011: 9:30-13:30 – 16:00-20:00
06/02/2011: 9:30-13:30
Costo: 220,00 euro. Iscrizione entro Giovedì 27 Gennaio 2011.
Per informazione e prenotazioni telefonare ai seguenti numeri:
3478498724 - 3298379593 to 3292197463. Sunday, February 6
Experiential Seminar: The Value of Self
time of the seminar 9:30 to 13:30 for the 1st time in Palermo Prof. Michel Hardy
www.accademiadelse.it www.unilum.it
Assistant: Ms. Liliana Minutoli
4-5-6 February 2011
To find that key to the problem that always escapes you ...
Opening of the Seminar Experiential:
04/02/2011: 05/02/2011 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
: 9:30-13:30 - 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
06/02/2011: 9 :30-13: 30
Cost: € 220.00. Registration required by Thursday January 27, 2011.
For information and reservations call the following numbers:
3478498724 - 3298379593 to 3292197463. Sunday, February 6
Cineforum Free:
screening of the film "Romeo and Juliet." The Italian director Franco Zeffirelli created a stir in the film world when he chose two young strangers to play the role of star-crossed lovers in Romeo and Juliet, but it was a calculated risk and the film became one of the most famous of all time, won international awards and was nominated for four Oscars. The tragedy of Shakespeare's classic has been beautifully recreated through a fresh and modern interpretation that has brought new vitality and intensity to most famous love story ever written.
Directed by Franco Zeffirelli. 1968-USA-133 '. Tragedy. CAST: Olivia Hussey (in the role of Juliet), Leonard Whiting (the role of Romeo Montague), Milo O'Shea, Michael York, John McEnery, Pat Heywood, Natasha Parry, Robert Stephens.
21:30. Cost: FREE screening with limited seating. Book by calling the following numbers 3298379593 to 3292197463.
Wednesday, February 9 Open Book ... books to read and / or exchange, while comfortably sipping a cup of coffee. From 16:00 to 20:00. Cost: € 2.00. Wednesday, February 9
"Once upon a time ..."
reading stories to children from 17:00 to 19:00. Cost: € 2.00. Friday, February 11
free art:
* Fair Market
Creativity exhibition opening at 16:00 / 22:00
a weekend from Friday, February 11 to Monday, February 14, where you can buy small gifts in a variety of exhibition stands ... you can find original gifts for all lovers: old clothes, vintage items, bijoutteria, objects to decorate the house, and much more.
During the fair, Dawn, for those who wish, will study the affinity couple.
Cost: The entrance to the exhibition is free. If someone want to expose their work to buy a space dedicated to 15,00 € per day.
Bookings for exhibition space must be made by Tuesday February 8.
Book by calling the following numbers 3298379593 to 3292197463.
Saturday, February 12
San Valentino
Fiera*Mercato della Creatività
apertura fiera ore 17:00/24:00
Durante la Fiera, Alba, per chi lo vorrà, studierà le affinità di coppia.
Costo: l’ingresso alla fiera è gratuito. Se qualcuno desidera esporre i propri lavori può acquistare uno spazio dedicato a 15,00 euro al giorno.
Le prenotazioni per gli spazi espositivi devono essere effettuate entro Martedì 8 Febbraio.
Prenotare telefonando ai seguenti numeri 3298379593 – 3292197463.
Domenica 13 Febbraio
San Valentino
Fiera*Mercato della Creatività
apertura fiera ore 12:00/23:00
Durante la Fiera, Alba, per chi lo vorrà, studierà le affinità di coppia.
Costo: l’ingresso alla fiera è gratuito. Se qualcuno desidera esporre i propri lavori può acquistare uno spazio dedicato a 15,00 euro al giorno.
Le prenotazioni per gli spazi espositivi devono essere effettuate entro Martedì 8 Febbraio.
Prenotare telefonando ai seguenti numeri 3298379593 – 3292197463.
Lunedì 14 Febbraio
* Fair Market
Creativity exhibition opening at 12:00 / 19:00
During the fair, Dawn, for those who wish, will study the affinity couple.
at 17:00 of the contest awards 2diCuori of lovers who will elect the most beautiful couple in the story more interesting.
Anyone wishing to participate in the contest of lovers 2diCuori can read the rules on our blog http://casadellartealdonalbone.blogspot.com
or send an e-mail or call: 3298379593 or 3292197463 casadellarte12@libero.it.
Cost: The entrance to the exhibition is free. If someone wants to show his works can buy space dedicated to € 15.00 per day.
Bookings for exhibition space must be made before Tuesday, February 8.
Book by calling the following numbers 3298379593 to 3292197463.
Special Events
Competition lovers
1st edition
Ceremony: Monday, February 14, 2011
The competition will begin on January 23, 2011. Couples participants can register and send their stories by February 10, 2011.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
The Office is open every Wednesday, except holidays,
from 16:00 to 20:00
Via XXVII Maggio, 12. Palermo.
E-mail: casadellarte12@libero.it
House art Aldo Nalbone
Promotion Center Differences
Via XXVII Maggio, 12 Palermo
Programming from January to February
Aquarius January 20-February 18 Friday, January 28
Flamenco Courses taught by Rosalyn Mazzola. The course is structured in a weekly meeting on Saturdays. Hours 15:00 to 4:00 p.m., it requires the use of comfortable clothing. The course is limited. Cost: € 50.00 monthly subscription of more than € 50.00. Book by calling the following numbers 3298379593-3292197463. Wednesday, February 2
Open Book ... books to read and / or exchange, while comfortably sipping a cup of coffee. From 16:00 to 20:00. Cost: € 2.00.
Wednesday, February 2 "Once Upon a Time ..."
reading of children's from 17:00 to 19:00. Cost: € 2.00. Friday, February 4
Flamenco Courses taught by Rosalyn Mazzola. The course is structured in a weekly meeting on Saturdays. Hours 15:00 to 4:00 p.m., it requires the use of comfortable clothing. The course is limited. Cost: € 50.00 monthly più 50,00 euro d’iscrizione. Prenotare telefonando ai seguenti numeri 3298379593-3292197463.
Venerdì 4 Febbraio Seminario Esperienziale:
Il Valore del Sé
orario del seminario 17:30-20:30
per la 1° volta a Palermo Prof. Michel Hardy
www.accademiadelse.it www.unilum.it
Assistente: dott.ssa Liliana Minutoli
4-5-6 Febbraio 2011
Per scoprire quel bandolo della matassa che da sempre ti sfugge...
L’approccio Empirico costituisce un nuovo concetto, una diversa maniera di accostarsi ai fatti di sempre: riscoprire la qualità del proprio sentire; riconoscere le cose su un Plan before you understand them more deeply with the mind; highlight what we do not understand life to discover our emotional roots and find that key to the problem that seems to elude us, understand the deep level as an integral part of an order and its dynamics snatch secret.
Opening of the Seminar Experiential:
04/02/2011: 05/02/2011 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
: 9:30-13:30 - 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
06/02/2011: 9 :30-13: 30
Cost: € 220.00. Registration required by Thursday, January 27, 2011.
For information and reservations call the following numbers:
3478498724 - 3298379593 to 3292197463.
Experiential Seminar Saturday, February 5:
Il Valore del Sé
orario del seminario 9:30-13:30/16:00-20:00
per la 1° volta a Palermo Prof. Michel Hardy
www.accademiadelse.it www.unilum.it
Assistente: dott.ssa Liliana Minutoli
4-5-6 Febbraio 2011
Per scoprire quel bandolo della matassa che da sempre ti sfugge...
Orari del Seminario Esperienziale:
04/02/2011: 17:30-20:30
05/02/2011: 9:30-13:30 – 16:00-20:00
06/02/2011: 9:30-13:30
Costo: 220,00 euro. Iscrizione entro Giovedì 27 Gennaio 2011.
Per informazione e prenotazioni telefonare ai seguenti numeri:
3478498724 - 3298379593 to 3292197463. Sunday, February 6
Experiential Seminar: The Value of Self
time of the seminar 9:30 to 13:30 for the 1st time in Palermo Prof. Michel Hardy
www.accademiadelse.it www.unilum.it
Assistant: Ms. Liliana Minutoli
4-5-6 February 2011
To find that key to the problem that always escapes you ...
Opening of the Seminar Experiential:
04/02/2011: 05/02/2011 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
: 9:30-13:30 - 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
06/02/2011: 9 :30-13: 30
Cost: € 220.00. Registration required by Thursday January 27, 2011.
For information and reservations call the following numbers:
3478498724 - 3298379593 to 3292197463. Sunday, February 6
Cineforum Free:
screening of the film "Romeo and Juliet." The Italian director Franco Zeffirelli created a stir in the film world when he chose two young strangers to play the role of star-crossed lovers in Romeo and Juliet, but it was a calculated risk and the film became one of the most famous of all time, won international awards and was nominated for four Oscars. The tragedy of Shakespeare's classic has been beautifully recreated through a fresh and modern interpretation that has brought new vitality and intensity to most famous love story ever written.
Directed by Franco Zeffirelli. 1968-USA-133 '. Tragedy. CAST: Olivia Hussey (in the role of Juliet), Leonard Whiting (the role of Romeo Montague), Milo O'Shea, Michael York, John McEnery, Pat Heywood, Natasha Parry, Robert Stephens.
21:30. Cost: FREE screening with limited seating. Book by calling the following numbers 3298379593 to 3292197463.
Wednesday, February 9 Open Book ... books to read and / or exchange, while comfortably sipping a cup of coffee. From 16:00 to 20:00. Cost: € 2.00. Wednesday, February 9
"Once upon a time ..."
reading stories to children from 17:00 to 19:00. Cost: € 2.00. Friday, February 11
free art:
* Fair Market
Creativity exhibition opening at 16:00 / 22:00
a weekend from Friday, February 11 to Monday, February 14, where you can buy small gifts in a variety of exhibition stands ... you can find original gifts for all lovers: old clothes, vintage items, bijoutteria, objects to decorate the house, and much more.
During the fair, Dawn, for those who wish, will study the affinity couple.
Cost: The entrance to the exhibition is free. If someone want to expose their work to buy a space dedicated to 15,00 € per day.
Bookings for exhibition space must be made by Tuesday February 8.
Book by calling the following numbers 3298379593 to 3292197463.
Saturday, February 12
San Valentino
Fiera*Mercato della Creatività
apertura fiera ore 17:00/24:00
Durante la Fiera, Alba, per chi lo vorrà, studierà le affinità di coppia.
Costo: l’ingresso alla fiera è gratuito. Se qualcuno desidera esporre i propri lavori può acquistare uno spazio dedicato a 15,00 euro al giorno.
Le prenotazioni per gli spazi espositivi devono essere effettuate entro Martedì 8 Febbraio.
Prenotare telefonando ai seguenti numeri 3298379593 – 3292197463.
Domenica 13 Febbraio
San Valentino
Fiera*Mercato della Creatività
apertura fiera ore 12:00/23:00
Durante la Fiera, Alba, per chi lo vorrà, studierà le affinità di coppia.
Costo: l’ingresso alla fiera è gratuito. Se qualcuno desidera esporre i propri lavori può acquistare uno spazio dedicato a 15,00 euro al giorno.
Le prenotazioni per gli spazi espositivi devono essere effettuate entro Martedì 8 Febbraio.
Prenotare telefonando ai seguenti numeri 3298379593 – 3292197463.
Lunedì 14 Febbraio
* Fair Market
Creativity exhibition opening at 12:00 / 19:00
During the fair, Dawn, for those who wish, will study the affinity couple.
at 17:00 of the contest awards 2diCuori of lovers who will elect the most beautiful couple in the story more interesting.
Anyone wishing to participate in the contest of lovers 2diCuori can read the rules on our blog http://casadellartealdonalbone.blogspot.com
or send an e-mail or call: 3298379593 or 3292197463 casadellarte12@libero.it.
Cost: The entrance to the exhibition is free. If someone wants to show his works can buy space dedicated to € 15.00 per day.
Bookings for exhibition space must be made before Tuesday, February 8.
Book by calling the following numbers 3298379593 to 3292197463.
Special Events
Competition lovers
1st edition
Ceremony: Monday, February 14, 2011
The competition will begin on January 23, 2011. Couples participants can register and send their stories by February 10, 2011.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
The Office is open every Wednesday, except holidays,
from 16:00 to 20:00
Via XXVII Maggio, 12. Palermo.
E-mail: casadellarte12@libero.it
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Home Remedies For Ticks
jerry by Jerry
also in 2011 continue the scheduled visits
"Tighten the hand that feeds you"
continue the scheduled visits to producers of Short Circuit flegreo.
As of January 2011 continue the visits. The visits will be carried forward friendly, informal and will draw on the arrangements for the exchange of knowledge and consolidation of relations. It may, therefore, collaborate, discover, enjoy, learn, play, have fun.
invite friends to join the short-circuit visits.
The 1st visit of the year Jan. 23 in Pozzuoli in the self-producer Gerardo Di Francia said Jerry Solfatara locations EYELASH
Departure at 10:00 o'clock - Pozzuoli Metro
The 2nd visit to BAGNOLI February 13 at the farm Balestrieri Polverino (Peppino) Monte Santangelo;
Departure at 10:00 o'clock from Pozzuoli
The Underground Tour 3rd March 13 in Marano di Napoli at autoproducers Melanie and Peter Napoli - Associazione culturale TerraeNotae ;
Promuovono le visite :
Gruppo di Acquisto Solidale Flegreo “Terra di fuoco”, Giardino dell’Orco,
Altromodo Flegreo Laboratorio per la Cittadinanza attiva
info: cortocircuitoflegreo@gmail.com;
0818040302 /0818543238/ 3382232871
also in 2011 continue the scheduled visits
"Tighten the hand that feeds you"
continue the scheduled visits to producers of Short Circuit flegreo.
As of January 2011 continue the visits. The visits will be carried forward friendly, informal and will draw on the arrangements for the exchange of knowledge and consolidation of relations. It may, therefore, collaborate, discover, enjoy, learn, play, have fun.
invite friends to join the short-circuit visits.
The 1st visit of the year Jan. 23 in Pozzuoli in the self-producer Gerardo Di Francia said Jerry Solfatara locations EYELASH
Departure at 10:00 o'clock - Pozzuoli Metro
The 2nd visit to BAGNOLI February 13 at the farm Balestrieri Polverino (Peppino) Monte Santangelo;
Departure at 10:00 o'clock from Pozzuoli
The Underground Tour 3rd March 13 in Marano di Napoli at autoproducers Melanie and Peter Napoli - Associazione culturale TerraeNotae ;
Promuovono le visite :
Gruppo di Acquisto Solidale Flegreo “Terra di fuoco”, Giardino dell’Orco,
Altromodo Flegreo Laboratorio per la Cittadinanza attiva
info: cortocircuitoflegreo@gmail.com;
0818040302 /0818543238/ 3382232871
Monday, January 17, 2011
Cramping Light Blood Tinge Mucos
Mangia come Parli: Sezione Speciale di Fa' la cosa giusta! 2011
Terre di mezzo Eventi e Insieme nelle Terre di mezzo Onlus organizzano l'ottava edizione nazionale di Fa' la cosa giusta!, che si terrà a Milano dal 25 al 27 marzo 2011, presso i padiglioni 2 e 4 di fieramilanocity, nello storico quartiere fieristico della città.
Fa' la cosa right! since the first edition of 2004 has chosen to focus its discussions on Agriculture and Food, two themes that will be central during Expo 2015, whose slogan is "Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life." Two strategic issues, closely related, but not easily analyze the complex interplay between globalization, trade and international finance, climate change, resource depletion and population growth worldwide.
We are convinced, as claimed Barry Wandell, that "eating is an agricultural act" and that "the way we eat determines the way in which [...] is used the world". Nothing like "eat" sums up the positive and negative relations dynamics between global and local actions, in both production and consumption. For this reason we chose "Eat what you say," as the 2011 special section, "core" around which the whole will be divided next Fa 'the right thing!
Eat what you say, with more than 130 exhibitors and dozens of meetings, tastings and workshops, is already one of the most important event in Italy dedicated to the theme of food sustainability: a large "set table" where you sit agriculture producers organic, biodynamic agriculture, a "km zero" and fair trade, purchasing groups; Slowfood, social factors and educational, consortia of local products; media and bloggers in the field; NGOs, community of cooks and gourmets, national institutions and local policies and promotion of nutrition education and healthy eating.
It is a cohesive network relational commitment daily to ensure, in Italy and around the world, the right of everyone to adequate food and genuine ("food security"), produced according to the local culture and the free choices of the population ("food sovereignty") and respecting the environment and the dignity of work.
A "Eat what you say," the focus will be on the quality of the products that arrive on our tables, on the promotion of typical products of a thousand Italian territories, on the reduce waste arising from packaging, the distortion of the distribution chain, the school canteen with a short chain, etc.. In summary, the importance of sustainable economic development of our country. In addition producers can present their products, services and projects to 70,000 visitors, available, even in times of crisis, to spend up to 15% more food to ensure authenticity and taste and with respect for the environment and traditions.
The evidence is all the latest market research, showing that there is a growing awareness among consumers in the choice of organic produce, seasonal, tied to the territory, because: guarantee of authenticity and food safety, more environmentally friendly in their life cycle, the history and traditions of our country.
Finally, special attention will be devoted to the moments BtoB: "Eat what you say" will be an opportunity for those who produce excellence and to forge lasting economic sustainability - because based on mutual trust and shared values \u200b\u200b- not only with the group 's purchase but also with hotels, restaurants, small businesses and the reality of the distribution, more and more attentive to the potential for innovation and growth of this world. Suffice it to mention that organic products in 2009, showed an increase in monetary terms, 7.4% (source: Ismea / Nielsen)
Mangia come Parli: Sezione Speciale di Fa' la cosa giusta! 2011
Terre di mezzo Eventi e Insieme nelle Terre di mezzo Onlus organizzano l'ottava edizione nazionale di Fa' la cosa giusta!, che si terrà a Milano dal 25 al 27 marzo 2011, presso i padiglioni 2 e 4 di fieramilanocity, nello storico quartiere fieristico della città.
Fa' la cosa right! since the first edition of 2004 has chosen to focus its discussions on Agriculture and Food, two themes that will be central during Expo 2015, whose slogan is "Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life." Two strategic issues, closely related, but not easily analyze the complex interplay between globalization, trade and international finance, climate change, resource depletion and population growth worldwide.
We are convinced, as claimed Barry Wandell, that "eating is an agricultural act" and that "the way we eat determines the way in which [...] is used the world". Nothing like "eat" sums up the positive and negative relations dynamics between global and local actions, in both production and consumption. For this reason we chose "Eat what you say," as the 2011 special section, "core" around which the whole will be divided next Fa 'the right thing!
Eat what you say, with more than 130 exhibitors and dozens of meetings, tastings and workshops, is already one of the most important event in Italy dedicated to the theme of food sustainability: a large "set table" where you sit agriculture producers organic, biodynamic agriculture, a "km zero" and fair trade, purchasing groups; Slowfood, social factors and educational, consortia of local products; media and bloggers in the field; NGOs, community of cooks and gourmets, national institutions and local policies and promotion of nutrition education and healthy eating.
It is a cohesive network relational commitment daily to ensure, in Italy and around the world, the right of everyone to adequate food and genuine ("food security"), produced according to the local culture and the free choices of the population ("food sovereignty") and respecting the environment and the dignity of work.
A "Eat what you say," the focus will be on the quality of the products that arrive on our tables, on the promotion of typical products of a thousand Italian territories, on the reduce waste arising from packaging, the distortion of the distribution chain, the school canteen with a short chain, etc.. In summary, the importance of sustainable economic development of our country. In addition producers can present their products, services and projects to 70,000 visitors, available, even in times of crisis, to spend up to 15% more food to ensure authenticity and taste and with respect for the environment and traditions.
The evidence is all the latest market research, showing that there is a growing awareness among consumers in the choice of organic produce, seasonal, tied to the territory, because: guarantee of authenticity and food safety, more environmentally friendly in their life cycle, the history and traditions of our country.
Finally, special attention will be devoted to the moments BtoB: "Eat what you say" will be an opportunity for those who produce excellence and to forge lasting economic sustainability - because based on mutual trust and shared values \u200b\u200b- not only with the group 's purchase but also with hotels, restaurants, small businesses and the reality of the distribution, more and more attentive to the potential for innovation and growth of this world. Suffice it to mention that organic products in 2009, showed an increase in monetary terms, 7.4% (source: Ismea / Nielsen)
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Love My Lingual Braces
Decoration: ... more Lapis Lazuli for a tribute to Gianni Versace
Treasures of the Sea
I love Versace
Gianni Versace è stato uno degli stilisti italiani piu'innovativi e allo stesso tempo erede di una continuità classica che ha portato anche negli oggetti da lui disegnati.
A lui, che purtroppo non c'è piu', ho dedicato questi lavori,con il Lapislazzuli in Faux finish come base e suoi disegni bellissimi a decorazione. I primi, placca tonda e scatola in terracotta ,con "I Tesori del mare" e la seconda scatola con i fregi del Barocco, periodo artistico d'impatto visivo fortissimo.
Triste storia per la scatola barocca...ahimè! Non è piu' in mio possesso e non per mia volontà .....spero che chi la possiede now she knows how to appreciate the beauty!
Rosette Awarded Certification in Orange Découpage Pizzighettone in Italy in the province of Cremona, I still have the consolation of having taken part before, the National Competition .... c'est la vie!
Treasures of the Sea
I love Versace
Gianni Versace è stato uno degli stilisti italiani piu'innovativi e allo stesso tempo erede di una continuità classica che ha portato anche negli oggetti da lui disegnati.
A lui, che purtroppo non c'è piu', ho dedicato questi lavori,con il Lapislazzuli in Faux finish come base e suoi disegni bellissimi a decorazione. I primi, placca tonda e scatola in terracotta ,con "I Tesori del mare" e la seconda scatola con i fregi del Barocco, periodo artistico d'impatto visivo fortissimo.
Triste storia per la scatola barocca...ahimè! Non è piu' in mio possesso e non per mia volontà .....spero che chi la possiede now she knows how to appreciate the beauty!
Rosette Awarded Certification in Orange Découpage Pizzighettone in Italy in the province of Cremona, I still have the consolation of having taken part before, the National Competition .... c'est la vie!
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Can You Ovulate During Your Period
Mediterranean Academy for Agroecology and the Life (AMA Life)
Gentili organic producers
On the occasion of your National Assembly Organic Producers FederBio planned for 8 -9 February 2011 in Milan,
I send you this article published in the National Congress of Integrated Medicine in Spoleto, in October 2010.
with an attachment on the dramatic health situation and Italian environmental (+ 3% per year of neonatal tumors)
cdi In order to help develop a National Plan of Conversion to Organic Agriculture throughout the Italian
and call for the immediate ban use of all pesticides Chimici, Inutili e Tossici, nella nostra agricoltura
Contattate allo Studio Agernova per aderire ai ricorsi amministrativi attualemnte in atto in Umbria, Toscana, Marche e Campania, al fine di ottenere i giusti pagamenti agroambientali per il Biologico e la sospensione dei pagamenti agroambientali non conformi erogati alla falsa Agricoltura Integrata.
All'assemblea di Milano porteremo la proposta per un ricorso alle Procure della Repubblica, per violazione dei diritti alla salute e all'Ambiente salubre e dolo reiterato nell'applicazione delle misure agroambientali cominitarie ed alla Corte dei Conti per la Sospensione immediata dei pagamenti agroambientali all'agricoltura Integrata falsa.
con i più cari saluti
Prof. Giuseppe Altieri, Agroecology
Professor of Phytopathology, Entomology, Agriculture Biological
AGERNOVA Studio - Advanced Services for Agroecology and the Search
Viepri Center 15, 06056 Massa Martana (PG)
tel 075-8947433, 347-4259872 Cell
IVA 02322010543 Email: agernova@libero.it
-------------------- -------------
priorities and concerns in the European and regional agri-environment programs for the protection of the inviolable rights health and environment
Joseph Altieri, Agroecology
The hunger and thirst ... merchants
E 'finally in the public domain that the Agriculture and Livestock are currently the main industrial emissions of greenhouse gases (CO2, methane, nitrogen oxides from the production of chemical fertilizers, etc.), with more than 30 % of total emissions and that factory farms produce more CO2 (and methane) of all transport world! Without taking into account that, due to the so-called globalization, most of the world is dependent transport of food products that the oceans far and largo.Una veritable flood of "pseudo-scientific nonsense" are thrown fed to the media, albeit starting from real data on seizures of productive agricultural land and the climatic upheavals that desertification of the land, but the main cause is due to chemical pesticides and desiccant-destroying Humus (further increasing greenhouse gases), and endanger the health of farmers and consumers.
you want to prepare people to hunger and thirst ...
... that Merchants who monopolize agricultural markets, speculating on the basic needs of consumers, while prices paid to farmers have reached the last harvest-time low, with straw (12 € / quintal) accounting more grain (11.5 € / quintal) ... never happened nella storia umana !!!
Come è possibile tutto ciò?
Oggi alleviamo a livello mondiale circa 8 miliardi di bovini equivalenti che mangiano almeno come 20 miliardi di persone, in fabbriche di animali piene di medicinali ed ormoni. Li nutriamo con Mais, Soia e altri prodotti e sottoprodotti agricoli e industriali (spesso OGM) che consumano più petrolio dell'energia solare fissata attraverso la fotosintesi dalle loro coltivazioni, a causa dell'agricoltura industriale, energivora e chimicizzata, che sta massacrando da 50 anni i terreni più fertili e produttivi in tutto il mondo.
In tal modo accumuliamo, in particolare nelle carni, moltissimi residui chimici, soprattutto Pesticidi...
...mentre 1 miliardo human beings are hungry black.
must stop, because ... well it's already too late.
E 'the case to say ... "there is too much food to eat all"
The surplus in each agro-food sector creates markets crisis and collapse in producer prices and the benefit of speculators who control the international markets , jeopardizing the food security of all countries and their traditional agricultural economies.
firms in Italy at least 800,000 farmers have shut down or failed in the last 10 years (Source Coldiretti), with an induced at least 3 million jobs lost! (While we take care of Fiat, for a few tens of thousands of jobs persi, che dovrebbero essere immediatamente riportati in Agricoltura, approfittando della crisi industriale).
Basterebbe puntare alla sovranità alimentare autosufficiente dei singoli popoli, attraverso l'Agroecologia e le Produzioni Biologiche Tardizionali locali, organizzate con filiere corte o dirette, dai produttori ai consumatori.
Dove se non in Italia?
Il paese più ricco del mondo in quanto a biodiversità e tradizione agroalimentare sta subendo un attacco mortale al suo patrimonio primario, Agricolo e Sementiero ed alla salute del suo popolo, con un tasso di malattie degenerative e tumorali semplicemente spaventoso.
Tanto per fare un esempio vorrei ricordare che l'80% della popolazione del Sud America riesce to feed into self-sufficiency, growing only 30% of agricultural land. And we're talking about those marginal and less productive, high hills and mountains, where it survives only traditional farming.
The same happens in India, where there are, fortunately, still 800 million of traditional farmers, ensuring food sovereignty of the country, even though millions of tons of food are destroyed in the warehouse, rather than for the poor who have no money to eat.
It is well known (source: FAO), which in all agricultural systems worldwide, with the increase of the average areas of farms decreases the productivity per hectare of land, since industrialization does not make possible the intercropping and crop rotations are fixed. Many systems polycultural of Agriculture Sinergica "allow double and triple production of the industrial ones, resulting in both environmental protection, health and fertility of soils. And production of decent jobs in agriculture, while modern and traditional, essentially Agroecology.
A country like Cuba, starving because of the embargo in 1989 and abandonment by the Soviets, he rolled up his sleeves and ten years of "Periodo Especial" has built a leading fabric of rural farmers from 40 to 20% of the population, recovering self-sufficiency in food and health (Natural Medicine) with organic production systems very advanced, recovering partially the traction animal. A virtue of necessity ... (G. Altieri: "The revolution of Naturaleza", Mediterranean, No. 3).
"Cibus Ecologicus primarily"
So it was said in ancient Rome, for the people of the world's most healthy and strong at the time. Where it was necessary to appeal to ecologically or biologically, as synthetic products simply did not exist, as do just 50 years ago ... reminds us of the wonderful documentary Enrico Bellani "Breath of Earth ', traditional Umbrian agriculture in 1973, submitted to the first siege of Merchants.
And it is not certain to reject the mechanization or to return to hoe, even if a large family is the desirable development of horticulture and news, thanks to the so-called "economic crisis" in financial reality, for too much concentration of capital in a few greedy hands. And then
"Mangiacomeparli ... it is appropriate to say. And we also made a mark as a guarantee for consumers, 100% Italian, 100% GMO-Free, 100% organic, according to the law. That is, we return to Tardizione Agroecology based on the biodiversity of our agriculture.
free up agriculture in the chemical industry of pesticides, toxic and useless, sold by a dense network of unscrupulous traders in the absence of assistance independent technique (on which the European community had invested considerable resources in the years '80-'90), ended unfortunately in the paperwork so-called agricultural unions, who decide in consultation regional policies.
free them from the agro-food industry made up for supermarkets ... and, above all, by speculative trade, which leaves farmers less than 20% of the price paid by consumers.
In short: go to the store in the country through short chains or direct from producer to consumer, and we teach our children the true tastes and smells of nature.
After all, this is required by European standards at least 15 years, with the start of Programs European agri-environment (EC regulation 2078/92), the so-called mandatory within the Rural Development Program (the regional agricultural financial).
But, as we shall see, unfortunately things did not go as EU lawmakers predicted regional legal and technical transpositions with chronic myopia now, they have mostly opposed EU agri-environmental policy objectives.
priorities and concerns in the European and regional agri-environment programs for the protection of the inviolable rights to health and environment
From 2007 to 2013, Europe has allocated € 200 billion for rural development, agro-ecological priorities, an enormous sum, to pay the services provided by farmers and not just for the simple income support (the so-called premium CAP), which still uses community resources to pay the huge industrial farms based on the number of animals bred, madness!
A real "mass suicide of human, animal caused a mass extermination."
Today in Italy we still have more than € 17 billion to be spent for farm financial regional rural development (RD). Money which could go to Brussels for a lack of will to convert organic agriculture by regions that do not make payments reasonable and sufficient to support farmers and organic farmers. So much so that the government thinks of a National Plan for Agro-environmental per lo Sviluppo Rurale, scavalcando le Regioni stesse. E ne avrebbe anche diritto, trattandosi di Ambiente e Salute (Art. 9 e 32 della Costituzione), diritti inviolabili tutelati dallo Stato e non delegati alle regioni.
Esiste l'obbligo di destinazione di almeno il 40% dei bilanci regionali dei PSR per i Pagamenti Agroambientali (con priorità fino al 60% in caso di domande di impegno quinquennale da parte degli agricoltori ed allevatori biologici). Ciò a compensare tutti i mancati redditi, i maggiori costi + il 20% per la transazione all'Agricoltura Biologica o per la "Sostituzione reale" dei Pesticidi, come prevedono i regolamenti comunitari di riferimento, obbligatori e prioritari.
E non come accaduto spessissimo per fittizie presumed reduction of chemical inputs wrongly called "Integrated Farming", censored as uncontrollable or monitored by the European Court of Auditors (in particular the Note No 3 / 2005). Loophole through which huge resources are being squandered AE (who should pay for a service) to support farmers' incomes in reality ... who buy pesticides, according to lists drawn up by the regions (Disciplinary integrated farming), based on assumptions about alleged reductions in pesticide use, or to "chemical control wizard," no obligation "substitution" of the same pesticides and natural biological techniques now widely available on the market. Disciplinary
anachronistic e non scientifici, che permettono addirittura un numero di interventi chimici molto superiore a quanto normalmente praticato oggi dagli agricoltori. A tutolo di esempio la Regione Umbria ha inserito nel 2010, tra le misure agroambientali, un Pagamento per presunte riduzioni di impiego di diserbanti sul Tabacco, da 3/4 presunti a 2 interventi (quando in realtà oggi i tabacchicoltori impiegano mediamente un solo diserbo sulla coltivazione, ndr) e per altrettanto presunte riduzioni di quantità di impiego di fungicidi chimici (ovviamente non controllabili). In tal modo la Tabacchicoltura chimica ottiene un contributo doppio a quella Biologica... una contraddizione palese: e non si spiega come possa essere stata approvata dalla Commissione europea, che troppo spesso "Covers" the incorrect work of the regions, regularly criticized by the EU Court of Auditors. The example
Tobacco is true for all the specifications of integrated farming of different crops subsidized by payments agroambeintali inappropriate and contrary to the objectives, the result was even negative. Thus the market for pesticides is continually raised in Italy, surpassing the 30% of all sales in Europe and our waters are mainly polluted by chemical residues above legal limits, with no less than 118 pesticides detected (Agrisole 21 - 27 May 2010, ARPA source - Ispra).
remember in this connection that according to the aurotevole Oncology Ramazzini Institute in Bologna the concept of "threshold of tolerance" is not correct from the standpoint of medical science, since any presence of foreign chemicals to the natural human metabolism, causing a risk for mutagenic, teratogenic and carcinogenic, the consequences depend on the activity rather individual's immune system. It would therefore be more accurate partìlare accepted thresholds of damage, or of "Intolerance", where children now bear doses of chemical compounds much higher since they were calibrated to a 60 kg adult body weight!
residues continue to accumulate in our bodies for decades, until we are no longer physically able to bear them (despite a referendum carried out nel 1992, con oltre 19 milioni di voti (90% dei votanti) per l'abolizione di tale assurdità dalle norme di legge..
Tutto ciò continua ad avvenire oggi con il sostegno di Pagamenti Agroambientali inconcludenti ed artefatti, non controllabili ne verificabili, come inutilmente ci ricorda da almeno 10 anni la Corte dei Conti UE. Cose puntualmente denunciate nei servizi televisivi di Ambiente Italia (Giugno 2001) e Report Rai 3 ("Ipocrisia di Stato", "Come Bio comanda", di Sabrina Giannini e "Il Gene Sfigurato" di Carlo Pizzati).
E' per tali motivi che gli agricoltori biologici in quattro regioni (Umbria, Toscana, Marche e Campania) sono ricorsi, per ora, ai Tribunali amministrativi e al Consiglio di Stato, dopo un esposto alla Corte dei Conti dell'Umbria nel 2001. Sarebbe necessario un ricorso alla Corte di Giustizia europea, nei confronti di chi consente una distorsione talmente palese delle norme Agroambientali e Costituzionali dei paesi membri.
Un attentato continuo alla Salute Umana e della Natura
I tumori e il cancro aumentano in Italia in maniera impressionante, parallelamente al mercato dei Pesticidi (i dati del Veneto sono significativi, ndr), cosi come la spesa per la malattia, che oggi ha superato l'80% dei bilanci regionali (...e la chiamano sanità).I nostri bambini e le nostre cellule riproduttive sono più sensibili ai danni da Pesticidi, diserbanti e disseccanti "arancione", che distruggono anche il paesaggio italiano oltre health, creating landslides due to lack of soil cover in winter and spring. And when it rains and the water goes down the earth in rivers, on people's homes, on trains and roads, to the factories. Even worse is spraying streets, squares and buildings with synthetic pesticides to mosquitoes, flies and other troublesome insects, where there are far more efficient forms of control, type of natural and organic widespread, the indifference of Mayors and many USSL, through a work too often hidden by the manufacturers and distributors of chemical biocides ..
Through the project called for art "Pollen safe," led by multinationals of glyphosate have been sprayed di disseccante GLIFOSATE tutte le strade del Bel Paese, mettendo a rischio la salute dei cittadini che passeggiano coi bambini o viaggiano in macchina. Addirittura nel novembre 2010 (vedasi ad esempio la s.s. Flaminia tra Foligno e Spoleto e l'E7), quando l'erba nemmeno cresce e i Batteri dormono per il freddo... per cui i residui dei disseccanti finiscono direttamente nelle acque, grazie alle abbondanti piogge si stagione.
I residui di tale prodotto sono rilevabili in tutte le acque sensibili analizzate, alla faccia della presunta biodegradabilità ed innocuità. Laddove un'autorevole ricerca svedese correla il Glifosate al Linfoma non Hodgkin ed altri studi a danni placentari anche a dosi infinitesime (cento volte inferiori ai limiti di legge dei residui in food).
stuff from the public prosecutors for investigation. In France there are lots fines (more than € 1 billion to Monsanto for misleading advertising, which for years has indoctrinated the farmers and citizens on the biodegradability and safety of the product, which many people use even in a home garden!) And in Argentina product has been banned by the courts ("The World According to Monsanto" by Robin MM - Arianna Editrice) ... while in Italy ... just waiting to die? About
, glyphosate is included in the specifications of integrated farming of all Italian regions, which will deliver even payments to farmers who use it along with many other pesticides, taking away resources for organic farmers (as was the case in Tuscany). And today we see that absurdity Organic Certification Bodies, also in Tuscany, lend themselves to "check and verify" what can not be controlled can not be ascertained, or integrated agriculture, in the absence of invoicing requirements of chemical pesticides and in the absence of a recipe that requires such sale. Therefore, the consumer is deceived with a regional brand represented by the beautiful butterfly of Agriculture (dis) Integrated ... Really a bad example of some of the Ethics Organic Certification Bodies in Tuscany (CCPB, IMC, SOIL AND HEALTH, ICEA, BIOAGRICERT, QC & I), which would well to apologize to consumers and stop this "obscene coverage" of a true work of misappropriation of EU funds. The undersigned has sent a written report strongly criticizes the current disciplianri, the Board of MIPAAF integrated farming and control procedures, signed so far by only one president of an entity of organic certification, the BIOZOO.
Those responsible for these threats to human health and the environment are well known. And the unions could act bans, as the supreme guardians of the health of its citizens, as it did recently a commune of the Val di Non E 'need to encourage trade unions to implement the prohibition on the use of synthetic chemical pesticides nel territorio, che va dichiarato BIOLOGICO, dal momento che l'inquinamentoda pesticidi è arrivato a livelli di bio-accumulo pericolosissimi per la salute pubblica e i Pagamenti agroambientali dovrebbero rendere il Biologico conveniente "per legge" a tutti gli agricoltori .
Fermiamo lo scempio dei Pagamenti Agroambientali per l'Agricoltura Integrata nella chimica ed i venditori indisturbati di Pesticidi chimici di sintesi.
Converrebbe anche ai cosiddetti Consorzi Agrari vendere prodotti per l'Agricoltura Biologica: ci guadagnerebbero molto di più... soprattutto in un regime di corretti Pagamenti Agroambientali agli agricoltori biologici, che sarebbero ben felici di utilizzare prodotti naturali e concimi organici (anche se più costosi) instead of the deadly chemical. The same unions that
Agricultural consult regional policies, which today are often in conflict of interest, being involved in the management of the Consortium of Agricultural selling chemicals, may revise their policies to a "convergence of interests" for the good of all, that is selling products for organic farming, supported by the European agri-environment payments.
Even the chemical industry, the latest national Phytopathology days in Bologna, have called for clearer rules in Italy, on agri-environmental issues (Integrated Farming) in order to invest in the spread of alternative techniques of synthetic chemical pesticides.
short, the same industry want a ban on pesticides ... What are we waiting? ORGANIC VEGETARIAN DIET
We need to reduce by at least 70% of the animals reared in the world. Immediately.
In Italy, instead of raising 10 million equivalent Livestock Units (LU), 3 million would be enough under organic farming.
thereby eliminating the need to import millions of tonnes of GM animal feed and, long stored and very high risk of mycotoxins and pesticide residues and preservatives.
would remain available to the Italians still a whopping 500 grams of meat per person per week, brought up on natural pasture (or something equivalent in PU nutrition as milk or cheese). More than a bit of fresh fish from the seas around us for thousands of km (with a bit of bioaccumulation of chemical residues of all types, who unfortunately end up all across rivers to the sea, unfortunately). If you really do not want to become vegetarians.
Do not go in the supermarkets, gentlemen ... God be with you careful what you buy. Grocery shopping
Organic farmers directly improve the health ... the planet, you, the farmers ... especially that of your children, who are entitled to the future. Agroecology
return to the tradition and craft of our fields and Masters of Wine, and Wheat Bread ... at a fair price.
Mother Earth has abundant resources for all their children ...
... but it will never feed the greed of the few who do not respect it,
in the name of the god of money and power more stupid than you can imagine ...
to do harm to others.
ITALIAN (Avoiding the diversion of funds to a notional integrated farming, organic farming competitive)
- alternated Arable, Cereals and grain legumes: Has 3,000,000 x 400 € / ha in AE = average payout of € 1.2 Miliadi (pay, insufficient, which is currently provided by the regions is about 200 € / ha)
- Mais 800.000 ha x 600 €/ha = 0,48 miliardi di €
- Olivi: 1.000.000 ha x 500 €/ha = 0,5 Miliardi di €
- Vigneti: 700.000 € x 700 €/ha = 0,5 miliardi di €
- Frutteti: 400.000 ha x 1.500 € /ha = 0,6 miliardi di €
- Orticoltura: 200.000 ha x 2.500 €/ha = 0,5 miliardi di €
- Prati avvicendati, Pascoli e Prati Pascoli 3.500.000 di ha x 100 € ha = 0,35 miliardi di €
avanzano anche fondi per il Tabacco Biologico: 20.000 ha x 5.000 €/ha = 100 milioni di €
Totale di spesa prevista: 4 miliardi di € all'anno
Potremmo aggiungere € 400 per unit in the adult bovine animals raised organically (corresponding to 3 pigs, 7 sheep, 100 chickens, etc.) x 3,000,000 = LU 1.2 billion €, so as to free the Italian by the need to import livestock feed contaminated with GM
We still available for more than 17 miliradi € to spend, prioritizing up to 70% for agri-environment payments for organic farming (about 12 billion € available) in the period 2010-2013
Or ... We can convert almost all of Italy to organic.
today, not tomorrow.
Prof. Joseph Altieri, Agroecology
Professor of Phytopathology, Entomology, Agriculture Biological
Studio AGERNOVA - Advanced Services for Agroecology and the Search
Viepri Center 15, 06056 Massa Martana (PG)
tel 075-8947433, 347-4259872 Cell
P .
IVA 02322010543 Email: agernova@libero.it
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118 Pesticides in drinking water (Source Harp ISPRA Agrisole). Stop the useless and toxic chemical sellers!
We have an increase of neonatal tumors of 3% per year in Italy ...
... The women of Life ... give birth to the Death of Joseph Altieri
E 'must have complained to the attorney who is allowed to dry out with glyphosate all roads in the colony of the United Monsanto, call Italy, even with the project called "Pollen safe ... who kills "certainly" the Bees ... and the public.
Managed by ANAS and provinces (with a few mayors to make the prohibition order).
The product used is Glyphosate is imported from Belgium and
the pesticide in drinking water has accumulated a half-Italian (Source ISPRA and ARPA) and induces non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (Research authoritative Swedish) and late abortions ... is not biodegradable and therefore, Monsanto paid a fine salty in France for false advertising ...
and Italy ... What are we waiting to report to the attorney?
The desiccant, used as a low, especially in agriculture, formulants contains secrets to patent ... even more toxic principle of the so-called active ... some suspect that glyphosate in hiding the thousands of tons of Agent Orange dioxin in Vietnam advanced ... at least investigate, or not?
first of all to die, we do un'esposto to start the investigation?
or we are satisfied with a negative opinion of the poor Tiberi of European Consumers?
the way, I was forgetting
Glyphosate is included in the specification of integrated farming, which will deliver even support for farmers who use it, along with lots of pesticides ... (AE program with payment of five-year regional PSR 2007-2013, ed), removing organic farmers ...
Stop the destruction of the environment payments for integrated farming in chemistry
Stop undisturbed sellers of synthetic chemical pesticides
It is also to sell their products at the Organic Farming
would gain much more ...
for the record has just been sprayed at the Flaminia Spoleto-Foligno and Rome and to the E7 ... in November ...
as in Winter the grass is not growing ...
and bacteria
sleep in the cold while the rains bring all the glyphosate and its formulants in drinking water and surface water for irrigation
good appetite and do not worry if someone burns you burp a little too ...
... now at least you know why.
I climb Mount Martha to 900 meters and I drank with the cows to a local source of clean
5 minutes from home I'm thinking of you and your children ... We
an increase of neonatal tumors of 3% per year in Italy ...
... The women of Life ... give birth to Death.
greetings dear
Joseph Altieri
Mediterranean Academy for Agroecology and the Life (AMA Life)
Gentili organic producers
On the occasion of your National Assembly Organic Producers FederBio planned for 8 -9 February 2011 in Milan,
I send you this article published in the National Congress of Integrated Medicine in Spoleto, in October 2010.
with an attachment on the dramatic health situation and Italian environmental (+ 3% per year of neonatal tumors)
cdi In order to help develop a National Plan of Conversion to Organic Agriculture throughout the Italian
and call for the immediate ban use of all pesticides Chimici, Inutili e Tossici, nella nostra agricoltura
Contattate allo Studio Agernova per aderire ai ricorsi amministrativi attualemnte in atto in Umbria, Toscana, Marche e Campania, al fine di ottenere i giusti pagamenti agroambientali per il Biologico e la sospensione dei pagamenti agroambientali non conformi erogati alla falsa Agricoltura Integrata.
All'assemblea di Milano porteremo la proposta per un ricorso alle Procure della Repubblica, per violazione dei diritti alla salute e all'Ambiente salubre e dolo reiterato nell'applicazione delle misure agroambientali cominitarie ed alla Corte dei Conti per la Sospensione immediata dei pagamenti agroambientali all'agricoltura Integrata falsa.
con i più cari saluti
Prof. Giuseppe Altieri, Agroecology
Professor of Phytopathology, Entomology, Agriculture Biological
AGERNOVA Studio - Advanced Services for Agroecology and the Search
Viepri Center 15, 06056 Massa Martana (PG)
tel 075-8947433, 347-4259872 Cell
IVA 02322010543 Email: agernova@libero.it
-------------------- -------------
priorities and concerns in the European and regional agri-environment programs for the protection of the inviolable rights health and environment
Joseph Altieri, Agroecology
The hunger and thirst ... merchants
E 'finally in the public domain that the Agriculture and Livestock are currently the main industrial emissions of greenhouse gases (CO2, methane, nitrogen oxides from the production of chemical fertilizers, etc.), with more than 30 % of total emissions and that factory farms produce more CO2 (and methane) of all transport world! Without taking into account that, due to the so-called globalization, most of the world is dependent transport of food products that the oceans far and largo.Una veritable flood of "pseudo-scientific nonsense" are thrown fed to the media, albeit starting from real data on seizures of productive agricultural land and the climatic upheavals that desertification of the land, but the main cause is due to chemical pesticides and desiccant-destroying Humus (further increasing greenhouse gases), and endanger the health of farmers and consumers.
you want to prepare people to hunger and thirst ...
... that Merchants who monopolize agricultural markets, speculating on the basic needs of consumers, while prices paid to farmers have reached the last harvest-time low, with straw (12 € / quintal) accounting more grain (11.5 € / quintal) ... never happened nella storia umana !!!
Come è possibile tutto ciò?
Oggi alleviamo a livello mondiale circa 8 miliardi di bovini equivalenti che mangiano almeno come 20 miliardi di persone, in fabbriche di animali piene di medicinali ed ormoni. Li nutriamo con Mais, Soia e altri prodotti e sottoprodotti agricoli e industriali (spesso OGM) che consumano più petrolio dell'energia solare fissata attraverso la fotosintesi dalle loro coltivazioni, a causa dell'agricoltura industriale, energivora e chimicizzata, che sta massacrando da 50 anni i terreni più fertili e produttivi in tutto il mondo.
In tal modo accumuliamo, in particolare nelle carni, moltissimi residui chimici, soprattutto Pesticidi...
...mentre 1 miliardo human beings are hungry black.
must stop, because ... well it's already too late.
E 'the case to say ... "there is too much food to eat all"
The surplus in each agro-food sector creates markets crisis and collapse in producer prices and the benefit of speculators who control the international markets , jeopardizing the food security of all countries and their traditional agricultural economies.
firms in Italy at least 800,000 farmers have shut down or failed in the last 10 years (Source Coldiretti), with an induced at least 3 million jobs lost! (While we take care of Fiat, for a few tens of thousands of jobs persi, che dovrebbero essere immediatamente riportati in Agricoltura, approfittando della crisi industriale).
Basterebbe puntare alla sovranità alimentare autosufficiente dei singoli popoli, attraverso l'Agroecologia e le Produzioni Biologiche Tardizionali locali, organizzate con filiere corte o dirette, dai produttori ai consumatori.
Dove se non in Italia?
Il paese più ricco del mondo in quanto a biodiversità e tradizione agroalimentare sta subendo un attacco mortale al suo patrimonio primario, Agricolo e Sementiero ed alla salute del suo popolo, con un tasso di malattie degenerative e tumorali semplicemente spaventoso.
Tanto per fare un esempio vorrei ricordare che l'80% della popolazione del Sud America riesce to feed into self-sufficiency, growing only 30% of agricultural land. And we're talking about those marginal and less productive, high hills and mountains, where it survives only traditional farming.
The same happens in India, where there are, fortunately, still 800 million of traditional farmers, ensuring food sovereignty of the country, even though millions of tons of food are destroyed in the warehouse, rather than for the poor who have no money to eat.
It is well known (source: FAO), which in all agricultural systems worldwide, with the increase of the average areas of farms decreases the productivity per hectare of land, since industrialization does not make possible the intercropping and crop rotations are fixed. Many systems polycultural of Agriculture Sinergica "allow double and triple production of the industrial ones, resulting in both environmental protection, health and fertility of soils. And production of decent jobs in agriculture, while modern and traditional, essentially Agroecology.
A country like Cuba, starving because of the embargo in 1989 and abandonment by the Soviets, he rolled up his sleeves and ten years of "Periodo Especial" has built a leading fabric of rural farmers from 40 to 20% of the population, recovering self-sufficiency in food and health (Natural Medicine) with organic production systems very advanced, recovering partially the traction animal. A virtue of necessity ... (G. Altieri: "The revolution of Naturaleza", Mediterranean, No. 3).
"Cibus Ecologicus primarily"
So it was said in ancient Rome, for the people of the world's most healthy and strong at the time. Where it was necessary to appeal to ecologically or biologically, as synthetic products simply did not exist, as do just 50 years ago ... reminds us of the wonderful documentary Enrico Bellani "Breath of Earth ', traditional Umbrian agriculture in 1973, submitted to the first siege of Merchants.
And it is not certain to reject the mechanization or to return to hoe, even if a large family is the desirable development of horticulture and news, thanks to the so-called "economic crisis" in financial reality, for too much concentration of capital in a few greedy hands. And then
"Mangiacomeparli ... it is appropriate to say. And we also made a mark as a guarantee for consumers, 100% Italian, 100% GMO-Free, 100% organic, according to the law. That is, we return to Tardizione Agroecology based on the biodiversity of our agriculture.
free up agriculture in the chemical industry of pesticides, toxic and useless, sold by a dense network of unscrupulous traders in the absence of assistance independent technique (on which the European community had invested considerable resources in the years '80-'90), ended unfortunately in the paperwork so-called agricultural unions, who decide in consultation regional policies.
free them from the agro-food industry made up for supermarkets ... and, above all, by speculative trade, which leaves farmers less than 20% of the price paid by consumers.
In short: go to the store in the country through short chains or direct from producer to consumer, and we teach our children the true tastes and smells of nature.
After all, this is required by European standards at least 15 years, with the start of Programs European agri-environment (EC regulation 2078/92), the so-called mandatory within the Rural Development Program (the regional agricultural financial).
But, as we shall see, unfortunately things did not go as EU lawmakers predicted regional legal and technical transpositions with chronic myopia now, they have mostly opposed EU agri-environmental policy objectives.
priorities and concerns in the European and regional agri-environment programs for the protection of the inviolable rights to health and environment
From 2007 to 2013, Europe has allocated € 200 billion for rural development, agro-ecological priorities, an enormous sum, to pay the services provided by farmers and not just for the simple income support (the so-called premium CAP), which still uses community resources to pay the huge industrial farms based on the number of animals bred, madness!
A real "mass suicide of human, animal caused a mass extermination."
Today in Italy we still have more than € 17 billion to be spent for farm financial regional rural development (RD). Money which could go to Brussels for a lack of will to convert organic agriculture by regions that do not make payments reasonable and sufficient to support farmers and organic farmers. So much so that the government thinks of a National Plan for Agro-environmental per lo Sviluppo Rurale, scavalcando le Regioni stesse. E ne avrebbe anche diritto, trattandosi di Ambiente e Salute (Art. 9 e 32 della Costituzione), diritti inviolabili tutelati dallo Stato e non delegati alle regioni.
Esiste l'obbligo di destinazione di almeno il 40% dei bilanci regionali dei PSR per i Pagamenti Agroambientali (con priorità fino al 60% in caso di domande di impegno quinquennale da parte degli agricoltori ed allevatori biologici). Ciò a compensare tutti i mancati redditi, i maggiori costi + il 20% per la transazione all'Agricoltura Biologica o per la "Sostituzione reale" dei Pesticidi, come prevedono i regolamenti comunitari di riferimento, obbligatori e prioritari.
E non come accaduto spessissimo per fittizie presumed reduction of chemical inputs wrongly called "Integrated Farming", censored as uncontrollable or monitored by the European Court of Auditors (in particular the Note No 3 / 2005). Loophole through which huge resources are being squandered AE (who should pay for a service) to support farmers' incomes in reality ... who buy pesticides, according to lists drawn up by the regions (Disciplinary integrated farming), based on assumptions about alleged reductions in pesticide use, or to "chemical control wizard," no obligation "substitution" of the same pesticides and natural biological techniques now widely available on the market. Disciplinary
anachronistic e non scientifici, che permettono addirittura un numero di interventi chimici molto superiore a quanto normalmente praticato oggi dagli agricoltori. A tutolo di esempio la Regione Umbria ha inserito nel 2010, tra le misure agroambientali, un Pagamento per presunte riduzioni di impiego di diserbanti sul Tabacco, da 3/4 presunti a 2 interventi (quando in realtà oggi i tabacchicoltori impiegano mediamente un solo diserbo sulla coltivazione, ndr) e per altrettanto presunte riduzioni di quantità di impiego di fungicidi chimici (ovviamente non controllabili). In tal modo la Tabacchicoltura chimica ottiene un contributo doppio a quella Biologica... una contraddizione palese: e non si spiega come possa essere stata approvata dalla Commissione europea, che troppo spesso "Covers" the incorrect work of the regions, regularly criticized by the EU Court of Auditors. The example
Tobacco is true for all the specifications of integrated farming of different crops subsidized by payments agroambeintali inappropriate and contrary to the objectives, the result was even negative. Thus the market for pesticides is continually raised in Italy, surpassing the 30% of all sales in Europe and our waters are mainly polluted by chemical residues above legal limits, with no less than 118 pesticides detected (Agrisole 21 - 27 May 2010, ARPA source - Ispra).
remember in this connection that according to the aurotevole Oncology Ramazzini Institute in Bologna the concept of "threshold of tolerance" is not correct from the standpoint of medical science, since any presence of foreign chemicals to the natural human metabolism, causing a risk for mutagenic, teratogenic and carcinogenic, the consequences depend on the activity rather individual's immune system. It would therefore be more accurate partìlare accepted thresholds of damage, or of "Intolerance", where children now bear doses of chemical compounds much higher since they were calibrated to a 60 kg adult body weight!
residues continue to accumulate in our bodies for decades, until we are no longer physically able to bear them (despite a referendum carried out nel 1992, con oltre 19 milioni di voti (90% dei votanti) per l'abolizione di tale assurdità dalle norme di legge..
Tutto ciò continua ad avvenire oggi con il sostegno di Pagamenti Agroambientali inconcludenti ed artefatti, non controllabili ne verificabili, come inutilmente ci ricorda da almeno 10 anni la Corte dei Conti UE. Cose puntualmente denunciate nei servizi televisivi di Ambiente Italia (Giugno 2001) e Report Rai 3 ("Ipocrisia di Stato", "Come Bio comanda", di Sabrina Giannini e "Il Gene Sfigurato" di Carlo Pizzati).
E' per tali motivi che gli agricoltori biologici in quattro regioni (Umbria, Toscana, Marche e Campania) sono ricorsi, per ora, ai Tribunali amministrativi e al Consiglio di Stato, dopo un esposto alla Corte dei Conti dell'Umbria nel 2001. Sarebbe necessario un ricorso alla Corte di Giustizia europea, nei confronti di chi consente una distorsione talmente palese delle norme Agroambientali e Costituzionali dei paesi membri.
Un attentato continuo alla Salute Umana e della Natura
I tumori e il cancro aumentano in Italia in maniera impressionante, parallelamente al mercato dei Pesticidi (i dati del Veneto sono significativi, ndr), cosi come la spesa per la malattia, che oggi ha superato l'80% dei bilanci regionali (...e la chiamano sanità).I nostri bambini e le nostre cellule riproduttive sono più sensibili ai danni da Pesticidi, diserbanti e disseccanti "arancione", che distruggono anche il paesaggio italiano oltre health, creating landslides due to lack of soil cover in winter and spring. And when it rains and the water goes down the earth in rivers, on people's homes, on trains and roads, to the factories. Even worse is spraying streets, squares and buildings with synthetic pesticides to mosquitoes, flies and other troublesome insects, where there are far more efficient forms of control, type of natural and organic widespread, the indifference of Mayors and many USSL, through a work too often hidden by the manufacturers and distributors of chemical biocides ..
Through the project called for art "Pollen safe," led by multinationals of glyphosate have been sprayed di disseccante GLIFOSATE tutte le strade del Bel Paese, mettendo a rischio la salute dei cittadini che passeggiano coi bambini o viaggiano in macchina. Addirittura nel novembre 2010 (vedasi ad esempio la s.s. Flaminia tra Foligno e Spoleto e l'E7), quando l'erba nemmeno cresce e i Batteri dormono per il freddo... per cui i residui dei disseccanti finiscono direttamente nelle acque, grazie alle abbondanti piogge si stagione.
I residui di tale prodotto sono rilevabili in tutte le acque sensibili analizzate, alla faccia della presunta biodegradabilità ed innocuità. Laddove un'autorevole ricerca svedese correla il Glifosate al Linfoma non Hodgkin ed altri studi a danni placentari anche a dosi infinitesime (cento volte inferiori ai limiti di legge dei residui in food).
stuff from the public prosecutors for investigation. In France there are lots fines (more than € 1 billion to Monsanto for misleading advertising, which for years has indoctrinated the farmers and citizens on the biodegradability and safety of the product, which many people use even in a home garden!) And in Argentina product has been banned by the courts ("The World According to Monsanto" by Robin MM - Arianna Editrice) ... while in Italy ... just waiting to die? About
, glyphosate is included in the specifications of integrated farming of all Italian regions, which will deliver even payments to farmers who use it along with many other pesticides, taking away resources for organic farmers (as was the case in Tuscany). And today we see that absurdity Organic Certification Bodies, also in Tuscany, lend themselves to "check and verify" what can not be controlled can not be ascertained, or integrated agriculture, in the absence of invoicing requirements of chemical pesticides and in the absence of a recipe that requires such sale. Therefore, the consumer is deceived with a regional brand represented by the beautiful butterfly of Agriculture (dis) Integrated ... Really a bad example of some of the Ethics Organic Certification Bodies in Tuscany (CCPB, IMC, SOIL AND HEALTH, ICEA, BIOAGRICERT, QC & I), which would well to apologize to consumers and stop this "obscene coverage" of a true work of misappropriation of EU funds. The undersigned has sent a written report strongly criticizes the current disciplianri, the Board of MIPAAF integrated farming and control procedures, signed so far by only one president of an entity of organic certification, the BIOZOO.
Those responsible for these threats to human health and the environment are well known. And the unions could act bans, as the supreme guardians of the health of its citizens, as it did recently a commune of the Val di Non E 'need to encourage trade unions to implement the prohibition on the use of synthetic chemical pesticides nel territorio, che va dichiarato BIOLOGICO, dal momento che l'inquinamentoda pesticidi è arrivato a livelli di bio-accumulo pericolosissimi per la salute pubblica e i Pagamenti agroambientali dovrebbero rendere il Biologico conveniente "per legge" a tutti gli agricoltori .
Fermiamo lo scempio dei Pagamenti Agroambientali per l'Agricoltura Integrata nella chimica ed i venditori indisturbati di Pesticidi chimici di sintesi.
Converrebbe anche ai cosiddetti Consorzi Agrari vendere prodotti per l'Agricoltura Biologica: ci guadagnerebbero molto di più... soprattutto in un regime di corretti Pagamenti Agroambientali agli agricoltori biologici, che sarebbero ben felici di utilizzare prodotti naturali e concimi organici (anche se più costosi) instead of the deadly chemical. The same unions that
Agricultural consult regional policies, which today are often in conflict of interest, being involved in the management of the Consortium of Agricultural selling chemicals, may revise their policies to a "convergence of interests" for the good of all, that is selling products for organic farming, supported by the European agri-environment payments.
Even the chemical industry, the latest national Phytopathology days in Bologna, have called for clearer rules in Italy, on agri-environmental issues (Integrated Farming) in order to invest in the spread of alternative techniques of synthetic chemical pesticides.
short, the same industry want a ban on pesticides ... What are we waiting? ORGANIC VEGETARIAN DIET
We need to reduce by at least 70% of the animals reared in the world. Immediately.
In Italy, instead of raising 10 million equivalent Livestock Units (LU), 3 million would be enough under organic farming.
thereby eliminating the need to import millions of tonnes of GM animal feed and, long stored and very high risk of mycotoxins and pesticide residues and preservatives.
would remain available to the Italians still a whopping 500 grams of meat per person per week, brought up on natural pasture (or something equivalent in PU nutrition as milk or cheese). More than a bit of fresh fish from the seas around us for thousands of km (with a bit of bioaccumulation of chemical residues of all types, who unfortunately end up all across rivers to the sea, unfortunately). If you really do not want to become vegetarians.
Do not go in the supermarkets, gentlemen ... God be with you careful what you buy. Grocery shopping
Organic farmers directly improve the health ... the planet, you, the farmers ... especially that of your children, who are entitled to the future. Agroecology
return to the tradition and craft of our fields and Masters of Wine, and Wheat Bread ... at a fair price.
Mother Earth has abundant resources for all their children ...
... but it will never feed the greed of the few who do not respect it,
in the name of the god of money and power more stupid than you can imagine ...
to do harm to others.
ITALIAN (Avoiding the diversion of funds to a notional integrated farming, organic farming competitive)
- alternated Arable, Cereals and grain legumes: Has 3,000,000 x 400 € / ha in AE = average payout of € 1.2 Miliadi (pay, insufficient, which is currently provided by the regions is about 200 € / ha)
- Mais 800.000 ha x 600 €/ha = 0,48 miliardi di €
- Olivi: 1.000.000 ha x 500 €/ha = 0,5 Miliardi di €
- Vigneti: 700.000 € x 700 €/ha = 0,5 miliardi di €
- Frutteti: 400.000 ha x 1.500 € /ha = 0,6 miliardi di €
- Orticoltura: 200.000 ha x 2.500 €/ha = 0,5 miliardi di €
- Prati avvicendati, Pascoli e Prati Pascoli 3.500.000 di ha x 100 € ha = 0,35 miliardi di €
avanzano anche fondi per il Tabacco Biologico: 20.000 ha x 5.000 €/ha = 100 milioni di €
Totale di spesa prevista: 4 miliardi di € all'anno
Potremmo aggiungere € 400 per unit in the adult bovine animals raised organically (corresponding to 3 pigs, 7 sheep, 100 chickens, etc.) x 3,000,000 = LU 1.2 billion €, so as to free the Italian by the need to import livestock feed contaminated with GM
We still available for more than 17 miliradi € to spend, prioritizing up to 70% for agri-environment payments for organic farming (about 12 billion € available) in the period 2010-2013
Or ... We can convert almost all of Italy to organic.
today, not tomorrow.
Prof. Joseph Altieri, Agroecology
Professor of Phytopathology, Entomology, Agriculture Biological
Studio AGERNOVA - Advanced Services for Agroecology and the Search
Viepri Center 15, 06056 Massa Martana (PG)
tel 075-8947433, 347-4259872 Cell
P .
IVA 02322010543 Email: agernova@libero.it
-------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------
118 Pesticides in drinking water (Source Harp ISPRA Agrisole). Stop the useless and toxic chemical sellers!
We have an increase of neonatal tumors of 3% per year in Italy ...
... The women of Life ... give birth to the Death of Joseph Altieri
E 'must have complained to the attorney who is allowed to dry out with glyphosate all roads in the colony of the United Monsanto, call Italy, even with the project called "Pollen safe ... who kills "certainly" the Bees ... and the public.
Managed by ANAS and provinces (with a few mayors to make the prohibition order).
The product used is Glyphosate is imported from Belgium and
the pesticide in drinking water has accumulated a half-Italian (Source ISPRA and ARPA) and induces non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (Research authoritative Swedish) and late abortions ... is not biodegradable and therefore, Monsanto paid a fine salty in France for false advertising ...
and Italy ... What are we waiting to report to the attorney?
The desiccant, used as a low, especially in agriculture, formulants contains secrets to patent ... even more toxic principle of the so-called active ... some suspect that glyphosate in hiding the thousands of tons of Agent Orange dioxin in Vietnam advanced ... at least investigate, or not?
first of all to die, we do un'esposto to start the investigation?
or we are satisfied with a negative opinion of the poor Tiberi of European Consumers?
the way, I was forgetting
Glyphosate is included in the specification of integrated farming, which will deliver even support for farmers who use it, along with lots of pesticides ... (AE program with payment of five-year regional PSR 2007-2013, ed), removing organic farmers ...
Stop the destruction of the environment payments for integrated farming in chemistry
Stop undisturbed sellers of synthetic chemical pesticides
It is also to sell their products at the Organic Farming
would gain much more ...
for the record has just been sprayed at the Flaminia Spoleto-Foligno and Rome and to the E7 ... in November ...
as in Winter the grass is not growing ...
and bacteria
sleep in the cold while the rains bring all the glyphosate and its formulants in drinking water and surface water for irrigation
good appetite and do not worry if someone burns you burp a little too ...
... now at least you know why.
I climb Mount Martha to 900 meters and I drank with the cows to a local source of clean
5 minutes from home I'm thinking of you and your children ... We
an increase of neonatal tumors of 3% per year in Italy ...
... The women of Life ... give birth to Death.
greetings dear
Joseph Altieri
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Swiss Glutathione Soap Price

House art Aldo Nalbone
Promotion Center Differences
Via XXVII Maggio, 12 Palermo
Contest 1st edition
All couples, heterosexual and homosexual, who have an interesting story to tell. THEME OF THE COMPETITION
will be awarded the most beautiful couple (according to the principles of harmony and aesthetic sense) with the story more exciting (The story that makes you think, enjoy, cry, laugh .....). Each couple must submit their photos and the narration of their history (minimum 30 lines), the story can also be written in novel and creative way, or told through other art forms: paintings, stage sets, decorative items, games, costumes and whatever else your creativity suggests.
EVENT PERIOD The contest will begin on January 23, 2011. Couples participants can register and send their stories until 10 February. The evaluation of the work will take place on 11, 12, 13 and February 14 during the trade fair organized by the Art House in Aldo Nalbone at S. Valentino "Feast of Love". The phase of awards will be February 14 at 17. The candidates will speak at the show with the judges to know their position in the standings.
To participate you must be of legal age. Age limit for 130 years. Registration for the competition is 10 Euro, to be signed on Wednesday afternoon at the organizing secretary of the house of art. The judges of the competition are the "Blue Frog" art group composed of 5 persons (first group art produced by art house). Each pair will have to send your name, surname, age of each authorization the processing of personal data according to law.
AWARDS All participants in the competition will have the opportunity to participate in 'Open Book "for free for the entire month of March. The winning pair will have their story published in the first issue of the magazine's art house "Pages Pin", which will be released in March 2011, both in print and online. The winning pair will have a reward card that gives the right to 10 tickets to the UCI Cinema.
The proceeds will be reinvested in the competition for social services.
Contact us for reservations and information: cell. 3298379593 oppure cell. 3292197463. La Segreteria è aperta il Mercoledì dalle 16:00 alle 19.30. via XXVII Maggio, 12. Palermo. E-mail: casadellarte12@libero.it Blog:http://casadellartealdonalbone.blogspot.com
Husband Chatting Online
GIVE U.S. A HAND TO WEAR THE FREEDOM 'Festival of Biodiversity
Dear Friends Jerry is the intention of organizing a sewing Masslo social well confiscated "Alice's House" and the tailoring (DRESS THE FREEDOM ') takes girls out of the tunnel of prostitution, and will implement models in an African style. The revenue, in addition to providing an income for these our friends, will also be used to fund other welfare activities of the Association Jerry Masslo. To start this project we need a minimum of equipment: A linear, TAGLICUCI, table fan, a steam iron and tailoring mannequin who can provide these free cars, or to contribute financially to the project may contact us at the addresses that found at www.associazionejerrymasslo.it under contacts
Dear Friends Jerry is the intention of organizing a sewing Masslo social well confiscated "Alice's House" and the tailoring (DRESS THE FREEDOM ') takes girls out of the tunnel of prostitution, and will implement models in an African style. The revenue, in addition to providing an income for these our friends, will also be used to fund other welfare activities of the Association Jerry Masslo. To start this project we need a minimum of equipment: A linear, TAGLICUCI, table fan, a steam iron and tailoring mannequin who can provide these free cars, or to contribute financially to the project may contact us at the addresses that found at www.associazionejerrymasslo.it under contacts
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Testerone Supplements
Decoration: The Lapis Lazuli
The Lapis Lazuli is one of the stones' most charming and inlay used in the creation jewelry and objects of art since time 'remote.

The Lapis Lazuli is one of the stones' most charming and inlay used in the creation jewelry and objects of art since time 'remote.
The Egyptians decorated their amulets studded with beautiful lapis lazuli gold and lapis lazuli powder is the substance that Michelangelo used to recreate in painting the sky of the Last Judgement in the Sistine Chapel.
A stone that has spanned the centuries, leaving its traces in works wonderful and precious.
the Lapis, or Lazure, is a complex silicate of aluminum and sodium. Its name derives from the Latin lapis and the Persian zuward , blue. Its color is blue with variations from light to intense with frequent inclusions of carbonate calcio.E 'dotted pyrites which give the appearance of gold, often contain pyroxene, amphibole and mica, which give the variations of color and white luccicante.Si trova in Europa ma soprattutto in Afghanistan, in Russia, in Persia, in Cina e nelle Ande. Nella scala della durezza di Mohs è definito con 5-5,5.
Riprodurre il colore e la bellezza profonda di questa pietra è stato uno degli esperimenti a cui mi sono approcciata per primo, non solo perchè il blu è uno dei miei colori preferiti, ma anche perchè ritengo che sia uno dei fondi piu' adatti per la realizzazione di oggetti a sfondo storico come i due ovali che ho creato per il concorso "ROMA ANTICA" indetto da DECOUPAGE ITALIA per l'Hobby Show del 2009 a Roma.
Un lavoro certosino per la ricerca delle immagini che si sarebbero adattate di piu' al fondo e per la doratura fatta a mano dei fregi che le incorniciano, la costruzione di un'opera che oltre alla gradevolezza visiva volevo che trasmettesse il senso del passato, quando questi materiali erano usati dagli artisti a cui venivano commissionati.
Il Lapislazzuli mi è sembrato il fondo piu' indicato per esaltare i quadri di Giovanni Paolo Panini,
pittore, architetto,scenografo nato a Piacenza ma vissuto artisticamente a Roma nella metà del 1700. Bellissime le sue vedute e riproduzione di monumenti piene di particolari fino all'inverosimile.
Ma tutta l'operazione è iniziata con la riproduzione in pittura del Lapislazzuli: il Faux finish;
preparata accurately the base with the bottom, I gave the first drafts of blue in its various shades of Prussia, Marina ... created the "read" with white veins, incorporated the gold of pyrite up to ... get that depth of color characteristics and nuances of the stone.
The preparation of the images and hand-gilding the ornaments with glitter and shellac have completed the preparatory work. With great caution and not without a little 'fear of the images I placed on the oval, which, being convex had a bit more difficult ', then slowly I gently placed the ornaments that were perfectly coincide
background image and between (....). A 'action, this, that can mess up everything that has been done before!
Then began the phase of the drowning with many layers of paint and then sanding and polishing, being among the most 'delicate, but has the look and feel that you can see in the photos.
The result of all this work was the first place in the competition, and even if they have already been nearly two years, I think it is a recognition among the most 'beautiful that I got so far.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Black Shirt Tie Sweater
The return of the peasants and Sunday 16 Short Flegreo
The return of the peasants. a good book
We talked about the "end of the peasantry," but they are always present and, even today, are the
half of humanity. The return of the peasants revisits the history of class and peasant
shows how it has succeeded in preserving the world, the values \u200b\u200bof solidarity and ecological balance
despite the social devastation caused by the industrialization of agriculture and environment. In
forefront of the major problems across the world - unemployment, environment, health
- 'the peasants put forward proposals and create alternatives. And to them that Silvia Pérez-Vitoria
dedicates his fascinating study, which shows how the return of farmers to be a true
own fortune for our society.
economist, sociologist and documentary filmmaker, Silvia Pérez-Vitoria cooperates with the "ecological".
has made several documentaries on the peasants (the United States, France, Spain, Mexico, Eritrea, Bolivia, Nicaragua
). He participated in the collective work Procès de la mondialisation (Fayard, Paris
200!) And has coordinated the development Undo to remake the world (Jaca Book, Milan 2005).
The return of the peasants. a good book
We talked about the "end of the peasantry," but they are always present and, even today, are the
half of humanity. The return of the peasants revisits the history of class and peasant
shows how it has succeeded in preserving the world, the values \u200b\u200bof solidarity and ecological balance
despite the social devastation caused by the industrialization of agriculture and environment. In
forefront of the major problems across the world - unemployment, environment, health
- 'the peasants put forward proposals and create alternatives. And to them that Silvia Pérez-Vitoria
dedicates his fascinating study, which shows how the return of farmers to be a true
own fortune for our society.
economist, sociologist and documentary filmmaker, Silvia Pérez-Vitoria cooperates with the "ecological".
has made several documentaries on the peasants (the United States, France, Spain, Mexico, Eritrea, Bolivia, Nicaragua
). He participated in the collective work Procès de la mondialisation (Fayard, Paris
200!) And has coordinated the development Undo to remake the world (Jaca Book, Milan 2005).
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
P &c Can Sell Personal Lines
also back in 2011 also continues the planned visits
"Tighten the hand that feeds you"
continue the scheduled visits ai produttori di Corto Circuito flegreo.
Dal mese di Gennaio 2011 continuano le visite programmate. Le visite avranno carattere conviviale, informale e saranno improntate alla modalità dello scambio, della conoscenza e del consolidamento delle relazioni. Si potrà ,quindi, collaborare, scoprire, degustare, informarsi, giocare, divertirsi.
Invitiamo gli amici di CortoCircuito ad unirsi alle visite.
La 1à Visita dell’anno il 23 Gennaio a POZZUOLI presso l’autoproduttore Gerardo Di Francia detto Jerry Solfatara in località CIGLIANO
Partenza ore 10.00 in punto - Pozzuoli Metropolitana
La 2à Visita il 13 Febbraio a BAGNOLI presso L’azienda agricola Balestrieri Polverino (Peppino) Monte Santangelo;
Departure at 10:00 o'clock from Pozzuoli
The Underground Tour 3rd March 13 in Marano di Napoli at autoproducers Melanie and Peter Napoli - Cultural Association TerraeNotae;
promote visits:
Solidarity Group Purchase Flegreo "Land of Fire," Ogre Garden,
Altromodo Flegreo Laboratory for Active Citizenship
info: cortocircuitoflegreo@gmail.com ;
0818040302 / 0818543238 / 3382232871
"Tighten the hand that feeds you"
continue the scheduled visits ai produttori di Corto Circuito flegreo.
Dal mese di Gennaio 2011 continuano le visite programmate. Le visite avranno carattere conviviale, informale e saranno improntate alla modalità dello scambio, della conoscenza e del consolidamento delle relazioni. Si potrà ,quindi, collaborare, scoprire, degustare, informarsi, giocare, divertirsi.
Invitiamo gli amici di CortoCircuito ad unirsi alle visite.
La 1à Visita dell’anno il 23 Gennaio a POZZUOLI presso l’autoproduttore Gerardo Di Francia detto Jerry Solfatara in località CIGLIANO
Partenza ore 10.00 in punto - Pozzuoli Metropolitana
La 2à Visita il 13 Febbraio a BAGNOLI presso L’azienda agricola Balestrieri Polverino (Peppino) Monte Santangelo;
Departure at 10:00 o'clock from Pozzuoli
The Underground Tour 3rd March 13 in Marano di Napoli at autoproducers Melanie and Peter Napoli - Cultural Association TerraeNotae;
promote visits:
Solidarity Group Purchase Flegreo "Land of Fire," Ogre Garden,
Altromodo Flegreo Laboratory for Active Citizenship
info: cortocircuitoflegreo@gmail.com ;
0818040302 / 0818543238 / 3382232871
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