Thursday, January 13, 2011

Can You Ovulate During Your Period


Mediterranean Academy for Agroecology and the Life (AMA Life)
Gentili organic producers
On the occasion of your National Assembly Organic Producers FederBio planned for 8 -9 February 2011 in Milan,
I send you this article published in the National Congress of Integrated Medicine in Spoleto, in October 2010.
with an attachment on the dramatic health situation and Italian environmental (+ 3% per year of neonatal tumors)
cdi In order to help develop a National Plan of Conversion to Organic Agriculture throughout the Italian
and call for the immediate ban use of all pesticides Chimici, Inutili e Tossici, nella nostra agricoltura

Contattate allo Studio Agernova per aderire ai ricorsi amministrativi attualemnte in atto in Umbria, Toscana, Marche e Campania, al fine di ottenere i giusti pagamenti agroambientali per il Biologico e la sospensione dei pagamenti agroambientali non conformi erogati alla falsa Agricoltura Integrata.

All'assemblea di Milano porteremo la proposta per un ricorso alle Procure della Repubblica, per violazione dei diritti alla salute e all'Ambiente salubre e dolo reiterato nell'applicazione delle misure agroambientali cominitarie ed alla Corte dei Conti per la Sospensione immediata dei pagamenti agroambientali all'agricoltura Integrata falsa.

con i più cari saluti

Prof. Giuseppe Altieri, Agroecology
Professor of Phytopathology, Entomology, Agriculture Biological
AGERNOVA Studio - Advanced Services for Agroecology and the Search
Viepri Center 15, 06056 Massa Martana (PG)
tel 075-8947433, 347-4259872 Cell
IVA 02322010543 Email:
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priorities and concerns in the European and regional agri-environment programs for the protection of the inviolable rights health and environment
Joseph Altieri, Agroecology
The hunger and thirst ... merchants
E 'finally in the public domain that the Agriculture and Livestock are currently the main industrial emissions of greenhouse gases (CO2, methane, nitrogen oxides from the production of chemical fertilizers, etc.), with more than 30 % of total emissions and that factory farms produce more CO2 (and methane) of all transport world! Without taking into account that, due to the so-called globalization, most of the world is dependent transport of food products that the oceans far and largo.Una veritable flood of "pseudo-scientific nonsense" are thrown fed to the media, albeit starting from real data on seizures of productive agricultural land and the climatic upheavals that desertification of the land, but the main cause is due to chemical pesticides and desiccant-destroying Humus (further increasing greenhouse gases), and endanger the health of farmers and consumers.
you want to prepare people to hunger and thirst ...
... that Merchants who monopolize agricultural markets, speculating on the basic needs of consumers, while prices paid to farmers have reached the last harvest-time low, with straw (12 € / quintal) accounting more grain (11.5 € / quintal) ... never happened nella storia umana !!!

Come è possibile tutto ciò?

Oggi alleviamo a livello mondiale circa 8 miliardi di bovini equivalenti che mangiano almeno come 20 miliardi di persone, in fabbriche di animali piene di medicinali ed ormoni. Li nutriamo con Mais, Soia e altri prodotti e sottoprodotti agricoli e industriali (spesso OGM) che consumano più petrolio dell'energia solare fissata attraverso la fotosintesi dalle loro coltivazioni, a causa dell'agricoltura industriale, energivora e chimicizzata, che sta massacrando da 50 anni i terreni più fertili e produttivi in tutto il mondo.

In tal modo accumuliamo, in particolare nelle carni, moltissimi residui chimici, soprattutto Pesticidi...

...mentre 1 miliardo human beings are hungry black.
must stop, because ... well it's already too late.
E 'the case to say ... "there is too much food to eat all"
The surplus in each agro-food sector creates markets crisis and collapse in producer prices and the benefit of speculators who control the international markets , jeopardizing the food security of all countries and their traditional agricultural economies.
firms in Italy at least 800,000 farmers have shut down or failed in the last 10 years (Source Coldiretti), with an induced at least 3 million jobs lost! (While we take care of Fiat, for a few tens of thousands of jobs persi, che dovrebbero essere immediatamente riportati in Agricoltura, approfittando della crisi industriale).

Basterebbe puntare alla sovranità alimentare autosufficiente dei singoli popoli, attraverso l'Agroecologia e le Produzioni Biologiche Tardizionali locali, organizzate con filiere corte o dirette, dai produttori ai consumatori.

Dove se non in Italia?

Il paese più ricco del mondo in quanto a biodiversità e tradizione agroalimentare sta subendo un attacco mortale al suo patrimonio primario, Agricolo e Sementiero ed alla salute del suo popolo, con un tasso di malattie degenerative e tumorali semplicemente spaventoso.

Tanto per fare un esempio vorrei ricordare che l'80% della popolazione del Sud America riesce to feed into self-sufficiency, growing only 30% of agricultural land. And we're talking about those marginal and less productive, high hills and mountains, where it survives only traditional farming.
The same happens in India, where there are, fortunately, still 800 million of traditional farmers, ensuring food sovereignty of the country, even though millions of tons of food are destroyed in the warehouse, rather than for the poor who have no money to eat.
It is well known (source: FAO), which in all agricultural systems worldwide, with the increase of the average areas of farms decreases the productivity per hectare of land, since industrialization does not make possible the intercropping and crop rotations are fixed. Many systems polycultural of Agriculture Sinergica "allow double and triple production of the industrial ones, resulting in both environmental protection, health and fertility of soils. And production of decent jobs in agriculture, while modern and traditional, essentially Agroecology.
A country like Cuba, starving because of the embargo in 1989 and abandonment by the Soviets, he rolled up his sleeves and ten years of "Periodo Especial" has built a leading fabric of rural farmers from 40 to 20% of the population, recovering self-sufficiency in food and health (Natural Medicine) with organic production systems very advanced, recovering partially the traction animal. A virtue of necessity ... (G. Altieri: "The revolution of Naturaleza", Mediterranean, No. 3).
"Cibus Ecologicus primarily"
So it was said in ancient Rome, for the people of the world's most healthy and strong at the time. Where it was necessary to appeal to ecologically or biologically, as synthetic products simply did not exist, as do just 50 years ago ... reminds us of the wonderful documentary Enrico Bellani "Breath of Earth ', traditional Umbrian agriculture in 1973, submitted to the first siege of Merchants.
And it is not certain to reject the mechanization or to return to hoe, even if a large family is the desirable development of horticulture and news, thanks to the so-called "economic crisis" in financial reality, for too much concentration of capital in a few greedy hands. And then
"Mangiacomeparli ... it is appropriate to say. And we also made a mark as a guarantee for consumers, 100% Italian, 100% GMO-Free, 100% organic, according to the law. That is, we return to Tardizione Agroecology based on the biodiversity of our agriculture.
free up agriculture in the chemical industry of pesticides, toxic and useless, sold by a dense network of unscrupulous traders in the absence of assistance independent technique (on which the European community had invested considerable resources in the years '80-'90), ended unfortunately in the paperwork so-called agricultural unions, who decide in consultation regional policies.
free them from the agro-food industry made up for supermarkets ... and, above all, by speculative trade, which leaves farmers less than 20% of the price paid by consumers.
In short: go to the store in the country through short chains or direct from producer to consumer, and we teach our children the true tastes and smells of nature.
After all, this is required by European standards at least 15 years, with the start of Programs European agri-environment (EC regulation 2078/92), the so-called mandatory within the Rural Development Program (the regional agricultural financial).
But, as we shall see, unfortunately things did not go as EU lawmakers predicted regional legal and technical transpositions with chronic myopia now, they have mostly opposed EU agri-environmental policy objectives.
priorities and concerns in the European and regional agri-environment programs for the protection of the inviolable rights to health and environment
From 2007 to 2013, Europe has allocated € 200 billion for rural development, agro-ecological priorities, an enormous sum, to pay the services provided by farmers and not just for the simple income support (the so-called premium CAP), which still uses community resources to pay the huge industrial farms based on the number of animals bred, madness!
A real "mass suicide of human, animal caused a mass extermination."
Today in Italy we still have more than € 17 billion to be spent for farm financial regional rural development (RD). Money which could go to Brussels for a lack of will to convert organic agriculture by regions that do not make payments reasonable and sufficient to support farmers and organic farmers. So much so that the government thinks of a National Plan for Agro-environmental per lo Sviluppo Rurale, scavalcando le Regioni stesse. E ne avrebbe anche diritto, trattandosi di Ambiente e Salute (Art. 9 e 32 della Costituzione), diritti inviolabili tutelati dallo Stato e non delegati alle regioni.

Esiste l'obbligo di destinazione di almeno il 40% dei bilanci regionali dei PSR per i Pagamenti Agroambientali (con priorità fino al 60% in caso di domande di impegno quinquennale da parte degli agricoltori ed allevatori biologici). Ciò a compensare tutti i mancati redditi, i maggiori costi + il 20% per la transazione all'Agricoltura Biologica o per la "Sostituzione reale" dei Pesticidi, come prevedono i regolamenti comunitari di riferimento, obbligatori e prioritari.

E non come accaduto spessissimo per fittizie presumed reduction of chemical inputs wrongly called "Integrated Farming", censored as uncontrollable or monitored by the European Court of Auditors (in particular the Note No 3 / 2005). Loophole through which huge resources are being squandered AE (who should pay for a service) to support farmers' incomes in reality ... who buy pesticides, according to lists drawn up by the regions (Disciplinary integrated farming), based on assumptions about alleged reductions in pesticide use, or to "chemical control wizard," no obligation "substitution" of the same pesticides and natural biological techniques now widely available on the market. Disciplinary
anachronistic e non scientifici, che permettono addirittura un numero di interventi chimici molto superiore a quanto normalmente praticato oggi dagli agricoltori. A tutolo di esempio la Regione Umbria ha inserito nel 2010, tra le misure agroambientali, un Pagamento per presunte riduzioni di impiego di diserbanti sul Tabacco, da 3/4 presunti a 2 interventi (quando in realtà oggi i tabacchicoltori impiegano mediamente un solo diserbo sulla coltivazione, ndr) e per altrettanto presunte riduzioni di quantità di impiego di fungicidi chimici (ovviamente non controllabili). In tal modo la Tabacchicoltura chimica ottiene un contributo doppio a quella Biologica... una contraddizione palese: e non si spiega come possa essere stata approvata dalla Commissione europea, che troppo spesso "Covers" the incorrect work of the regions, regularly criticized by the EU Court of Auditors. The example
Tobacco is true for all the specifications of integrated farming of different crops subsidized by payments agroambeintali inappropriate and contrary to the objectives, the result was even negative. Thus the market for pesticides is continually raised in Italy, surpassing the 30% of all sales in Europe and our waters are mainly polluted by chemical residues above legal limits, with no less than 118 pesticides detected (Agrisole 21 - 27 May 2010, ARPA source - Ispra).
remember in this connection that according to the aurotevole Oncology Ramazzini Institute in Bologna the concept of "threshold of tolerance" is not correct from the standpoint of medical science, since any presence of foreign chemicals to the natural human metabolism, causing a risk for mutagenic, teratogenic and carcinogenic, the consequences depend on the activity rather individual's immune system. It would therefore be more accurate partìlare accepted thresholds of damage, or of "Intolerance", where children now bear doses of chemical compounds much higher since they were calibrated to a 60 kg adult body weight!
residues continue to accumulate in our bodies for decades, until we are no longer physically able to bear them (despite a referendum carried out nel 1992, con oltre 19 milioni di voti (90% dei votanti) per l'abolizione di tale assurdità dalle norme di legge..

Tutto ciò continua ad avvenire oggi con il sostegno di Pagamenti Agroambientali inconcludenti ed artefatti, non controllabili ne verificabili, come inutilmente ci ricorda da almeno 10 anni la Corte dei Conti UE. Cose puntualmente denunciate nei servizi televisivi di Ambiente Italia (Giugno 2001) e Report Rai 3 ("Ipocrisia di Stato", "Come Bio comanda", di Sabrina Giannini e "Il Gene Sfigurato" di Carlo Pizzati).

E' per tali motivi che gli agricoltori biologici in quattro regioni (Umbria, Toscana, Marche e Campania) sono ricorsi, per ora, ai Tribunali amministrativi e al Consiglio di Stato, dopo un esposto alla Corte dei Conti dell'Umbria nel 2001. Sarebbe necessario un ricorso alla Corte di Giustizia europea, nei confronti di chi consente una distorsione talmente palese delle norme Agroambientali e Costituzionali dei paesi membri.

Un attentato continuo alla Salute Umana e della Natura

I tumori e il cancro aumentano in Italia in maniera impressionante, parallelamente al mercato dei Pesticidi (i dati del Veneto sono significativi, ndr), cosi come la spesa per la malattia, che oggi ha superato l'80% dei bilanci regionali (...e la chiamano sanità).I nostri bambini e le nostre cellule riproduttive sono più sensibili ai danni da Pesticidi, diserbanti e disseccanti "arancione", che distruggono anche il paesaggio italiano oltre health, creating landslides due to lack of soil cover in winter and spring. And when it rains and the water goes down the earth in rivers, on people's homes, on trains and roads, to the factories. Even worse is spraying streets, squares and buildings with synthetic pesticides to mosquitoes, flies and other troublesome insects, where there are far more efficient forms of control, type of natural and organic widespread, the indifference of Mayors and many USSL, through a work too often hidden by the manufacturers and distributors of chemical biocides ..
Through the project called for art "Pollen safe," led by multinationals of glyphosate have been sprayed di disseccante GLIFOSATE tutte le strade del Bel Paese, mettendo a rischio la salute dei cittadini che passeggiano coi bambini o viaggiano in macchina. Addirittura nel novembre 2010 (vedasi ad esempio la s.s. Flaminia tra Foligno e Spoleto e l'E7), quando l'erba nemmeno cresce e i Batteri dormono per il freddo... per cui i residui dei disseccanti finiscono direttamente nelle acque, grazie alle abbondanti piogge si stagione.

I residui di tale prodotto sono rilevabili in tutte le acque sensibili analizzate, alla faccia della presunta biodegradabilità ed innocuità. Laddove un'autorevole ricerca svedese correla il Glifosate al Linfoma non Hodgkin ed altri studi a danni placentari anche a dosi infinitesime (cento volte inferiori ai limiti di legge dei residui in food).
stuff from the public prosecutors for investigation. In France there are lots fines (more than € 1 billion to Monsanto for misleading advertising, which for years has indoctrinated the farmers and citizens on the biodegradability and safety of the product, which many people use even in a home garden!) And in Argentina product has been banned by the courts ("The World According to Monsanto" by Robin MM - Arianna Editrice) ... while in Italy ... just waiting to die? About
, glyphosate is included in the specifications of integrated farming of all Italian regions, which will deliver even payments to farmers who use it along with many other pesticides, taking away resources for organic farmers (as was the case in Tuscany). And today we see that absurdity Organic Certification Bodies, also in Tuscany, lend themselves to "check and verify" what can not be controlled can not be ascertained, or integrated agriculture, in the absence of invoicing requirements of chemical pesticides and in the absence of a recipe that requires such sale. Therefore, the consumer is deceived with a regional brand represented by the beautiful butterfly of Agriculture (dis) Integrated ... Really a bad example of some of the Ethics Organic Certification Bodies in Tuscany (CCPB, IMC, SOIL AND HEALTH, ICEA, BIOAGRICERT, QC & I), which would well to apologize to consumers and stop this "obscene coverage" of a true work of misappropriation of EU funds. The undersigned has sent a written report strongly criticizes the current disciplianri, the Board of MIPAAF integrated farming and control procedures, signed so far by only one president of an entity of organic certification, the BIOZOO.
Those responsible for these threats to human health and the environment are well known. And the unions could act bans, as the supreme guardians of the health of its citizens, as it did recently a commune of the Val di Non E 'need to encourage trade unions to implement the prohibition on the use of synthetic chemical pesticides nel territorio, che va dichiarato BIOLOGICO, dal momento che l'inquinamentoda pesticidi è arrivato a livelli di bio-accumulo pericolosissimi per la salute pubblica e i Pagamenti agroambientali dovrebbero rendere il Biologico conveniente "per legge" a tutti gli agricoltori .

Fermiamo lo scempio dei Pagamenti Agroambientali per l'Agricoltura Integrata nella chimica ed i venditori indisturbati di Pesticidi chimici di sintesi.

Converrebbe anche ai cosiddetti Consorzi Agrari vendere prodotti per l'Agricoltura Biologica: ci guadagnerebbero molto di più... soprattutto in un regime di corretti Pagamenti Agroambientali agli agricoltori biologici, che sarebbero ben felici di utilizzare prodotti naturali e concimi organici (anche se più costosi) instead of the deadly chemical. The same unions that
Agricultural consult regional policies, which today are often in conflict of interest, being involved in the management of the Consortium of Agricultural selling chemicals, may revise their policies to a "convergence of interests" for the good of all, that is selling products for organic farming, supported by the European agri-environment payments.
Even the chemical industry, the latest national Phytopathology days in Bologna, have called for clearer rules in Italy, on agri-environmental issues (Integrated Farming) in order to invest in the spread of alternative techniques of synthetic chemical pesticides.
short, the same industry want a ban on pesticides ... What are we waiting? ORGANIC VEGETARIAN DIET
We need to reduce by at least 70% of the animals reared in the world. Immediately.
In Italy, instead of raising 10 million equivalent Livestock Units (LU), 3 million would be enough under organic farming.
thereby eliminating the need to import millions of tonnes of GM animal feed and, long stored and very high risk of mycotoxins and pesticide residues and preservatives.
would remain available to the Italians still a whopping 500 grams of meat per person per week, brought up on natural pasture (or something equivalent in PU nutrition as milk or cheese). More than a bit of fresh fish from the seas around us for thousands of km (with a bit of bioaccumulation of chemical residues of all types, who unfortunately end up all across rivers to the sea, unfortunately). If you really do not want to become vegetarians.
Do not go in the supermarkets, gentlemen ... God be with you careful what you buy. Grocery shopping
Organic farmers directly improve the health ... the planet, you, the farmers ... especially that of your children, who are entitled to the future. Agroecology
return to the tradition and craft of our fields and Masters of Wine, and Wheat Bread ... at a fair price.
Mother Earth has abundant resources for all their children ...
... but it will never feed the greed of the few who do not respect it,
in the name of the god of money and power more stupid than you can imagine ...
to do harm to others.
ITALIAN (Avoiding the diversion of funds to a notional integrated farming, organic farming competitive)
- alternated Arable, Cereals and grain legumes: Has 3,000,000 x 400 € / ha in AE = average payout of € 1.2 Miliadi (pay, insufficient, which is currently provided by the regions is about 200 € / ha)
- Mais 800.000 ha x 600 €/ha = 0,48 miliardi di €

- Olivi: 1.000.000 ha x 500 €/ha = 0,5 Miliardi di €

- Vigneti: 700.000 € x 700 €/ha = 0,5 miliardi di €

- Frutteti: 400.000 ha x 1.500 € /ha = 0,6 miliardi di €

- Orticoltura: 200.000 ha x 2.500 €/ha = 0,5 miliardi di €

- Prati avvicendati, Pascoli e Prati Pascoli 3.500.000 di ha x 100 € ha = 0,35 miliardi di €

avanzano anche fondi per il Tabacco Biologico: 20.000 ha x 5.000 €/ha = 100 milioni di €

Totale di spesa prevista: 4 miliardi di € all'anno

Potremmo aggiungere € 400 per unit in the adult bovine animals raised organically (corresponding to 3 pigs, 7 sheep, 100 chickens, etc.) x 3,000,000 = LU 1.2 billion €, so as to free the Italian by the need to import livestock feed contaminated with GM
We still available for more than 17 miliradi € to spend, prioritizing up to 70% for agri-environment payments for organic farming (about 12 billion € available) in the period 2010-2013
Or ... We can convert almost all of Italy to organic.
today, not tomorrow.
Prof. Joseph Altieri, Agroecology
Professor of Phytopathology, Entomology, Agriculture Biological
Studio AGERNOVA - Advanced Services for Agroecology and the Search
Viepri Center 15, 06056 Massa Martana (PG)
tel 075-8947433, 347-4259872 Cell
P .
IVA 02322010543 Email:
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118 Pesticides in drinking water (Source Harp ISPRA Agrisole). Stop the useless and toxic chemical sellers!
We have an increase of neonatal tumors of 3% per year in Italy ...
... The women of Life ... give birth to the Death of Joseph Altieri

E 'must have complained to the attorney who is allowed to dry out with glyphosate all roads in the colony of the United Monsanto, call Italy, even with the project called "Pollen safe ... who kills "certainly" the Bees ... and the public.
Managed by ANAS and provinces (with a few mayors to make the prohibition order).
The product used is Glyphosate is imported from Belgium and
the pesticide in drinking water has accumulated a half-Italian (Source ISPRA and ARPA) and induces non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (Research authoritative Swedish) and late abortions ... is not biodegradable and therefore, Monsanto paid a fine salty in France for false advertising ...
and Italy ... What are we waiting to report to the attorney?
The desiccant, used as a low, especially in agriculture, formulants contains secrets to patent ... even more toxic principle of the so-called active ... some suspect that glyphosate in hiding the thousands of tons of Agent Orange dioxin in Vietnam advanced ... at least investigate, or not?
first of all to die, we do un'esposto to start the investigation?
or we are satisfied with a negative opinion of the poor Tiberi of European Consumers?
the way, I was forgetting
Glyphosate is included in the specification of integrated farming, which will deliver even support for farmers who use it, along with lots of pesticides ... (AE program with payment of five-year regional PSR 2007-2013, ed), removing organic farmers ...
Stop the destruction of the environment payments for integrated farming in chemistry
Stop undisturbed sellers of synthetic chemical pesticides
It is also to sell their products at the Organic Farming
would gain much more ...
for the record has just been sprayed at the Flaminia Spoleto-Foligno and Rome and to the E7 ... in November ...
as in Winter the grass is not growing ...
and bacteria
sleep in the cold while the rains bring all the glyphosate and its formulants in drinking water and surface water for irrigation

good appetite and do not worry if someone burns you burp a little too ...
... now at least you know why.
I climb Mount Martha to 900 meters and I drank with the cows to a local source of clean
5 minutes from home I'm thinking of you and your children ... We
an increase of neonatal tumors of 3% per year in Italy ...
... The women of Life ... give birth to Death.
greetings dear
Joseph Altieri


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